Title: School Based New Apprenticeships SBNAs
1School Based New Apprenticeships (SBNAs)
- Origin and Background
- Today
- Removing the Barriers
- Australian Technical Colleges
- New Apprenticeships Support Services
- Other Australian Government Initiatives
3Origin and Background of SBNAs
- 1997 MCEETYA endorsed the Principles and
Framework for New Apprenticeships for School
Students - This underpinned the ANTA National Guidelines for
School-Based New Apprenticeships
4School-Based New Apprenticeships Today In Brief
Source National Centre for Vocational Education
Research (NCVER), September 2005
5School-Based New Apprenticeships Today In Brief
6Removing the Barriers
- COAG agreed to remove barriers to school-based
New Apprenticeships - regulatory and education barriers and
- industrial barriers.
- Work Choices Legislation
- Australian Fair Pay Commission to set minimum
training wages
7Australian Technical Colleges
- 343.6 million to establish 25 Australian
Technical Colleges in 24 regions that will - strengthen Australias vocational and technical
education system - assist in meeting local area skills needs
- promote pride and excellence in the acquisition
of trade skills among young Australians
8Australian Technical Colleges
- Industry led
- College must be a school
- Students commence SBNA in first year
- Students graduate with a year 12 certificate and
progress towards an AQF qualification
9Australian Technical Colleges
- Priority trades
- Metal and Engineering
- Automotive
- Building and Construction
- Electrotechnology and
- Commercial Cookery.
- Operating currently in Port Macquarie,
Gladstone, the Gold Coast and Eastern Melbourne
10Australian Technical Colleges
11New Apprenticeships Support Services (NASS) and
- NAC support to SBNAs and administration of New
Apprenticeships Incentives - New NASS contract commencing on 1 July 2006
increased focus on SBNAs
12SBNA Employer Incentives
- Subject to eligibility criteria
- Certificate II - attract up to 3,750 in employer
incentives - Certificate III - attract up to 6,500 in
employer incentives - Some also attract the innovation New
Apprenticeships incentive or the rural and
regional skills incentive. - Exemptions from Existing Worker, Prior
Qualifications and Prior Incentives Rules
13Other Australian Government Initiatives
- Tools For Your Trade
- Commonwealth Trade Learning Scholarship
- Careers Advice Australia - Local Community
Partnerships - Australian Vocational Student Prize
- Prime Ministers Award for Skills Excellence
14Other Australian Government Initiatives
- Group Training in the Trades Programme
- Targeted Initiatives Programme
16(No Transcript)