Why Blog with Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Blog with Students


It makes me cry to see how many tears have fallen for the innocent lives lost ... Sally, who writes and publishes poems and song lyrics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: blog | cry | make | poems | students | that | you


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why Blog with Students

Why Blog with Students
  • 21st century learning

Because I could see the effect they had on my
own learning
  • http//theopenclassroom.blogspot.com/2005/12/2005-
  • http//theopenclassroom.blogspot.com/2005/08/class

I decided to try them with two classes in 2005
  • http//mcleayere1.edublogs.org/
  • http//erea.edublogs.org/

  • I used the blogs as a means of reflecting
    metacognitively on their process of doing tasks
    for assessment. I taught them about metacognition
    and asked them to practice it

  • I introduced blogging as another way of learning

Thinking and planning
  • http//theopenclassroom.blogspot.com/2005/08/good-
  • http//erea.edublogs.org/2005/08/29/more-on-bloggi

What sort of learning experiences do our students
  • In the 21st century
  • We want learners who are motivated to be lifelong
  • Critically literate in every way
  • Digital citizens
  • Reflective and compassionate
  • Im sure you can add to this list

  • The connections they made with students in other
    classrooms were very funny and educational

October 17, 2005Thanx Guys! NOT!
  • hey guys how r ya? can someone plaese comment on
    my blogs coz noone is and its getting a bit
    annoying. ok its not that anoying its really
    buggin me! wats the point of writing one of these
    things if nones going 2 read it? if nones going
    to readit then why am i writting this now? i
    could write heaps or absolutly nothing and noone
    would no the difference coz noones reads my blogs
    why am i even comlaining noone will b able to c
    how annoyd i am that im riting this for no
    reason. this is really anoying! im sorry this is
    a really angry blog! i usually write really happy
    PERSON! argh! why do i even rite that coz noones
    gonna read it so noones gonna c wether i am a
    happy person or not! does any1 really care? i
    dont think so! i was really hoping that id c some
    comments on my last blogs. to no that im not
    wasting my time just siting here typing away
    hoping that someone will c wat i rote and read it
    and even if they do read i dont no coz noones
    comented! i hope that someone will read this blog
    and send a comment! and then u might c a happy
    blog! but does any1 care? i think not coz noone
    reads my blogs!

Comments from classmates
  • hello emma,u need 2 relax I thought I should
    comment because u want someone 2 so here it is a
    comment lol.r u gonna c the new harry potter
    movie wen it comes out? we r gonna c it on
    december 1.well im done now bye.april
  • Comment by April October 19, 2005 _at_ 1134 pm
  • hey emma!Dont worry i read it! Its good that ur
    a happy personi hope i am! so now that i have
    sent a comment i expect a happy blog next
    time!neway now i have to go and set up my blog
    account so then i can see all of your blogs!P.s
    wat are you doin this w/e?P.P.S We are the
    champions (we are goin to win 2morro!)Love
    Courtney xoxo
  • Comment by Courtney October 19, 2005 _at_ 1142

Comments from outside
  • I like the negative stuff. Comment by catlin
  • Hi, My name is Jeff. I live in Snow Lake,
    Manitoba, Canada. I read your blog. I think you
    did a good job. It is very greatly done. Mabee
    you should keep writing and improving it. xoxo
  • well, you talk really negative, and you might
    wnat to read over your blogs because you seem to
    make a lot of spelling mistakes.!! buhbi Comment
    by Hillary October 24, 2005

  • negative stuff is funny
  • Comment by joellee October 24, 2005 _at_ 424 pm
  • hey my name iss drew i live in jeffs town and i
    read your blog and its not very well writen but
    anyways you should keep writing beacous your
    stuff ia prety funny
  • Comment by Drew October 24, 2005 _at_ 426 pm
  • http//www.classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_

  • These had been semester long units so I decided
    to try blogging with a class for a year in 2006
    and chose the year eights
  • http//mccyeareight.learnerblogs.org/2006/02/15/o

Blogs for reading
  • This time I used blogs to discuss their reading
    and viewing
  • http//mccyeareight.learnerblogs.org/2006/03/26/w

And poetry
  • Again the interactions between the students (and
    parents) were more than I could have hoped for.
  • http//princess101.learnerblogs.org/2006/04/20/po

