Title: Joint Training Assessment and Readiness
1Joint Training Assessment and Readiness
- Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement
- Joint Training Trends and Assessment
- Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
2Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement
Briefer LCDR Steven Jaureguizar
Issue 07-019 Inconsistent assessments in the
Joint Training Information Management System
(JTIMS) Discussion JTIMS is an integral part
of a larger system, including DRRS, that
identifies readiness deficiencies and helps
develop solutions. Policy states it is critical
to have a linkage between Joint readiness and
training DRRS requires assessments every 30
days. Therefore it is necessary for JTIMS
training assessments to match DRRS 30-day
readiness assessment requirements. Update JTIMS
monthly Task Proficiency and Mission Training
Assessments are sent to DRRS real-time. DRRS and
JTIMS are integrated so that DRRS currently
displays TPAs and will, in the future, display
MTAs. CJCSI 3500.01E, Joint Training Policy and
Guidance, was updated 31 May 08 to require
monthly Task Proficiency Assessments (TPAs).
Endstate JTIMS assessments are synchronized
with DRRS requirements. Endstate has been
achieved, however, recommend the issue remain
open until WJTSC 09-2. POAM JTIMS v3.1
(April 09) will include the capability to assess
each task individually. Recommend retaining this
issue until WJTSC 09-2. Monitor compliance with
monthly assessment requirement in JTIMS through
Sep 09 and provide update during the WJTSC 09-2
. OPR Joint Staff J7 JETD OCR OSD
(Readiness and Training) / RTPP
SEP 09
MAY 08
SEP 08
OCT 08 - FEB 09
APR 09
NOV 07
Monitor compliance with policy
Brief Combatant Command
Monitor compliance with monthly assessment in
JS/J-7 provided proposed policy update to JTIMS
UAG for review
Briefed JTIMS V3.1 capabilities
JTPG Updated
Briefed future JTIMS v3.1 capabilities
3Joint Training Trends and Assessment
Briefer LCDR Steven Jaureguizar
- Issue 06-007 Consensus has not been achieved in
the joint training community regarding how joint
training trends and joint training assessment
taskers will be achieved. - Discussion. The JTPG (CJCSI 3500.01C) stated
USJFCOM is responsible for annually assessing
the effectiveness of joint training, to include
describing emerging training trends in the joint
community briefing training trends at the
September WJTSC and reporting results of the
training assessment to the Chairman. Combatant
Commands / CSAs will annually provide USJFCOM
with their joint training trends by 30 June for
integration into USJFCOMs annual training trends
brief presented at the September WJTSC. CJCSI
3500.01D was updated to state JS J7 will develop
annual assessment of Joint Training to brief
trends at the WJTSC. CJCSI 3500.01E was updated
to specify monthly TPA reporting requirement. - Endstate Joint training trends are identified
and briefed annually. - POAM JTIMS v3.1 (Apr 09) will provide
additional filters to select the assessment
timeframe (rather than by FY only), as well as
the monthly individual task training proficiency
assessments to provide additional fidelity. Next
trend analysis will use JTIMS capability and be
briefed at WJTSC 09-2. - OPR JS J-7 JETD
SEP 08
SEP 09
MAR 09
Trend data collected and analyzed after JTIMS
v3.1 release
Trends briefed at WJTSC 09-2 issues linked to
Select FY 08 trends binned to Working Groups and
addressed during WJTSC 09-1
First trend brief at WJTSC 08-2
4Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
Briefer LTC Fenoli
- Issue 06-010 The Joint community lacks a single
automated support system to discover, apply,
share and research joint lessons. - Discussion The DoD Lessons Learned Community
lacks a repository capability as well as the
input support tools vital to effective knowledge
management. - POMd for FY09-FY13 FY09 funding insufficient
for full scale development UFR requested. - CJCSI 3150.25D, 10 Oct 08 Joint Lessons Learned
Program Policy and Guidance released. - Foreign Disclosure policy is unclear and lacks
standardized implementation across DoD.
Establishing process to allow FOUR-EYES personnel
sponsored by DOD organizations to gain access to
JLLIS. - JLLIS achieved IOC in Sep 08 FOC projected for
Sep 2011. - The following have the JLLIS combatant commands
all Services to include the NGB but not the USCG
most of the CSAs the DOS, USAID and USDA others
like the JPME community are TBD. - Endstate Enterprise, web based, Global
Information Grid (GIG) compliant JLLIS with input
and management tool, with a federated/distributed
database for all JLLIS stakeholders. - POAM JLLIS capability using an open
architecture is being fielded to Combatant
Commands and requesting Services, CSAs,
Interagency, and other organizations JLLIS is
GIG-compliant, net-centric, web-services enabled
and will be linked to other DOD systems as JDEIS,
OCT 08
MAR 09