Title: New Developments in ImageGuided Prostate HIFU Surgery
1New Developments in Image-Guided Prostate HIFU
- Kris A. Dines
- XDATA Corporation
- Michael Penna, Rich Pfile
- Indiana University, Purdue University
Indianapolis - Roy Carlson, Russ Fedewa, Woshing Chen
- Focus Surgery
- Ralf Seip, Director RD, Focus Surgery
- Narendra T. Sanghvi, President CEO, Focus
This work was partially supported by SBIR NIH
Grant 2R44DK059664-02, awarded to Focus Surgery,
Inc. Indianapolis, IN. Principal Investigator
Narendra T. Sanghvi.
2Development Areas
- Part 1
- Anatomic-Based Planning
3Part 1 Anatomic-Based Treatment Planning
- Current methods require zones on 15 slices
- No adjustment of on/off times for anatomy
- Need to recognize capsule many times
- New method based on model of capsule
- Recognize capsule once
- Leads to automatic layout of sites
- 3D visualization of all structures and sites
4Current Sector-Linear Planning
5Current Multiple-Slice Planning Screen
6New Anatomic-Based Method
- Trace capsule on a few slices
- Identify urethra if desired
- Automatically detect rectal wall
- Model structures as mathematical 3d surfaces
- Automatically layout plan
- Edit plan if needed
7Critical Anatomic Structures
- Rectal Wall protect
- Urethra Possibly protect
- Capsule Treat
- Nerve Bundles Protect
- Not modeled
- Visualized by Doppler
- Seminal Vesicles
- Not modeled
8Anatomic Model-Based Treatment Planning
User Step 1
Work In-Progress
User Step 2
9Slices for Tracing
10Tracing Data for Surface fits
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12Automatic Refinement of Traces
Movie Automatic Play
Current area of investigation
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14Trace or Click Points
Rectal Wall automatically detected
15How Our Approach is Novel
- Use a few sector and linear traces instead of
many sector-only - Use mathematical surface models instead of
connecting slices - Mathematical models ? Compute lesion placement
16Rectal Wall Model
The rectal wall is modeled by a tube whose
central axis coincides with the probe axis and
whose radius varies as a polynomial (typically
cubic) along its length
Least-squares fit of average radius of trace
sample points
17Urethra Model
The urethra is modeled as a parametric tube whose
radius, R, is constant (2.5mm), and whose curved
central axis follows a polynomial path that is
typically cubic
Least-squares fit of center-gravity of trace
sample points at each sector slice
18Capsule Model
Deformable ellipsoid
Least-squares fit of sample points
19Simulated Capsule Fits
15 Sector
5 Sector, 3 Linear
Accuracy 95
Accuracy 85
20Surface Plots
Human Subject Early Test
21Surface Fit Capsule, Rectal Wall, UrethraHuman
2 Sector 2 Linear
22Solid Model Capsule Rectal Wall
Edges detected by gradient in 3D
Lesion Sites (Treatment Plan)
Rectal Cavity
Transverse slice through 3d model Generated by
filling voxels inside surface models
23Anatomic Models Embedded in Volume Image
VolumePro Display
24Automatic Anatomic-Based Treatment Plan
253D Anatomic Model-Based Treatment PlanHuman
Subject vKal2
Movie Automatic Play
26Lesion Placement in Human subject
27With Urethra
28Anatomic Model-Based Treatment PlanTissue-Mimicki
ng Prostate Phantom
Movie Automatic Play
29Lesion Placement in Phantom
30Image Processing Better Boundaries?
- Connect
- Rotational Kernel Transform
- max sum along all lines through the pixel
- Contrast
- Histogram Equalize using stats in central zone
- Sharpen
- unsharp masking
Current area of investigation
- Anatomic-Based Treatment Planning
- Reduces treatment planning time
- Potential to avoid complications
- Gives physician 3D view of plan
Almost Ready for Initial Clinical Testing
32Part 2 Lesion Detection Control
33Real-Time Detection of Multiple Lesions during
HIFU Treatments using Imaging (Pulse-Echo)
Ultrasound Hypothesis
Focal Zone
The RF ultrasound echo signal acquired from the
focal zone of the HIFU transducer during
treatment contains information which can be
extracted using signal processing techniques to
detect the HIFU-induced lesion.
Confocal Imaging Transducer
HIFU Transducer
Probe Tip
34Imaging 1. Scanning Typical Backscattered
Ultrasound Signals vs. Treatment Time
T 1s
T 2s
Echo Amplitude
T 3s
Distance mm
35Pulse-Echo Ultrasound RF Data Acquisition during
HIFU Delivery
A-Lines acquired during brief (50ms) pauses in
the HIFU ON Time once every 500ms. (6 Total)
A-Lines acquired during the HIFU OFF Time once
every 500ms. (3 Total)
Lesion Overlay Display is updated at these times
once every 500ms.
Pre-Treatment Reference Line
Pre-Lesion Reference Line
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- Auto-Detect Lesion Formation
- Auto-Control HIFU application time/intensity
- Potential to Reduce Treatment time
- More test data needed to calibrate/validate
46Future RD
- Automatic Detection capsule boundary
- Image enhancement ? improve boundaries
- Auto-detect lesion formation
- from changes in ultrasound signals
- control HIFU application time/intensity
- Spin-off of technology to breast surgery
48Imaging and Treatment Geometry
Sector Scan
Homogeneous Coordinate Transforms Relate Spaces
Linear Scan
screen upper left
screen upper left