Chapter 12- GUI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12- GUI


Before 1983, everything was command line interfaces and text menus. Now have a pointing device, and clickable/moveable objects on the screen. What our GUI's have ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 12- GUI

Chapter 12- GUIs, Java, and Swing.
  • What are GUIs
  • How Java does GUIs- Swing
  • Buttons
  • Containers
  • Text I/O and Swing
  • Review

GUIs and theory.
What is a GUI?
  • GUI- Graphical User Interface.
  • Pronounced Gooey.
  • Before 1983, everything was command line
    interfaces and text menus.
  • Now have a pointing device, and
    clickable/moveable objects on the screen.

What our GUIs have
  • Windows, menus, and buttons
  • Uses the Event Driven programming model. A fairly
    large shift from command line programming(what we
    have been doing so far).

Event Driven programming
  • The program sets up the GUI and waits to see what
    the user does.
  • Any user action fires an event.
  • This event is caught and handled by the
    appropriate listener (event handler).

Event model example.
  • Imagine the work of a worker who only does what
    their boss tells them to.
  • The worker just sits around until the boss comes
    up and tells them to Write a report A (an event
    is fired) The worker creates the report and is
    finished(the event is handled). The worker then
    begins waiting for the next request(continues

Paradigm shift
  • You dont determine the order of how the program
    is executed. The order of the events(which are
    fired when the user does something in a
    particular order) determines the order.

An example.
  • In our previous grocery program, we asked the
    user first how many oranges they want, then eggs,
    then apples, watermelons, and bagels.
  • In a graphical version of a shopping cart, the
    user can choose these items in any order, or not
    choose an item at all.

GUIs, Java, and Swing
Swing-How Java does GUIs
  • Ever since Java 1.2 (Java 2), the Graphical User
    Interfaces for Java have been created using
    Swing. Before Java 1.2, awt was used (it is still
    included and still gives us functionality we need
  • Swing is faster and has more options.

Beginning tips for GUI programming.
  • Save your work often! If your GUI crashes in a
    way such that your computer becomes unresponsive
    you may need to restart your computer and lose
    unsaved work.
  • Copy someone elses base work and modify it (This
    does not mean to cheat).

A (good) first window class
Always extend from JFrame
import javax.swing. public class FirstWindow
extends JFrame public static final int
WIDTH300 public static final int
HEIGHT200 public FirstWindow()
setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT) JLabel myLabel new
JLabel(Howdy.) getContentPane().add(myLabel)
WindowDestroyer listener new
WindowDestroyer() addWindowListener(listener)

Sets the size of the frame
Adds the text Howdy to the frame.
Makes the window close when you click on the X
(event driven listener)
Using the first window class
import javax.swing. public class
FirstWindowDemo public static void
main(String args) FirstWindow window1
new FirstWindow() window1.setVisible(true) Fi
rstWindow window2 new FirstWindow()
Makes one of our windows(frames)
Allows us to see the frame that has been made.
Import statements
  • Usually want to import the following three
  • javax.swing.
  • java.awt.
  • java.awt.event.

  • Used to create a window that we can put stuff
    into like buttons, text labels, text boxes,
    drop-down lists, menus, etc.
  • For every method in the constructor that didnt
    have an object to the left, the code was using
    this implicitly, so those are methods of JFrame.

SetSize(int width, int height)
  • Sets the size of the window in pixels. Makes it
    width x height. The larger the number, the bigger
    it is on the screen. Be careful that you dont
    set it to something larger than the resolution on
    your screen.

  • new Jlabel(String) creates a new JLabel and sets
    the text of the label to the string passed in.
  • Once you have created it, you need to make sure
    that you add it to a container for it to be seen.

  • Returns a Container object that represents the
    area that you can put things into in a JFrame.
  • This is where you add things that you want to
    show up on the JFrame.
  • Dont add things directly to the JFrame, it wont
    work. Always add to the content pane.

Window listeners and destroyers.
  • Always need to create a window destroyer and add
    it to the JFrame. Else you wont be able to close
    the window.
  • Use addWindowListener(WindowDestroyer object) to
    add the listener to the window(listens for the
    close-window event, basically).

