Title: Kidney Medicare Drugs Awareness and Education Initiative
1Medicare How Its Changing To Help More People
Coverage Determinations, Drug Utilization
Management, and Medical Therapy Management
- Presented by
- Kidney Medicare Drugs
- Awareness and Education Initiative
- www.kidneydrugcoverage.org
INITIATIVEA kidney community effort to help
professionals and people with kidney disease
understand Medicare prescription drug coverage
3Participating Organizations
- Abbott Laboratories
- American Association of Kidney Patients, Inc.
- American Kidney Fund
- American Nephrology Nurses Association
- The American Society of Nephrology
- Amgen
- Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
- Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services
- Central Florida Kidney Center, Inc.
- DaVita, Inc.
- DaVita Patient Citizens
- The ESRD Network of New York
- Fresenius Medical Care North America
- Gambro Healthcare US
- Genzyme Corporation
- Kidney Care Partners
- National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
- Council of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians
- Council of Nephrology Social Workers
- National Minority Health Month Foundation
- National Renal Administrators Association
- Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
- People Like Us, National Kidney Foundation
- Pfizer Inc.
- Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America - PKD Foundation
- Renal Care Group, Inc.
- The Renal Network, Inc.
- Renal Physicians Association
- Renal Support Network
- Roche Pharmaceuticals
- Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Social Security Administration
- Transplant News
- The Transplant Pharmacy Coalition
- UnitedHealth Group/Ovations
- Washington Hospital Center
- Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
4Prior Teleconferences in Series
- August 16 teleconference upcoming changes and
extra help for those with limited income and
resources - September 20 teleconference coverage
coordination - October 18 teleconference choosing a Medicare
drug plan - Archived materials from teleconferences on
5Medicare Part D Overview
- November 15, 2005 (Today) First date to join a
Medicare drug plan - Dual eligibles can stick with the plan Medicare
chose for them (yellow letter) or choose a
different plan by December 31, 2005 for January
1, 2006 - May 15, 2006 Last date for people with Medicare
now to join - Patients who spend a lot on drugs can start
saving from Day 1 if they join a plan by December
31, 2005
6Our Experts
- Moderator
- Deborah Collinsworth, Dialysis Clinic Inc. social
worker, past executive committee member of the
National Kidney Foundations Council of
Nephrology Social Workers - Speakers
- Bryan Becker, MD, nephrologist, affiliate
assistant professor in the Division of
Transplantation and Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Wisconsin - Aaron Eaton, pharmacist, Division of Finance and
Operations, Center for Medicare Medicaid
Services - Babette Edgar, Director of the Division of
Finance and Operations in the Medicare Drug
Benefit Group, Centers for Medicare Medicaid
7What Is a Formulary and Why Should Patients Care?
- A list of drugs a plan will cover.
- Medicare drug plans
- Dont have to cover all drugs
- Must cover two drugs per category or class (floor
not ceiling) - Other requirements in sub-regulatory guidance
- Patients will save money by choosing a plan that
covers their drugs
8How Did Medicare Review of Plan Formularies?
- Medicare reviewed best practices in private
plans, Medicaid, Federal Employees Health
Benefits Plans - US Pharmacopoeia
- American Hospital Formulary Service
- Two drugs per category and class
- Tier placement
- Treatment guidelines
- Therapeutic categories or pharmacologic classes
requiring uninterrupted access - Commonly used drugs in Medicare population
- Quantity limits
- Prior authorization
- Step therapy
- Insulin supplies vaccines
- Long-term care accessibility
9What Did Medicare Require of Formularies?
- To get CMS approval, all plans must
- Have flexibility in formularies and payment
structure - Allow people to get medically necessary drugs
- Not discourage any group from joining Part D by
formulary or tiering structure - Follow USP model (2 drugs per category/class) to
pass 1st discrimination test - Give 60-day notice of a change to affected people
or provide a 60-day supply when a beneficiary
refills a prescription. - CMS must approve all changes.
