Title: So you want a new job, do you
1So you want a new job, do you?
Ian McMaster, editor-in-chief Business
Spotlight ETAS SIG Day Basel, 12 September 2009
2Job applications
- Increasingly important due to globalization.
- Increasingly important due to downturn.
- Not covered well by publishers.
- Looking mainly at job interviews but also
applications. - Not looking at language, but at impact more
3Shit happens
4I would have no hesitation in recommending John
to any future employer.
5I would have no intention of recommending John
to any future employer.
6With one sentence of ten words, starting If
I... and ending ...the job, one candidate made
more impact on me than any other in 25 years.
What did he say?
7If I were you, I wouldnt give me the job.
8 13 tips for success?
9 1. Be prepared
10 2. Be informed
11Denis Atlas or Steal an id? www.iProfile.org
12 3. Be professional
13Margaret Davis is...
14Ian McMaster says maybe hes a bit thick but...
15 4. Be the solution
16Ask not what your country can do for you ask
what you can do for your country.
17 5. Be balanced
18 6. Be aware
19 7. Be modest
20 8. Be powerful
21 9. Be active
22 10. Be (well) dressed
23 11. Be honest
24 12. Be yourself
25 13. Be imperfect
26 And finally...
27 Be attractive!
- Ian McMaster, editor-in-chief,
- Phone 49 (0)89 856 81-200
- Email i.mcmaster_at_spotlight-verlag.de
- Business Spotlight
- Spotlight Verlag GmbH
- Fraunhoferstr. 22
- 82152 Planegg/München
- Germany
- Internet www.business-spotlight.de