Title: Expanding Opportunities for
1Expanding Opportunities for Hispanic
Marketing Jose Cancela President, Radio Unica,
Inc. March 27, 2003
2Radio Unica Network
Who We Are
- Hispanic Americas only Radio Network
- National Distribution
- 42 stations
- 14 Owned and Operated Markets
- 80 coverage of the Hispanic market
- News, Talk and Sports with Stars!
- Interactive, personality based programming
- 19-hours of live, original programming per day
- National, Regional Local Promotions
3Trusted Advisors More Than Entertainers
Paul Harvey Commentary
Jim Rome Sports
Dr. Dean Edell Medicine
Oprah Personal Improvement
Dr. Phil Family Relationships
Rush Limbaugh Political
Tom Joyner ABC Urban
Bob Brinker Finance
4Radio Unica Trusted Advisors
Network News News, and Daily Events
Descalzi en Directo News Talk with an Edge
Dra. Aliza Lifshitz Medical Commentary
Dra. Isabel Family Relationships
Unica en Deportes Hispanic Americas Sports Talk
Pedro Sevcec Finance/Commentary
5The U.S. Hispanic Market
6The U.S. Hispanic Market
Based on the latest Census figures (July 2001),
Hispanics account for 13 of the total U.S.
Asian Pacific Islander 4
Asian Pacific Islander 3
Other 3
Hispanic 13
Other 5
Hispanic 8
Black 12
Black 12
White 68
White 72
Universe 249 Million
Universe 285 Million
7Hispanic Population Facts
- At 37 Million, Hispanics are now the largest
minority group in the U.S. - Hispanics are the largest minority group in 23
of the 50 states! - The US Hispanic population is the 5th largest of
any Spanish speaking country in the world, more
populous than Canada!
Sources U.S. Population Statistics U.S. Census
Bureau 2000 July 2001 Strategy Research
Corporation 2002 U.S. Hispanic Blue Book
8Hispanic Market Growth
- From 1990 to 2000 the Hispanic population in the
United States increased by 13 million more than
50 - The general U.S. population increased 13 during
the same time period
Source US Census Bureau 2000, July 2001
9Hispanic Market Growth
- Based birth rates and a
- 40 growth rate in
- immigration among Latinos,
- the U.S. Census projects the
- U.S. Hispanic population to
- reach 50 Million by 2015.
Source US Census Bureau 2000, July 2001
10Fastest Growing Markets
- While California, Texas and Florida accounted for
50 of the Hispanic population growth, the
fastest growing markets are in Southern,
non-traditional Hispanic States.
Increase 1990-2000
Source US Census Bureau
11The U.S. Hispanic Market
- The majority of U.S. Hispanics are Mexican
- Country of origin/ethnicity
- Mexico 58.5
- Puerto Rico 9.6
- Cuba 3.5
- All Other 28.4
- After the states of Mexico D.F., the state of
California has more Mexicans than any other
Mexican State - Top States
- Estado de Mexico 13,096,686
- Districto Federal 8,605,239
- California, USA 8,216,981
- Jalisco 6,322,002
Sources U.S. Population Statistics U.S. Census
Bureau 2000 Mexican Populations INEGI XII
Census General de Poblacion y Vivienda 2000
- Never in the history of the United States has
there been so large a number of Americans who
speak a single second language - The Boston Globe
- 1/27/03
- As U.S. Demographics change, Many Americans Try
to Learn Spanish
- The 2000 Census counted
28 million Americans who speak
Spanish, the highest number of a language
other than English ever recorded in the United
States. - The Boston Globe
- 1/27/03
- As U.S. Dome graphics change, Many Americans Try
to Learn Spanish
14- When a Japanese man struggles to say something
in English, I tell him, - Youre in America.
- Speak Spanish!
- Paul Rodriguez comedian
15Language Preference
- 75 of Hispanics are Spanish Dependent which
hasnt changed since 1999
Language Preference Inside the Home
Only Spanish, Mostly Spanish, Bilingual Source
Simmons 2002 Hispanic Study
16Language Preference by Age
- Spanish Dependents are slightly older than
English Dominant Hispanics
Average Age English Dominant 38.1 Spanish
Dependent 39.3
Language Preference By Age
Source Simmons 2002 Hispanic Study
1718-34 Language Trends
- Compared to three years ago, there are slightly
more 18-34s who are Spanish Dependent.
Language Preference Among 18-34 Yr Olds
Source Simmons 2002 Hispanic Study
18We see the Hispanic opportunity as the fastest
growing marketing opportunity for our
company, Larry Johnston Chairman and
CEO Albertsons Source NACS Online Tapping
Into Hispanic Buying Power
19Hispanic Market is Younger
- The Hispanic market offers younger consumers, as
the average age is 5 years younger than the
general market.
