Title: The Java Collections Package
1The Java Collections Package
- A collection is an object that contains other
objects - Ex a poker hand, a phone directory, a mail folder
3Collection framework features
- Interfaces
- Implementations
- Algorithms
- Polymorphic
- cf. the Standard Template Library (STL) in C
- Data structures and algorithms for free
- Tested
- A well-known standard
- Software reuse
5The Collection interface
- Root of the collections hierarchy
- Other interfaces extend Collection
- Java provides implementations of subinterfaces
(Set, List, etc) - For passing and manipulating collections
generically - Implementations have a constructor that accepts a
Collection parameter
6Collection methods (basic)
- int size()
- boolean isEmpty()
- boolean contains(Object element)
- boolean add(Object element)
- boolean remove(Object element)
- Iterator iterator()
7The Iterator interface
- Used to traverse elements of a Collection
- Can remove elements
- Methods
- boolean hasNext()
- Object next()
- void remove()
8Using Iterator
// simple method to print out each element in a
collection // using an Iterator public void
printContents(Collection stuff) for(Iterator
istuff.iterator()i.hasNext()) System.out.p
9Collection methods (bulk ops)
- boolean containsAll(Collection c)
- boolean addAll(Collection c)
- boolean removeAll(Collection c)
- boolean retainAll(Collection c)
- void clear()
10Collection methods (arrays)
- Object toArray()
- Object toArray(Object a)
11A note on Collection methods
- All Collection interfaces (Set, List, Map) have
these methods (why?) - Not all are supported
- Optional operations not supported throw
UnsupportedOperationException - Java uses Exceptions to represent errors at
runtime (more on this later)
12The Set interface
- extends Collection interface
- Cannot contain duplicate elements
- Models the mathematical Set abstraction
- Implemented by HashSet and TreeSet classes
- Use HashSet in most cases
13Set interface methods
- Basic (size, isEmpty, contains, add, remove,
iterator) - Bulk (containsAll, addAll, removeAll, retainAll,
clear) - Arrays (toArray)
14Using the Set interface
import java.util. public class FindDups
public static void main(String args)
Set s new HashSet() for (int
i0iltargs.lengthi) if
(!s.add(argsi)) System.out.println("
Duplicate detected " argsi)
System.out.println(s.size() " distinct words
detected " s) java FindDups
i came i saw i left Duplicate detected
i Duplicate detected i 4 distinct words
detected came, left, saw, i
15The List interface
- extends Collection interface
- Ordered
- Duplicates OK
- Elements have a position and index number
- Similar to arrays
- Implemented by ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector
(use ArrayList) - beware of java.awt.List
16List interface methods
- all methods from Collection interface
- Positional access (get, set, add, remove, addAll)
- Search (indexOf, lastIndexOf)
- Iteration (listIterator)
- Range-view (subList)
17Using the List interface
List list1 new ArrayList() list1.add("John") l
ist1.add("George") List list2 new
Vector() list2.add("Paul") list2.add("Ringo") l
ist1.addAll(list2) for (int i0iltlist1.size()i
) String name (String)list1.get(i)
System.out.println(name) // John, then George,
etc. System.out.println((String)list1.get(1))
// George
18The Map Interface
- does not extend Collection interface
- Maps keys to values ("associative array")
- Like List and arrays, but key instead of index
number - implemented by HashMap, TreeMap and HashTable
(use HashMap)
19Map interface methods
- no methods from Collection interface
- Basic (put, get, remove, containsKey,
containsValue, size, isEmpty) - Bulk (putAll, clear)
- Collection views (keySet, values, entrySet)
20using the Map interface
// sample Map to store state capitols by state
abbreviation private Map capitols new
HashMap() capitols.put("MI","Lansing") capitols.
put("IL","Springfield") capitols.put("TX","Austin
") capitols.put("CA","Sacramento") String
michiganCap (String)capitols.get("MI") System.
out.println("The capitol of Michigan is "
michiganCap) System.out.println("Map has "
capitols.size() " elements") capitols.clear()
// deletes all elements System.out.println("Map
has " capitols.size() " elements")
21The Collections class
- Not the same as the Collection interface
- Static utility methods to operate on Collection
22Collections class methods
- Searching
- Sorting
- Copying
- Min/Max
- Reverse
- Shuffle
- Synchronization
- Unmodifiable
- Singletons
- Fill
- Constants for empty
- List
- Set
- Map
- Etc.
23using the Collections class
import java.util. public class
CollectionsUse public static void main(String
args) List states new ArrayList() stat
es.add("AL") states.add("IL") states.add("MI
") states.add("CA") System.out.println("fir
st state is " Collections.min(states)) System
.out.println("last state is "
Collections.max(states)) System.out.println("st
ates in original order " states) Collections.
sort(states) System.out.println("states in
sorted order " states) Collections.reverse(st
ates) System.out.println("states in reverse
sorted order " states) Collections.shuffle(st
ates) System.out.println("states in random
order " states)