Sometimes they say things you like
  • http//gracieh.learnerblogs.org/2006/08/27/teache

other times not so much (but at least theyre
  • WHaT HaVe i LeaRNT THRouGH BLoGGiNG? not much
    reallijuz how 2 actualli blog i guess
  • WHaT WuLD Yoo SaY 2 oTHeR YR 8'S aBouT THa
    wuld say why. i dont realli get tha point of it
  • SoMe PeoPLe SaY THaT iF BLoGGiNG iS JuZ a
    DiFFeReNT WaY oF LeaRiNG WaT Do Yoo Sai aBouT
    THa PoSSiBiLiTie oF uSiNG BLoGS 2 LeaRN? i dont
    understand how yoo learn 4rom blogs so i think it
    wuld b we a kinda stoopid idea.4rom my point of

Writing their way into knowledge like Grace
  • What Have You Learned Through Blogging?
  • To be honest, Im not exaclty sure what Ive
    learnt through blogging. I suppose it has helped
    a great deal with my typing, Ive realised that I
    use a bit to much slang and I need help with my
    grammar (which is what weve been recently doing
    in our classes). Ive learnt about safety issues
    on the internet overall, how to write a simile
    poem like a bird learning to fly (scroll further
    down for more information). Ive researched and
    discovered some facts and events that have
    occured in world wars. This is thanks to our
    class novel Mr. Tom and last Ive learnt how to
    put myself in other peoples positions such as
    placing myself in the teachers shoes and trying
    to imagine how difficult it really is. So come to
    think of itIve learnt a fair bit.

Writing about blogging like professionals Zoe
  • I have read many different opinions on blogging,
    so I have decided to write a post based on my own
    idea of blogging. I have answered the questions
    that Mrs McLeay set for us to answer, but I have
    also compared my answer with what other people
  • What have you learned through blogging?
  • Fran Through blogging I have learnt about what
    different people think and what issues people
    like to address. It has helped me come to
    understand what different girls in my class and
    around the world write and think about the same
    issues and the way they respond to these.
    Blogging is all about sharing thoughts and
    feelings with other people

Zoes blog
  • http//casper.learnerblogs.org/2006/11/26/bloggin

Next time round
  • I have learnt about blogging as well, and the
    same class, Recreating the Writer, has had
    better quality blogging the second time round.

Edens blog
  • http//eden04.edublogs.org/2006/10/12/the-world/
  • Watching the news Ive come to the realisation
    that the world is in fact breaking. Terrorist,
    bombs, suicide, droughts, murder the list just
    goes on and it makes me worry how the world got
    like this. How one person could have so much hate
    to take another ones life. It makes me cry to see
    how many tears have fallen for the innocent lives
    lost and how it only seems to be getting worse.
    But then I see things like little Bindy who is so
    brave. You see she has a great heart and the way
    she is carrying on her dads work gives me a
    little bit of hope that there is still more good
    then evil out there in the world. Cont

Publishing poetry
  • While on holiday I had to write my I am poem
    and some of my inspiration came from these few
    things. So I would like to show you it.

I am
  • I am the flower and the window
  • I wonder how many people will see through me
  • I hear the shattering of glass
  • I see people try to break me
  • I want people to see the life inside the body
  • I am the flower and the window
  • I pretend to be something Im not
  • I feel ashamed of the lack of courage I have
  • I touch the music and the words I write
  • I worry they reveal to much
  • I cry as I know no one will hear them
  • I am the flower and the window
  • I understand there are worse off then I
  • I say I know the world is breaking
  • I dream of a day when there is know more
  • I try to help those I can
  • I hope one day Ill make a difference

Great blog posts
  • I decided to do what a fellow blogger suggested
    and recognise the good blog posts
  • http//mccb.edublogs.org/2006/09/14/some-great-bl

To learn
  • But there is still a lot to learn. I need to
    insist that students link to what theyre writing
    about to prevent people like Derek from having to
    take risks like this one

Keshias Quill what I learnt through blogging
  • http//keshia08.edublogs.org/2006/11/23/what-i-le
  •   One. SPAM IS EVIL!!! (Sorrytoo much sugar for
  •   Two. I learned a lot about the environment
    thanks to my fellow blogger Derek. (He wrote some
    real detailed stuff)
  • Three. I found out just how easy it is to
    communiate with someone from another country or
    maybe on the other side of the world. Are you
    guys in Canada enjoying yourummis it Autumn up

Dereks comment
  • Hey!! Thanks for mentioning me in your blog
    (Well, I hope you are talking about me, otherwise
    this would be humiliating ).
  • SPAM IS EVIL!! I remember when I got a whole lot
    of spam. Luckily, I have my comments sent to
    moderation. Also, Bad Behaviour blocks some
  • I agree that you can learn lots from blogging...

