Automated Theorem Proving Lecture 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Automated Theorem Proving Lecture 1


Model creation is burden on programmer. The model might be incorrect. ... Auxiliary spec is burden on programmer. Auxiliary spec might be incorrect. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Automated Theorem Proving Lecture 1

Automated Theorem ProvingLecture 1
Given program P and specification S, does P
satisfy S?
Program verification is undecidable!
The model checking approach
  • Create a model of the program in a decidable
  • Verify the model algorithmically
  • Difficulties
  • Model creation is burden on programmer
  • The model might be incorrect.
  • If verification fails, is the problem in the
    model or the program?

The axiomatic approach
  • Add auxiliary specifications to the program to
    decompose the verification task into a set of
    local verification tasks
  • Verify each local verification problem
  • Difficulties
  • Auxiliary spec is burden on programmer
  • Auxiliary spec might be incorrect.
  • If verification fails, is the problem with the
    auxiliary specification or the program?

Theorem Proving and Software
Meets spec/Found Bug
  • Soundness
  • If the theorem is valid then the program meets
  • If the theorem is provable then it is valid

Overview of the Next Few Lectures
  • From programs to theorems
  • Verification condition generation
  • From theorems to proofs
  • Theorem provers
  • Decision procedures

Programs ! Theorems Axiomatic Semantics
  • Consists of
  • A language for making assertions about programs
  • Rules for establishing when assertions hold
  • Typical assertions
  • During the execution, only non-null pointers are
  • This program terminates with x 0
  • Partial vs. total correctness assertions
  • Safety vs. liveness properties
  • Usually focus on safety (partial correctness)

Hoare Triples
  • Partial correctness A s B
  • When you start s in any state that satisfies A
  • If the execution of s terminates
  • It does so in a state that satisfies B
  • Total correctness A s B
  • When you start s in any state that satisfies A
  • The execution of s terminates and
  • It does so in a state that satisfies B
  • Defined inductively on the structure of statements

Hoare Rules
Hoare Rules Assignment
  • Example A x x 2 x gt 5 . What is
  • General rule
  • Surprising how simple the rule is !
  • The key is to compute backwards the
    precondition from the postcondition
  • Forward rule is more complicated

Weakest preconditions
  • Dijkstras idea To verify that A s B
  • Let Pre(s, B) A A s B
  • b) (Pre(s,B), )) is a lattice
  • - false ? Pre(s,B)
  • - if ??Pre(s,B) and ??Pre(s,B), then
  • - if ??Pre(s,B) and ??Pre(s,B), then
  • c) WP(s, B) lub?(Pre(s, B))
  • d) Compute WP(s, B) and prove A ? WP(s, B)

Predicate lattice
Pre(s, B)
Weakest preconditions
  • WP(x E, B) BE/x
  • WP(s1 s2, B) WP(s1, WP(s2, B))
  • WP(if E then s1 else s2, B)

    E ) WP(s1, B) Æ E ) WP(s2, B)
  • WP(assert E, B) E ? B

returns c requires true ensures c a ? b bool
or(bool a, bool b) if (a) c
true else c b
WP(S, c a ? b) (a ? true a ? b) ? (?a ? b
a ? b)
Conjecture to be proved true ? (a ? true a ?
b) ? (?a ? b a ? b)
Weakest preconditions (Contd.)
  • What about loops?
  • Define a family of weakest preconditions
  • WPk(while E do S, B) weakest precondition from
    which if the loop terminates in k or fewer
    iterations, then it terminates in B
  • WP0 E ) B
  • WPi1 WPi ? (E ) WP(s, WPi))
  • WP(while E do S, B) Æk 0 WPk glb WPk k
  • Hard to compute
  • Can we find something easier yet sufficient ?

Not quite weakest preconditions
  • Recall what we are trying to do

Pre(s, B)
weakest precondition WP(s, B)
  • We shall construct a verification condition
    VC(s, B)
  • The loops are annotated with loop invariants !
  • VC is guaranteed stronger than WP
  • But hopefully still weaker than A A ) VC(s, B) )
    WP(s, B)

Verification condition generation
  • Computed in a manner similar to WP
  • Except the rule for while
  • VC(whileI,T E do s, B)
  • I Æ ( I ? ((E ) VC(s, I))
    Æ (E ) B)) )T0/T
  • I is the loop invariant (provided by the
  • T is the set of loop targets (can be approximated
    by scanning the loop body)

I is preserved in an arbitrary iteration
I holds on entry
B holds when the loop terminates
VC(B, t ? 0 ? c a b - t) ? t - 1 ? 0 ? c 1
a b (t 1)
returns c requires b gt 0 ensures c a b int
add(int a, int b) int t t b c
a invariant t ? 0 ? c a b - t
while (t gt 0) c c 1 t t
- 1
  • VC(L, c a b) ?
  • t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • (t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • ? t gt 0 ? t - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c 1 a b (t - 1)
  • ? t ? 0 ? c a b)c0/c,t0/t
  • VC(L, c a b) ?
  • t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • (t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b t0 ?
  • ? t0 gt 0 ? t0 - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c0 1 a b (t0 - 1)
  • ? t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b)

  • VC(A, c a b) ?
  • b ? 0 ? a a b b ?
  • (t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b t0 ?
  • ? t0 gt 0 ? t0 - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c0 1 a b (t0 - 1)
  • ? t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b)

Conjecture to be proved b ? 0 ? VC(A, c a b)
Invariants Are Not Easy
  • Consider the following code from QuickSort
  • int partition(int a, int L0, int H0, int pivot)
  • int L L0, H H0
  • while(L lt H)
  • while(aL lt pivot) L
  • while(aH gt pivot) H --
  • if(L lt H) swap aL and aH
  • L
  • return L
  • Consider verifying only memory safety
  • What is the loop invariant for the outer loop ?