10Drugs and Plan Formularies
- Patients with chronic illnesses should be sure
their drugs are on any plan formulary they join - Medicare drug plan formularies are robust so most
beneficiaries will find a plan that covers their
drugs - If a plan doesnt cover all drugs, the
beneficiary should use the exceptions process - CMS reviewed and approved all exceptions processes
11What Drugs are Covered by Standard Medicare Part
D Plans?
- Must cover all or substantially all
- Cancer medicines
- HIV/AIDS drugs
- Anti-depressants
- Anti-psychotics
- Anti-convulsants
- Immunosuppressants to prevent organ rejection
- Plans do not have to cover every brand name or
all doses
12What Drugs Are Excluded from Standard Medicare
Part D Plans?
- Drugs used for anorexia, weight loss or gain
- Fertility drugs
- Drugs used for cosmetic purposes (hair growth)
- Cold and cough medicines
- Non-prescription or over-the-counter
- Barbiturates (e.g. Seconal, Nembutal)
- Benzodiazepines (e.g. Restoril, Ativan)
- Vitamins and minerals
- Except prenatal vitamins, fluoride preparations,
Vitamin D - Enhanced plans may cover excluded drugs
13What Can a Plan Choose Under the Medicare
Modernization Act
- What drugs to cover
- What strengths and dosage to cover
- What co-payments or coinsurance
14How Do Plans Choose Drugs To Include On Their
- Pharmacy Therapeutics Committee
- Physicians and pharmacists
- 1 physician must have experience in care of
elderly or disabled - 1 physician or pharmacist on PT committee
without any relationship to plan or
pharmaceutical manufacturer
15What Are Some Things Plans Can Require?
- Co-payment or coinsurance
- Prior authorization
- Step therapy
- Quantity limits
- Generic substitution
- Therapeutic interchange
- Tiered cost sharing
16What Is Prior Authorization? When Should Someone
Request It?
- If a drug is not listed on the plans
CMS-approved formulary - Physician must obtain approval for prescribed
drug before plan will provide it. - Request prior authorization right away when new
drug needed
17What Can Physicians Do When A Plan Requires Prior
- Complete paperwork or phone plan
- Provide medical justification for drug not on
plan formulary or at preferred drug level - MD should request exception before prescribing
new drug if prior authorization is needed - MD should request exception right away if
pharmacist says prior authorization is needed
18What Is Step Therapy?
- Step therapy requires a patient to try other
drugs before the prescribed drug is approved.
19What Can a Physician Do When a Plan Requires Step
- Acceptable if never on drug before
- New patient
- Existing patient
- May not be cost effective
- If requires switching patient from effective drug
- Physician needs to know if step therapy is
20What Can New Plan Member Do to Get Needed Drug?
- Transition process
- For new plan members stabilized on non-formulary
drug prior to joining a plan - Allows those who didnt know drug wasnt on
formulary to get 30-day refill to ask MD - If a formulary drug would work as well
- To write medical justification for an exception
21What Is Tiered Cost Sharing?
- Formulary drugs have co-pays, coinsurance
- Plan can have any number of tiers, e.g.
- Tier 1 Generics
- Tier 2 Preferred brand name drugs
- Tier 3 Non-preferred brand name drugs
- Look at tier and co-payment one plans Tier 3
may cost less than anothers Tier 2 - Plans may give 60 days notice of tiering change
to those affected - CMS must approve tiering change at least 60 days
before it takes effect
22What Is Standard Medicare Part D Plan?
Plans vary by region and coverage.
23Where Can You Get an Idea of Costs?
- Medicare You
- Prescription Drug Plan Finder
- Formulary Finder
24What If Medically Necessary Drug Is At
Unaffordable Tier?
- Patients should show formulary to MD
- Patients should ask MD if lower tier drugs would
work as well - MD could request exception to get drug at lower
25What If Medically Necessary Drug Is On a High
Tier or Not on Plan?
- Medicare stand-alone prescription drug plans and
Medicare Advantage drug plans must have
exceptions process - To request plan to allow patient to get drug and
pay less (lower tier) - To request plan to allow patient to take
non-formulary drug - Rules for coverage determinations apply
26What Is Therapeutic Substitution?