The Power of Comments
  • As you can see the life-blood of blogging is its
  • comments

Shaping our learning through comments
  • Anne Davis muses that
  • Students need practice with the standards that
    are being taught. Blogging is a great way to
    provide that practice helps make it authentic
    and important to the student. They have ownership
    classroom discussions are very important
    crucial to take the time to share and reflect on
    how the comments are shaping our learning.

How to teach commenting (and why)
  • Vicki Davis in Georgia USA has a very useful blog
    post on this, including
  • You show the blog author that "you hear them"
  • Beginners who comment will receive the feedback
    that will keep them blogging and push them to
  • Remember the power of words
  • Teach commenting

Some comment starters
  • This made me think about.
  • I wonder why.
  • Your writing made me form an opinion about.
  • This post is relevant because.
  • Your writing made me think that we should.
  • I wish I understood why.
  • This is important because.

Recent examples of class blogs
Mirandas blog
  • But, first of all I wanted to talk about writing.
    I absolutely love writing, and its what I spend
    most of my time doing I write to penpals, epals,
    people I know, myself I keep several blogs, a
    journal, several folders full of random
    ramblings, poetry, songs, fanfiction, stories,
    characters And after all this, I still dont
    know what career Im going to choose. Id love to
    be something to do with writing, but my problem
    is I dont know what, or even if Im good enough
    All I know is that I really love writing.

She finishes
  • And I will shut up about my story and Cael. I
    could go on forever, and I doubt anyone is
    reading this. X)
  • Miranda was thrilled to receive comments from
    England and the US among others

Year 7 bloggers
  • Sally, who writes and publishes poems and song
  • Heather, who writes about what she is thinking
    about good and evil, politics and history

Some practical handouts
  • Blogs can be set up for free at a few different
  • - http//www.learnerblogs.org (for students)
  • - http//www.edublogs.org (for teachers)
  • - http//classblogmeister.com
  • Once you have set up a blog, either for yourself,
    or for your students, you can immediately begin
    writing and editing posts. It is simply like a
    word processor. After finishing writing, simply
    click save and what has been written
    automatically goes on the Internet for everyone
    to read.

  • Your blogs appearance can be customized. Simply
    click on the Presentation tab at the top and
    choose the theme that you like. Many of these
    themes can be further customized allowing you to
    place a chatbox, lists of links to other places
    on the Internet, etc.
  • One of the main advantages of blogging is that
    students can write a post and others either in
    the class or anywhere else around the world can
    write comments on them. To leave a comment, click
    on Add a Comment on the actual post and write
    what you would like.

  • Writing online is different from writing on a
    piece of paper because it can have more stuff on
    it. For example, a blog post doesnt only need to
    be written text. It can also include pictures,
    videos, links to other websites, etc. We use
    three rules for writing posts
  • 1. Divide long pieces of writing into pieces
    using sub titles.
  • 2. Include links, pictures, videos, etc. to give
    people more information.
  • 3. Include a catchy title

Teaching with blogs and wikis
  • Using wikis and blogs in a classroom feels
    different. It should be different. It is meant to

According to Clarence
  • Using wikis and blogs and other online tools is
    not meant to be something that we struggle to do,
    trying to find time to fit them in on top of all
    of the regular things we do in our classroom.
    Wikis and blogs are meant to be regular.

  • Think about it. Kids are motivated. They often
    want to write more and they want to write better,
    using proper grammar and spelling because they
    know they have an audience who will read their

Interactivity and social networking
  • As you know, blogging isnt the only form of
    social networking that is useful in education
  • There are also wikis

Two recent examples of global collaboration
  • The Flat Classroom Project
  • This is between schools in Georgia, USA and
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • http//flatclassroomproject.wikispaces.com/

The Horizon Project
  • This is between schools in Australia, USA,
    Bangladesh, Austria and China
  • http//horizonproject.wikispaces.com/

Blogging isnt the answer to the most serious
  • But it is a tool for learning. and I cannot now
    imagine learning or teaching without using blogs.

Resources not elsewhere mentioned
  • http//anne.teachesme.com/2007/05/11/shaping-our-l
  • http//anne.teachesme.com/2006/02/22/thinking-abou

  • http//coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2006/08/how-to-
  • http//jomcleay.com/year9
  • http//mrsmac2022.learnerblogs.org

  • http//remoteaccess.typepad.com/remote_access/file
  • http//remoteaccess.typepad.com/remote_access/2007
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