Verification conditions (Contd.)
  • What about procedure calls?
  • Annotate each procedure with a precondition pre
    and a postcondition post
  • VC(f(), B) pre ? (post ? B)

Program verification
  • Annotate each procedure with a precondition and a
    postcondition and each loop with an invariant
  • Verify each procedure separately

requires pre ensures post f() S
Verify that the formula VC(f) ? pre ? VC(S,
post) is valid
Proving verification conditions
VC(f) ? pre ? VC(S, post)
  • What is the decision procedure for proving
    validity of VC(f)?
  • Depends on the logic in which VC(f) is expressed

Verification condition logic
VC(f) ? pre ? VC(S, post)
  • Atoms connected by boolean operators
  • ?, ?, ?, ?
  • Atoms depend on the program variables and
    operations on them
  • boolean, integer, memory
  • Atoms depend on the language of assertions, i.e.,
    program assertions, loop invariants,
    preconditions and postconditions
  • quantification, reachability predicate

Assume each assertion is a quantifier-free
boolean combination of expressions over program
  • VC(f) is a boolean combination of atoms
  • Each atom is a relation over terms
  • Each term is built using functions and logical
  • Logical constants are different from program
  • program variables change over time
  • logical constants are fixed
  • The logical constants in VC(f) refer to the
    values of program variables at the beginning of f.

Case I Boolean programs
  • Boolean-valued variables and boolean operations
  • ? Formula A ?? ? ? ?
  • A ? Atom b
  • b ? SymBoolConst

returns c requires true ensures c a ? b bool
or(bool a, bool b) if (a) c
true else c b
VC(S, c a ? b) (a ? true a ? b) ? (?a ? b
a ? b)
Conjecture to be proved true ? (a ? true a ?
b) ? (?a ? b a ? b)
Case II Arithmetic programs
  • In addition, integer-valued variables with affine
  • ? Formula A ? ? ? ? ?
  • A ? Atom b t 0 t lt 0 t ? 0
  • t ? Term c x t t t t ct
  • b ? SymBoolConst
  • x ? SymIntConst
  • c ? ,-1,0,1,

VC(B, t ? 0 ? c a b - t) ? t - 1 ? 0 ? c 1
a b (t 1)
returns c requires b gt 0 ensures c a b int
add(int a, int b) int t t b c
a invariant t ? 0 ? c a b - t
while (t gt 0) c c 1 t t
- 1
  • VC(L, c a b) ?
  • t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • (t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • ? t gt 0 ? t - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c 1 a b (t - 1)
  • ? t ? 0 ? c a b)c0/c,t0/t
  • VC(L, c a b) ?
  • t ? 0 ? c a b t ?
  • (t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b t0 ?
  • ? t0 gt 0 ? t0 - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c0 1 a b (t0 - 1)
  • ? t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b)

  • VC(A, c a b) ?
  • b ? 0 ? a a b b ?
  • (t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b t0 ?
  • ? t0 gt 0 ? t0 - 1 ? 0 ?
  • c0 1 a b (t0 - 1)
  • ? t0 ? 0 ? c0 a b)

Conjecture to be proved b ? 0 ? VC(A, c a b)
Case III Memory programs
  • In addition, a memory with read and write
  • an unbounded set of objects
  • a finite set of fields in each object
  • each field contains a boolean value, an integer
    value, or a reference to an object
  • For each field f, two operations Select and
  • Select(f,o) is the content of the memory at
    object o and field f
  • Update(f,o,v) is a new memory obtained by
    updating field f of object o to v

Memory axioms
for all objects o and o, and memories m ? o
o ? Select(Update(m,o,v),o) v ? o ? o ?
Select(Update(m,o,v),o) Select(m,o)
Modeling memory operations
Treat each field f as a map variable a b.f
a Select(f,b) a.f b
f Update(f,a,b)
? a.f 5 a.f b.f 10
WP(a.f 5, a.f b.f 10) ? WP(f
Update(f,a,5), Select(f,a) Select(f,b) 10)
? Select(Update(f,a,5),a) Select(Update(f,a,5),b
) 10
Simplify using memory axiom
Select(Update(f,a,5),a) Select(Update(f,a,5),b)
10 iff 5 Select(Update(f,a,5),b)
10 iff Select(Update(f,a,5),b) 5 iff
? a b ? 5 5 ? a ? b ? Select(f,b) 5
iff a ? b ? Select(f,b) 5
  • ? Formula A ? ? ? ? ?
  • A ? Atom b t 0 t lt 0 t ? 0
  • t ? Term c x t t t t ct
  • m ? MemTerm f Update(m,t,t)
  • b ? SymBoolConst
  • x ? SymIntConst
  • c ? ,-1,0,1,

Decision procedures
  • Boolean programs
  • Propositional satisfiability
  • Arithmetic programs
  • Propositional satisfiability modulo theory of
    linear arithmetic
  • Memory programs
  • Propositional satisfiability modulo theory of
    linear arithmetic arrays
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