WindowDestroyer code
public class WindowDestroyer extends
WindowAdapter public void windowClosing(WindowE
vent e) System.exit(0)
Just copy this code directly. Dont worry about
trying to ever create it from scratch. It is
provided on the Savitch CD.
To see your creation.
  • Create an object of that GUI type
  • FirstWindow w new FirstWindow()
  • Must set it to be visible
  • w.setVisible(true)

Other methods of JFrame
  • setBackground(Color c)
  • setForeground(Color c)
  • Where c is a color like Color.darkGray Color.gray Color.white
Extra Colors
  • We can create any color that we want in the
    standard RGB color space with each component
    having values 0-255 (or 0.0 1.0).

int red105, green45, blue205 Color aColor
new Color(red, green, blue) setBackground(aColor)
// or like on the previous slide setForeground(C
New Layouts.
  • When we add things to containers, Java tries to
    figure out what it thinks is the best possible
    layout for the items.
  • We can override Javas default way of placing
    things on the screen by changing our layout

Default Layout Manager- BorderLayout.
  • The default layout manager that Java uses is
  • See page 785 to see what the BorderLayout manager
    tries to do.
  • The BorderLayout manager will try to fill up the
    whole section with the object that you
    add(buttons look huge).

Adding content to specific positions in
  • When you give your add command, put in a second
    argument to say where you want it to go(else it
    goes in BorderLayout.CENTER).

Container contentPane getContentPane() contentP
ane.add(aLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH) contentPane.a
dd(bLabel, BorderLayout.EAST) contentPane.add(cLa
bel, South) contentPane.add(dLabel)//adds to
center. contentPane.add(eLabel, Center)
Setting your layout manager
  • Use the setLayout method of the container to set
    your manager

Container contentPane getContentPane() content
Pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()) or contentPane
.setLayout(new FlowLayout()) or contentPane.setLa
yout(new GridLayout(4,3))
  • Simplest manager.
  • Elements are added one after the other from left
    to right, and they are evenly spaced.
  • Laid out in the order you add them to the

contentPane.add(aLabel) //no second
argument. //nothing else to //specify.
  • Constructed differently.
  • new GridLayout(int rows, int cols) creates a
    evenly spaced grid of the specified number of
    rows and columns.
  • Adds content to a single cell left to right, top
    to bottom, one cell at a time.
  • Cant skip cells

contentPane.add(aLabel) //no second argument.
Many more layout managers.
  • You are not limited to only these three layout
    managers. There are many more and you can create
    your own. Some other examples are
  • GridBagLayout
  • CardLayout
  • BoxLayout.
  • See the documentation for more.

Basic Swing Review
  • What class do we use to create a window in Swing?
  • What class do we use to create some visible text
    in Swing?
  • What classes do we use to manage how content is
    added to a window in Swing?

Basic Swing Review
  • Can you add content directly to a JFrame?
  • Where should you add content to add something to
    a window?
  • How do you make your window visible?
  • How do you set your background color in a window?

Basic Swing Review
  • What is the default layout manager for Swing?
  • What are the names of the regions in the default
    layout manager for swing?
  • How would you add a label called helloLabel to
    the top part of the window?

Interactive windows
  • Now know how to create windows and output
    information(through labels).
  • Now need to know how to take in information.
  • The most basic way of taking in information with
    GUIs is with a button.
  • Buttons are how we signify selections, that we
    are done, etc.

  • We can use JButtons to create your basic push
  • We need to be able to tell when a user presses a
    button, so we need add a listener to the button.
  • We also need to make sure that we add these
    buttons to some container so that we can see them.

JButton Example
public class ButtonDemo extends
JFrame implements ActionListener public
ButtonDemo() Container contentPane
getContentPane() Jbutton aButton new
JButton(Howdy) Create button with label
Howdy on it. aButton.addActionListener(this) T
here will be a method actionPerformed in
this class contentPane.add(aButton,
South) Add the button to the content pane at
the bottom. ...
Dealing with the button click
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if the Howdy button getContentPane.setBackgrou
nd( do something
  • To allow a class to listen to button events need
    to add the following to the class declaration
  • implements ActionListener
  • ActionListener is an interface.
  • This tells the computer that you will define a
    method in the class called actionPerformed that
    returns nothing and accepts an ActionEvent.
  • In actionPerformed, you will say how you deal
    with the events.

Creating the button.
  • new JButton(String) creates a button that has the
    string as its label.

Registering the listener.
  • Once you create the button, you need to say just
    who will be listening to your button. We do this
    by registering our listener.

aButton.addActionListener(this) //usually do
this bButton.addActionListener(anActionListener)
//if your listener is defined //in another
class, use this way //after creating
Putting the button somewhere.
  • Once we have created the button and registered
    it, we need to put it somewhere. Use the add
    method for some container.

Container contentPane getContentPane() contentP
ane.add(aButton, West) contentPane.add(bButton)

Catching the event.
  • If your class is implementing ActionListener, you
    need to define an actionPerformed method

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent
e) //do something.
  • When you get an ActionEvent object, you can check
    the actionCommand of the object to see where it
    came from
  • e.getActionCommand() //returns a string
  • The ActionCommand is usually the text of the
    button, unless someone has called
    setActionCommand(String) on the button object.

Shortcut keys
  • To set a shortcut key for a button use
  • To do it for a JTextField or other JLabeled
    component, you can first use setLabelFor(Component
    ) and then use setDisplayedMnemonic(char).

