Title: Shakespeare: A Personal Introduction
1Shakespeare A Personal Introduction
- shakespeare1.jpg
- www.sculpturegallery.com/ sculpture/william_sh...
2Student Objectives
- Obtain a general knowledge of the personal
history of Shakespeare - Obtain a general knowledge of his work
3Shakespearean Facts
Shakespeares birthdate is unsure, but a
record exists of his baptism on April 26, 1564,
in Stratford-upon-Avon.
In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne
Shakespeare died on April 25th, 1616. On his
tomb is the warning Good friend for Jesus sake
forbeare, To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these
stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones.
Is the most performed playwrite in the world
Some of his most famous works include
Romeo and Juliet
Also wrote poetry
Created a rhyme scheme of the poetry form the
sonnet, now known as the Shakespearean Sonnet.
Some of Shakespeares works were not original,
but were rewritten versions of other works,
such as Othello, which was first written as a
story by an unkown Italian author.
6In Summary Shakespeare lived and died in the
late 16th to early17th Century. Wrote some of
the most famous plays in the history of
literature, incluiding Hamlet, Othello, and Romeo
and Juliet Shakespeare also wrote other works
than plays, and created a form of sonnet.