Title: Television: The Informer or The Conformer
1Television The Informer or The Conformer?
- Christopher Frills
- North Lawndale College Prep Charter HS
- 10- March 2009
2Television denies urban American youth a positive
- Reality TV Shows
- News Stations
- Talk Shows
- Sitcoms
- Movies
4Ill-mannered and Violent Behavior is Made
Acceptable by TV.
5TV can be harmful to the upbringing of the child.
- Zimmerman states Television viewing was related
to an increase in bullying and violent behavior.
6This effect goes beyond the daily social
interactions, but more involved issues.
- The interpretations of images and messages can
be a contributing factor to health problems such
as violence, substance abuse, poor nutrition,
body images, and risky sexual behaviors (Cox). -
7Those who do not consume any television do not
have to render themselves to the high risk of TV.
- In the number of hours of television watched
per day at the age of fourteen years of age is
associated with an approximate 25 percent
increase in probability of being described as
bullies (Jackson).
8Urban Communities Are Being Killed Because of TV.
9It is believed that media will be the death of
American urban communities.
- The media is killing our community (Cosby and
10The media has a very powerful influence, however
it is undermined in many ways.
- Unfortunately, corporations are powerful, and
some are more interested in profit than the well
being of other people.
11Those who have no TV literacy will believe all
that they see on television.
- Children do not appreciate what an advertisement
is doing until they are about eight years old.
Younger children tend to believe what an
advertisement had to say (Cosby and Poussaint).
12TV consumption prevents academic prosperity.
13The media is a addictive to the point of taking
away from good study habits.
- Today the electronic mass media, particularly
television, exert increasing intellectual on
every adolescents. (Hepburn).
14Television is not only to blame, but has a great
deal to take credit for.
- By graduation from high school, student will
have spent only about 11,000 hours in school but
between 15,000 and 20,000 hours watching
television (Cox).
15Media affects youth academically, possibly
holding our country back as world academic
- Critics are also alarmed that continual viewing
of numerous action television shows socializes
youngsters in a negative way by presenting
obnoxious life situations (Jackson).
16Media promotes positive lifestyles and is
sometimes recognized for it.
- This documentary follows two inner-city Chicago
residents, Arthur Agee and William Gates, as they
follow their dreams of becoming basketball
- This piece was indeed inspirational and promoted
a positive lifestyle.
18The PACT
- All too often we hear about the dangers of male
friendships, where peer pressure prevails over
common sense. But rarely do we hear about another
kind of male bonding.
- We grew up in poor, broken homes in New Jersey
neighborhoods riddled with crimes, drugs, death
Jenkins 3
- Monitor.
- Deconstruct.
- Question the Motives.
20- Works Cited
- Cosby, William H., and Alvin Poussaint. Come On
People On the Path From Victims to Victors.
Nelson, TN Thomas, 2007. 133-56. - Cox, Carol. ""Good for you TV" using
storyboarding for health-related television
public service announcements to analyze messages
and influence positive health choices.(Teaching
Technique)(Report)." Journal of School Health 78
(2008) 179-84. - Davis, Sampson, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt.
The Pact Three Young Men Make a Promise and
Fulfill a Dream. New York Riverhead Books
(Hardcover), 2002. 225-31. - Hepburn, Mary A. "Media literacy a must for
middle school social studies. (Special Section
Dimensions of Middle School Social Studies)." The
Clearing House 72 (1999) 352-57. - Hoops Dreams. Dir. Steve James. Perf. Arthur Agee
and William Gates. DVD. 1994. - Huesmann, L. R. "The Impact of Electronic Media
Violence Scientific Theory and Research."
Journal of Adolescent Health 41 (2007) S6-S13. - Jackson, Leigh-Ann. "Who's teaching the trends?
The Strokes, the Hives, Reese Witherspoon and
even Mom. (Lifestyle)." The Austin
American-Statesman (TX) 24 July 2003. - Quinn, Gordon. "Hoops Dream Interview." Telephone
interview. 11 Dec. 2008. - Tracker, Katherine A. Journal of School Health
(2007) 54-57. - Zimmerman, Frederick J. "Does TV breed
bullies?(bulletins NEWS ABOUT PREGNANCY, BIRTH
PARENTING)." Mothering July-Aug. 2005 24.
21Television Influences