Land Development Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Land Development Project


... shop. Specialty Retail ... uses allowed in LC districts, including retail specialty shops. ... permit for coffee shop (Specialty retail is a permitted use) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Land Development Project

Land Development Project
  • Land Use Law
  • Spring 2004
  • Mark Spykerman

  • Land Development Project
  • The Proposal
  • The Current Zoning
  • The Zoning Process

1. The Proposal
New Urbanist Light Commercial
  • Storefronts right up against sidewalk.
  • On street parking only (will depend heavily on
    pedestrian traffic)
  • Possible Uses
  • Coffee shop
  • Specialty Retail

(No Transcript)
  • Vacant gas station at southeast corner of Delmar
    at North South.
  • Located in University City, ½ mile north of
    downtown Clayton

The neighbors
  • Commercial Uses directly South (dry cleaner)
  • Commercial Uses at all corners of the

The neighbors, cont.
  • High Density Residential (Zoned HR) on North
  • Medium Density residential (MR) along Delmar

2. The Current Zoning
University City Zoning Map
Proposed Projects Current ZoningLimited
Limited Commercial
  • Section 34.35.2 Intent and purpose.
  • The "LC" limited commercial district is intended
    to accommodate limited retail and service
    businesses at locations within or adjacent to
    residential neighborhoods. Such retail and
    service establishments are intended to serve a
    relatively small and local market area, or are of
    such character and intensity which are compatible
    with the surrounding neighborhood. (Ord. 6139 1
    (Exh. A (part)), 1997)
  • Section 34.35.3 Permitted Uses
  • Ordinance lists 20 specific uses allowed in LC
    districts, including retail specialty shops.
  • Section 34.35.4 Conditional Uses
  • Ordinance lists 18 conditional uses including
    restaurants and outdoor seating.
  • Section 34.94.2 Schedule of off-street parking
    space requirements.
  • Coffee Shop requires 1 spot for every 50 sq feet
    of customer floor space
  • Retail specialty requires 1 spot for every 200 sq
    feet of retail space

Density and Dimensional Regulations
  • Section 34.35.5 Density and dimensional
  • Building Setback Requirements.
  • a. Minimum Right-of-way Setback. Except as
    provided for in Article 5, "Supplementary
    Regulations," Division 34-55, no building shall
    be located within thirty-five (35) feet of a
    street right-of-way, unless no parking areas are
    located between the street right-of-way and any
    principal or accessory building. Under these
    conditions, the minimum setback may be reduced to
    fifteen (15) feet.
  • b. Minimum Property Line Setback. No building
    setback is required from a property line, other
    than a right-of-way line, except where a lot
    abuts a residential district or abuts an alley
    right-of-way which separates the lot from a
    residential district. Under these conditions, the
    minimum building setback requirement shall be
    fifteen (15) feet from the applicable property
    line(s). Also see Article 5, "Supplementary
    Regulations," Division 34-60, for screening
    requirements. Where a property line setback is
    not required, but a building is set back off the
    property line, then it shall be set back at least
    five feet.
  • Modification of Property set back
  • Ordinance specifically calls for set back
    modifications to be addressed through conditional
    use permits instead of variances.
  • Impact to adjacent residential use must be
    considered before set back modification will be

3. The Zoning Process
  • Conditional Use permit for coffee shop
  • (Specialty retail is a permitted use)
  • Modification of set back requirement requires a
    conditional use permit
  • Variance for the off street parking requirement

Conditional Use permit
  • Conditional uses are those types of uses which
    tend to be problematic because they (1) have a
    tendency to generate significant traffic volumes
    and/or turning movements, (2) have operational
    characteristics that may have a detrimental
    impact on adjacent or nearby properties, or (3)
    have other characteristics which may impact
    public health, safety, or welfare but can be
    approved if such uses meet the criteria
    established herein. In order to ensure that
    detrimental impacts are avoided or mitigated to a
    satisfactory level, conditional uses must be
    reviewed, approved and issued a Conditional Use

Applying for a conditional use permit.
  • Required Application Materials
  • Application
  • Memo describing property, proposed use, impact to
    adjacent properties
  • Site plan and Artists rendering
  • Required Procedures
  • Public hearing with planning commission
  • Notice to general public (publication in
  • Notice to residents within a 185 foot radius (by
  • Staff report by Zoning Administrator

Approving a conditional use permit
  • The Planning Commission can recommend to the City
    Council to grant a conditional use permit if it
    finds the proposed use
  • 1. Complies with all applicable provisions of the
    Zoning Code
  • 2. At the specific location will contribute to
    and promote the community welfare or convenience
  • 3. Will not cause substantial injury to the value
    of neighboring property
  • 4. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,
    neighborhood development plan (if applicable),
    and any other official planning and development
    policies of the City and
  • 5. Will provide off-street parking and loading
    areas in accordance with the standards contained
    in Article 7 of the Zoning Code.
  • The City Council can then approve, deny or modify
    the conditional use permit after considering the
    Planning Commissions recommendations. The
    Council can also table the application and ask
    the Planning Commission for further study.