- Therapeutic substitutions replace a prescribed
drug with another therapeutically or biologically
equivalent and cheaper drug. - Brand name drug ? Generic drug
27What Are Concerns About Therapeutic Substitution?
- Substitutions may be upsetting to patients
- If MD is concerned about generic substitution for
brand name drugs for certain patients or drugs - MD should check no substitution box
- MD should know whether his/her state law allows
the pharmacist to substitute a generic if the
doctor does not check that box (40 states allow) - Patients need to be sure drugs prescribed are the
same as drugs filled - MD and nurses can help with exceptions
28How Does MD Justify a Formulary Exception?
- Describe medical need
- State why formulary drug would not be effective
or cause adverse consequences - State whether patient took other drugs before
that didnt control condition or produced harmful
side effects - People with kidney disease dont do well on some
drugs and should avoid others - Network 8 Demo Project informed CMS
29What Is the Appeals Process?
- Several steps of appeal available if exception
denied - Learn steps Medicare How Its Changing to Help
More People Grievances and Appeals at noon ET on
December 20, 2005
30How Long CanException Decision Take?
- For those with serious health conditions up to
24 hours - For standard decisions up to 72 hours
- If plan doesnt meet deadline, independent review
entity must review the request and decide
31What Happens If Plan Changes Tier Structure
During Plan Year?
- CMS must approve all formulary changes
- Patients must have 60-days notice
- Exceptions process must address tier co-pay
changes - If plan has generic tier, it doesnt have to
provide non-preferred drugs at generic tier
co-pay - Beneficiaries cant request exception to tiering
structure for 4th Tier or higher drug (high cost,
unique, genomic and biotech products) - May have to request exception yearly
32Why Care About A Pharmacy?
- Retail pharmacies may be near to your home
- Preferred retail pharmacies low cost shares
- Non-preferred retail pharmacies higher cost
shares - Mail order pharmacies can save money and time
- Preferred mail order pharmacies lowest cost
shares - Non-preferred mail order pharmacies higher cost
shares - Specialty pharmacies may serve transplant
patients - Must contract with plan
- Check with pharmacy or plan to see if in network
33What Is Medication Therapy Management Program?
- Design of MTM program left up to plan
- Targeted to certain Medicare beneficiaries
- Multiple chronic conditions
- Taking multiple covered Part D drugs
- Likely to incur costs exceeding 4,000
- Private MTM programs include education,
consultation with pharmacist - Review drugs
- Develop plan
- Offer tips/reminders
- Available at no cost to targeted beneficiaries
34Are Renal Vitamins Covered?
- Excluded by standard Part D
- May be covered by enhanced plan
- May be covered by Medicaid
- MD may recommend OTC vitamin
- Cost of non-covered drug is not counted toward
3,600 in true out-of-pocket (TrOOP) expenses - NOTE Vitamin D analogs are not excluded
35What If Transplant Drug Is At Higher Tier?
- Check other plans for tiering and co-pays
- Apply for extra help with Social Security
- www.socialsecurity.gov
- (800) 772-1213
- Ask MD to request exception to get drug at lower
36Thank You
- Moderator
- Deborah Collinsworth, Dialysis Clinic Inc. social
worker, past member of National Kidney Foundation
Council of Nephrology Social Workers Executive
Committee - Speakers
- Bryan Becker, MD, nephrologist, Division of
transplantation and Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Wisconsin - Aaron Eaton, Center for Medicare Medicaid
Services - Babette Edgar, Division of Medicare Drug Benefit
Group, Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services
37Key Messages
- Medicare drug plan will help some others may not
need it - Most information you read is for the average
person with Medicare - Kidney Medicare Drugs Awareness and Education
Initiative provides kidney-specific information - Kidney friendly plans provide the most help
- Ask patients to bring notices to review, advise
about creditable coverage, keep for appeals
38The right information at the right time
39Thank You For Participating
- Listen at noon ET on December 20, 2005 for
information grievances and appeals - Visit www.kidneydrugcoverage.org for todays
materials - Complete evaluation
- Print your certificate of attendance
- Ask your licensing board if certificate can be
used for continuing education credit - Submit questions about Medicare Part D to