Title: Evaluation of SVM decoder for DSCDMA system
1Evaluation of SVM decoder for DS-CDMA system
- Ramkumar Gowrishankar
- EE645 Final Project
- Goal
- To reduce the BER of a single user in an
interference limited multi-user system - Method
- DS-CDMA system with 8 bit spreading code
- Support Vector Machine decoder
- Linear, Polynomial and Gaussian kernels
- Applications
- Cellular systems
- Problems considered
- Performance comparison with increasing number of
users - Performance with increasing correlation
- Effect of polynomial and RBF kernels
- Near-Far problem
3Outline of Presentation
- PART 1
- SSMA system
- Introduction to SSMA systems
- Types of SSMA systems
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous model
- Near-Far problem
- PART 2
- Conventional Decoders
- Match Filter decoding
- Decorrelating Detector
- Optimum Detector
- PART 3
- Support Vector Machines
- PART 4
- Simulation parameters
- Results
- Conclusion
4SSMA system
- Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
- Wideband system
- Pseudo-Noise (PN) sequence converts narrowband
signal to wideband noise like signal - Advantages
- Robust multiple access capability
- Immunity to multipath interference
- Efficient bandwidth use in multiuser environment
5Types of SSMA system
- Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-CDMA)
- Orthogonal pseudo-random codes are used to
spread the bit sequence to be transmitted - All signals use the same carrier frequency and
transmit simultaneously - MultiCarrier CDMA
- Using carriers that are orthogonal in the
frequency domain instead of time domain - Frequency Hopping SSMA
- In this model the frequency of transmission is
randomly changed based on a chip sequence - A wideband channel is split into several
narrowband channels and each narrowband channel
is associated with a PN sequence
6Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Model
- Asynchronous Model
- Where is the random offset of kth user
with respect to 1st user - 2M1 is the length of each frame transmitted by a
user - Analysis more rigorous
- Decoding based on full length of frame and not
just the length of the PN sequence
- Synchronous Model
- sk(t)-spreading sequence
- bk-bit of kth user
- Ak-Amplitude of kth user
- N(t)-noise
- s-Standard Deviation of noise
- Assumes all users are synchronized at receiver
- Decoding is only based on the length of the code
7Near-Far Problem
- Refers to problem of decoding weak user signal in
presence of strong interferers - Occurs when many mobile users share the same
channel - Strongest received mobile signal will capture the
demodulator - Consequence Noise floor for weaker signals
8Fig 1
- Consider 2 users that are using the same
time-frequency slot with different spreading
codes - The propagation environment is inversely
proportional to d4 where d is the distance of
separation - The transmitted powers are assumed to be equal
- If they are at equal distance from base station
then received power of both users is the same and
they can be decoded
9Fig 2
- If user 2 moves closer to base station, there
will be increase in received power - User 2 will become dominant and will start
masking user 1 - Performance of user 1 will degrade significantly
Figures from http//www.cdmaonline.com/members/2g
10Outline of Presentation
- PART 1
- SSMA system
- Introduction to SSMA systems
- Types of SSMA systems
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous model
- Near-Far problem
- PART 2
- Conventional Decoders
- Match Filter decoding
- Decorrelating Detector
- Optimum Decoder
- PART 3
- Support Vector Machines
- PART 4
- Simulation parameters
- Results
- Conclusion
11Match Filter Decoder
Matched Filter User 1
- Simplest Decoder for CDMA systems
- In case of perfectly orthogonal codes and
synchronous system the optimum detector is match
Matched Filter User 2
y (t)
Matched Filter User k
Correlation between the codes0 for perfect
orthogonal codes
12Decorrelating Detector
- The performance of the matched filter detector is
bad in presence of correlation - A better receiver is the decorrelating detector
- Problem with matched filter
13Optimum Detector
- Detection using Maximum-Likelihood detector
- Log likelihood function given below
- where
- b (Kx1) is the vector of transmitted bits from K
users, - y (Kx1) is the vector of outputs from K matched
filters - A is the (KxK) Amplitude matrix
- R is (KxK) correlation matrix
- The data set that yields maximum L(b) is the
transmitted data set - Complexity is O(2K/K) for each bit.
- Not practically feasible for large number of users
14Outline of Presentation
- PART 1
- SSMA system
- Introduction to SSMA systems
- Types of SSMA systems
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous model
- Near-Far problem
- PART 2
- Conventional Decoders
- Match Filter decoding
- Decorrelating Detector
- Optimum Detector
- PART 3
- Support Vector Machines
- PART 4
- Simulation parameters
- Results
- Conclusion
15Support Vector Machines
- Support Vector Machines classify data based on
finding an optimum hyperplane - Popularity??
- Non-linear classifier (using kernel trick)
- Avoid over-fitting by maximizing margin
- Low number of support vectors
16Why use SVM???
- Drawbacks of Conventional decoders
- Performance degradation when
- codes are non-orthogonal
- interfering users are present
- unfavorable near-far conditions are present
- Need to know codes of other users
- Advantage of SVM
- NO need to know code of other users
- More resilience in presence of noise and
interference - More resistant to near-far problem
- Better classification using Gaussian kernels
17Outline of Presentation
- PART 1
- SSMA system
- Introduction to SSMA systems
- Types of SSMA systems
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous model
- Near-Far problem
- PART 2
- Conventional Decoders
- Match Filter decoding
- Decorrelating Detector
- Optimum Detector
- PART 3
- Support Vector Machines
- PART 4
- Simulation parameters
- Results
- Conclusion
18Simulation parameters
- Goal To compare performance of various SVM
kernels with variation in - Number of users
- Correlation between users
- Simulation parameters
- Code length8
- SNR-020 dB
- Noise AWGN
- Ideal Channel
- Number of users2-5
- Correlation between detected user and
interferers 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 - Near-Far problem
- Correlation0.5
- Number of users3
- Near-Far factor1,4,9,16
19Results 1 Correlation 0.25
3 users
2 users
4 users
5 users
20Results 1 Correlation 0.25
- Performance of match filter degrades with
increasing number of users - Gaussian Kernel, Decorrelating and Optimum
detector performance similar - Polynomial kernels do not work well
- Better to use conventional decorrelating detector
21Results 2 Correlation 0.5
3 users
2 users
4 users
5 users
22Results 2 Correlation 0.5
- Optimum detector shows better performance than
rest - Gaussian kernel performance is better than
decorrelating receiver - Match filter performance is bad
- Correlating detector better than linear and
polynomial kernel based SVM - Difference in performance of linear from
decorrelating detector decreases with increasing
number of users
23Results 3 Correlation 0.75
3 users
2 users
4 users
5 users
24Results 3 Correlation 0.75
- Gaussian kernel performance is very close to
optimum detector - Linear kernel and decorrelating detector
performance same - Performance of polynomial kernel improves
- For a full user set with high correlation
polynomial kernels may work better
25Result 4 Near-Far problem
26Result 4 Near-Far problem
- The overall performance degrades as the NFR
increases - Gaussian kernel has a worse BER than linear
kernel or decorrelating receiver at low SNRs - At high SNRs the Gaussian kernel closely matches
the performance of optimum detector - At a BER of 10-2 there is less than 1dB of
difference between Gaussian kernels and
decorrelating detector for NFR1 - At same BER with NFR4, the Gaussian kernel is
better by around 1.5 dB
- Gaussian kernel based SVM can almost match the
performance of the optimum detector - As the number of users increases the relative
performance of the Gaussian kernel with respect
to decorrelating detector improves - Gaussian kernel is able to withstand the near-far
effect at moderate and high SNRs and give good