Why the City Council should approve the
conditional use permit application to allow a
coffee shop
  • While conformity with other zoning and off-street
    parking requirements will depend on approval of
    variances, the nature of the proposed project
    will benefit the welfare of the immediate area.
    It will provide convenient amenities to residents
    of neighboring dense residential developments and
    will not negatively affect property values.
    Moreover, the proposed project is consistent with
    the comprehensive plan and will aesthetically
    blend with the surrounding community.

Why the City Council should approve a conditional
use permit to modify the set back requirement
  • The zoning ordinance requires a 15 foot set back,
    but the proposed project only has room for a 10
    foot setback.
  • However, our 10 foot set back will be buffered
    with evergreen trees, reducing any impact to
    neighboring residential uses. The screening is
    otherwise in conformity with the screening
    requirements between residential and
    non-residential uses.

  • Variance is a "variation" from the requirements
    of the Zoning Code for a certain type of
    construction or use. Variances are granted by the
    Board of Adjustment (a panel of University City
    residents) and are discretionary types of relief
    granted to property owners when they cannot meet
    the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code.
    Variances are only granted in special situations
    (see Section VI. Standards for Granting
    Variances). They should be viewed only as a last
    resort option. Variances basically allow the
    recipient to be permitted to violate a city
    zoning ordinance while all other citizens must
    still be required to abide by it. That is why
    Variances should only be granted when conditions
    at the subject property are so unusual and
    atypical that they warrant such special

Applying for a variance
  • Required Application Materials
  • Application
  • Memo describing proposed project and potential
    impact of granting the variance
  • Site Plan
  • Any additional information requested by the
    Zoning Administrator
  • Required Procedures
  • Public hearing before the Board of Adjustment
  • Notice to general public (newspaper)
  • Notice to neighbors within a 185 foot radius

Standards for approving a variance
  • Section 34-142.4 requires that the Board of
    Adjustment shall not grant a Variance unless it
    shall, in each case, make specific written
    findings of fact directly based upon the
    particular evidence presented to it that support
    the following conclusions
  • 1. The Variance requested arises from a condition
    which is unique to the property in question and
    which is not ordinarily found in the same zoning
    district, and is not created by an action or
    actions of the property owner or the applicant
  • 2. The strict application of the provisions of
    the Zoning Code from which a Variance is
    requested will constitute unnecessary hardship
    upon the property owner represented in the
  • 3. The Variance requested will not adversely
    affect the adjacent properties or public health,
    safety, order, convenience, or general welfare of
    the community and
  • 4. Granting the Variance desired will not violate
    the general spirit and intent of the Zoning Code.
  • The burden of proof is on the applicant to show
    all of these criteria are satisfied.

Standards for approving a variance, cont.
  • In determining whether the evidence presented
    supports the findings required on the previous
    slide (by Section 34-142.4), the Board of
    Adjustment shall consider the extent to which the
    evidence demonstrates that
  • 1. The particular physical surroundings, shape,
    or topographical condition of the property
    involved would result in a practical difficulty
    or unnecessary hardship upon or for the owner,
    lessee, or occupant, as distinguished from an
    inconvenience, if the provisions of the Zoning
    Code were literally enforced
  • 2. The request for a Variance is not based
    primarily upon the desire of the owner, lessee,
    occupant or applicant to secure a greater
    financial return from the property
  • 3. The granting of the Variance will not be
    materially detrimental or injurious to other
    property or improvements in the neighborhood in
    which the property is located and
  • 4. The proposed Variance will not impair an
    adequate supply of light or air to adjacent
    property, substantially increase the congestion
    in the public streets, increase the danger of
    fire, endanger the public safety, or
    substantially diminish or impair property values
    within the neighborhood.

Off street parking variance
  • Zoning ordinance requires
  • 1 spot for every 50 sq feet of customer space in
    the coffee shop
  • 1 spot for every 200 sq feet of retail floor
    space for retail specialty uses
  • Proposed project allows only limited employee off
    street parking

Why the Board of Adjustment should grant a
  • 1. Strict application of the zoning ordinance
    would constitute hardship on the property owner
    because the lot is too small to develop in an
    economically viable way and still meet parking
  • 2. The requested variance will not negatively
    affect adjacent properties and will actually be a
    community asset to the neighboring residents.
  • 3. The current on street parking facilities
    (along Delmar and North South) are adequate to
    provide for site-generated parking needs without
    substantially increasing congestion.

If all else failsamend the zoning code.
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