Average Age Hispanics 38.9 General Market 44.7
Source Simmons Fall 02 NCS and 2002 Hispanic
20Hispanic Spending Power
- Over a seventeen year period,
- 1990-2007, the nations
- Hispanic buying power
- will grow at nearly
- TWICE the compound annual
- rate of Non-Hispanics.
- 8.7 percent vs. 4.8 percent
Source Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry
College of Business, The University of Georgia
21Hispanic Buying Power has doubled
- With a increase of 120 from 1990 to 2000,
Hispanic Purchasing Power grew at more than twice
the population growth rate (50).
U.S. Hispanic Purchasing Power (in billions)
Source Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry
College of Business, The University of Georgia,
22Hispanic Buying Power has doubled
- Hispanic Purchasing power will exceed
African-Americans by 2005 - And is expected to reach almost a trillion
dollars by 2007!
U.S. Hispanic Purchasing Power (in billions)
Source Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry
College of Business, The University of Georgia
23Fastest Growing Economies
- Those states with the fastest growing population
also had the biggest jumps in purchasing power.
Increase 1990-2000
Source Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry
College of Business, The University of Georgia
24Hispanics Have Larger Families
- Hispanics are almost twice as likely as
Non-Hispanics to have children and have more of
Source Simmons Fall 02 NCS and 2002 Hispanic
25Hispanics Grocery Shop More Often
Source Food Marketing Institute (FMI) /
Cultural Access Group Study U.S. Hispanics
Insight Into Grocery Shopping Preferences and
Attitudes, 2002 FMIs Trends in the United States
Consumer Attitudes the Supermarket 2002.
from FMI and/or Cultural Access websites
26Hispanics Spend More on Groceries Than Other
Weekly Grocery Expenditures
Hispanic Shoppers
U.S. Shoppers
Source Food Marketing Institute (FMI) /
Cultural Access Group Study U.S. Hispanics
Insight Into Grocery Shopping Preferences and
Attitudes, 2002 FMIs Trends in the United States
Consumer Attitudes the Supermarket 2002.
from FMI and/or Cultural Access websites
27Hispanics Drink More Milk Per Day
- Larger households translate into higher glass
per day milk consumption among Hispanics.
Source Simmons Fall 02 NCS and 2002 Hispanic
28Spanish Dependents Heaviest Milk Drinkers
- Spanish Dependent Hispanics are much more likely
than English Dependent Hispanics to be heavy per
day milk consumers.
Source Simmons Fall 02 NCS and 2002 Hispanic
29How Hispanics Grocery Shop
- More than half of Hispanic grocery shoppers do so
with an adult in their household and 15 shop
with children. - Making them highly influence in their purchasing
decisions - 43 are frequently influenced by a spouse or
significant other. - Four in ten say their children also influence
Source Food Marketing Institute (FMI) /
Cultural Access Group Study U.S. Hispanics
Insight Into Grocery Shopping Preferences and
Attitudes, 2002 FMIs Trends in the United States
Consumer Attitudes the Supermarket 2002.
from FMI and/or Cultural Access websites
30Language Impacts Shopping
- Almost half of Hispanic grocery shoppers are
frequently influenced by Spanish-language ads. - Compared with 31 percent who were influenced by
ads in English.
Source Food Marketing Institute (FMI) /
Cultural Access Group Study U.S. Hispanics
Insight Into Grocery Shopping Preferences and
Attitudes, 2002 FMIs Trends in the United States
Consumer Attitudes the Supermarket 2002.
from FMI and/or Cultural Access websites
31More on Language
- Cheskin Hispanic Origin Tracker Study Findings
- 56 Hispanic Dominant
- 20 Bicultural
- 23 English Dominant
- 76 of the Hispanic market prefers to be marketed
to in Spanish. - 71 of Bicultural Hispanics are raising their
children bilingually. - 97 of Hispanic Dominant and Bicultural Hispanics
identify with being Hispanic as much as being an
Source Cheskin Hispanic Opinion Tracker (HOT)
Study Results, conducted for People en Espanol,
June-July 2002 National sample of 6000, margin of
error -2.2. Excerpts from Hispanic Business.com
32Speaking to Spanish Dependents
- It is important to speak to Spanish Dependents in
their own language
Agree A Lot w/Statements Spanish Dependants Index
to Total Hispanics
Source Simmons Hispanic 2002
33Media Usage by Language
- Hispanics tend to consume media in the language
they speak most often.
Source Simmons Fall 02 NCS and 2002 Hispanic
34In ConclusionWhat You Should Know
- At 37 million, Hispanics are the largest minority
in the United States. - Census projects the Hispanic population to reach
50 million in by 2015. - Hispanic annual buying power is currently 581
billion and will reach almost a trillion dollars
in the next 5 years. - Hispanics are younger, have larger HHs, spend
more on groceries and drink more milk per day
than Non-Hispanics - Spanish language is a key component in marketing
to a large portion Hispanics. - Language preference dictates media usage.