Button Review
  • What class do we use to make buttons?
  • If we want to catch the button push events what
    interface do we need to implement?
  • How do we register the listener of our buttons?
  • How do we tell what button an event came from?

Container classes
  • Containers are classes that can hold objects like
    buttons, text fields, labels, etc.
  • The content pane on a JFrame is one type of
  • We can have more than one container in a window.
    In fact, we can even put containers inside of

JPanel, a new type of Container
  • A commonly used Container is the JPanel.
  • This allows us to group things together and
    create subsections of a frame.
  • We can use a different kind of layout manager for
    each different container that we have.

Using JPanels
  • First use new JPanels to create a panel.
  • Once you have created the panel, you can then add
    things directly to the panel(no need to use
    content panes with JPanels).
  • When you are done adding stuff to the panel, add
    the panel to the JFrame.

A note concerning JPanels, JFrames, and Layout
  • It is often a good idea to use a BorderLayout on
    the Frame and other layout managers (like
    FlowLayout) for your JPanel.
  • This will cause your panel to take up the whole
    section of the BorderLayout while keeping your
    pieces reasonably spaced and sized inside of your

Review for Containers
  • Name a class of type Container?
  • Can we add things directly to JPanel?
  • Can we add things directly to JFrame?
  • How many Layout Managers can we have in a single
  • Can we have different layout managers for
    different containers?

Text I/O (for GUIs)
Text I/O
  • Now we get to learn how to take more input into
    our GUIs this time by allowing the user to type
    information into our program.
  • The text boxes and fields we will be using also
    allow us to output more information to the user.

  • JTextFields are just a single line input field.
  • We create them with a constructor that takes a
    single integer, which specifies the width of
    input field.
  • Then add the JTextField to some container.

JPanel aPanel new JPanel() JTextField text
new JTextField(20) aPanel.add(text)
Getting and setting the text
  • If we want to see the string that a user typed
    into a JTextField, we can use the getText()
    command to retrieve the string.
  • If we want to set the text, use setText(String).

String someStuff text.getString() text.setStrin
g(Wake up!)
  • A JTextArea is just like a JTextField, except
    that it can contain multiple lines.
  • The main difference comes when we construct the
    JTextArea, we provide a number of lines as well
    as line width.

JTextArea area new JTextArea(5,20) //creates
5 lines each 20 characters //wide.
Methods of JTextArea.
  • The exact same as JTextField. getText() and
  • If we want to allow a user to enter multiple
    lines, we will want to turn on line wrapping.

Other methods of JTextField and JTextArea
  • We can make any kind of JTextArea or JTextField
    read-only (uneditable) by setting its editable
  • We can also set the background colors of the text
    areas by using setBackground(Color).

Reading numbers
  • Just like File I/O, reading things besides
    strings is more difficult.
  • Again we will want to use parsing and tokenizing.
  • A good idea before parsing numbers is to trim off
  • Again, you will need to be prepared to catch a

Reading numbers example
String response aTextField.getText() //if it
is an integer. int someInt Integer.parseInt(r
esponse.trim()) //if it is a double. double
someDouble Double.parseDouble(response.trim())
Review for Text I/O
  • What is the difference between a JTextArea and a
  • How many arguments do we give when we call the
    JTextField constructor? What do the arguments do?
  • How many arguments do we give when we call the
    JTextArea constructor? What do the arguments do?

Review for Text I/O
  • How do we get the text that is inside of a
  • How do we set the text inside of a JTextArea?
  • How do we allow line wrapping in JTextArea?
  • How do we make a JTextField read-only?

Review for Text I/O
  • How do we get a number from a text box?
  • What kind of exception should we be prepared to
    catch when getting numbers from text boxes?

  • What does GUI stand for?
  • How is Event Driven programming different than
    what we have been doing up till now?
  • What libraries do we usually import for GUI work?

  • What class do we inherit from to be able to make
  • Can we add objects directly to this class that
    makes windows?
  • How do we get a container to add our objects to
    the window?

  • What kind of event listener do we need to add to
    be able to close our window?
  • How do we make a window visible?
  • What does a Layout Manager do?
  • What are three Layout Managers we have discussed
    so far? What does each do?

  • What class do we use to make simple text for
    merely displaying?
  • What class do we use to make buttons?
  • What interface do we have to implement if we want
    to listen to the actions of the buttons?
  • How do we tell what button was pushed when an
    event is triggered?

  • What are two containers that we have talked about
    so far?
  • Why would you want to use a JPanel?
  • Can you add objects directly to the JPanel?

  • What are two classes for taking in Text in a GUI?
  • How do you call the constructor for each class?
  • How do you get the text that is being displayed
    in either of these classes?
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