Title: Webbased Data Analysis in New York State
1Web-based Data Analysis in New York State
- NCES 14th Annual MIS Conference
2Cast of Characters
- Cognos Corporation
- Shara Bunis, Specialist, Education K-12
- Mark Kilcawley, Senior Account Manager
- James Waters, Technical Specialist
- eScholar
- Shawn Bay, CEO
- New York State
- Paulette Robichaud, Erie 1 BOCES
- Bill Heppeler, CNYRIC
- Dave Courtright, NERIC
- (5) Welcome and opening comments
- (15) An overview of the NYS RIC Project to date
- where we were, getting collaboration
- solutions implemented
- results how things are different
- (5) EBI Market/Industry
- (10) Cognos overview
- (10) eScholar overview
- Break
- (70) Data demonstration and specific applications
- Title I, (to include training implications and
using data for decision making) - State assessment cube (how data can be used by
different types of school/district personnel) - Medicaid (Statewide data)
- (5) Wrap up and Final QA
4Welcome and Opening Comments
- Handouts
- MIS Presentation slides
- Multidimensional Analysis Tools
- Data Reporting and Analysis Unlock the Potential
of your Data - A Case Study of Classroom Data Needs
- Inquiry-Minded Schools Opening Doors for
Accountability - MCAS Testing Results Using Cognos
- Top of the Class
- Cognos Product Information (PowerPlay, Impromptu
Web Reports, and Visualizer) - On-line Resource
- On-line Cognos Cubes
- WNYRIC - http//dataview.wnyric.org
- CNYRIC - http//www.cnyric.org/infosystems/softwar
e/cognos.htm - NERIC - http//jee.neric.org/sysprog/Cognos.htm
- MHRIC - http//www.mhric.org/cognos/
- WFLRIC - http//cognos.edutech.org/
- MORIC - http//www.moric.org/ric/inspinfo.htm
- Nassau RIC - http//www.nassauboces.org/cit/d3/ind
5Beyond Systems and onto Decisions
- Irene DaMota
- Principal, Roberto Clement High School, Chicago
(2/17/2001) - I cannot wait to tell the world about solutions
that are helping me to interpret hidden data
relationships about my learners, powerful
information that is going to couch the way we
teach and the level of readiness and expertise
our learners are acquiring on discreet concepts
and learning themes.
6An Overview of the NYS RIC Project to Date
- Where we were, collaboration
- Solutions implemented
- Results how things are different
7EBI Market/Industry and Cognos Overview
Unlock the Potential of your Data
8KOTO - King of the Obvious
- Business is defined as having responsibilities.
- Success is the result of more good decisions than
bad. - Data by itself means nothing.
- Data does not discriminate - it treats all users
the same. - Data only becomes a valuable resource when it is
maximized by users for decision making. -
- Everybody within an organization relies on data!
9Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI)
Enterprise Business Intelligence
Flat File
10Components of EBI
- Reporting
- Creating standard periodic reports (daily,
weekly, or monthly). - Specific formats distributed electronically.
- Query
- For asking questions of the database.
- The question asked is known.
- Analysis
- Looking to investigate an issue.
- Not sure what to ask, but need a quick response.
- Visualization
- Prefer visual view of data for quick assessment.
- Desire Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and
scorecard capabilities.
11COGNOS Corporation
- In business for 30 years
- 2100 employees
- 45 offices in 17 countries
- 500M annual revenue
- 1.8 million Business Intelligence (BI) licenses
- 29,000 customers in over 60 countries
- 60 of the EBI market (industry leader)
- Why is this important?
- Its about partnering!
12eScholar Overview
13Data Anarchy
School District Data Sources
14Anarchy - Transform Standardize
School Data Bus
15Anarchy Transform Store
Relational Database Data Mart
16Anarchy Transform Store USE
School Data Bus
School Data Bus
Tomorrow in the Crocodile Ballroom We invite you
to come play with education data. You will be
able to access, query and develop reports using
Web-based education data. Stop by and take
advantage of this opportunity to speak one on one
with us. Come by as your schedule permits or
reserve your spot for a personal session now.
19Break 10 minutes
- After the Break
- Data demonstration and specific applications
- Title I, (to include training implications and
using data for decision making) - State assessment cube (how data can be used by
different types of school/district personnel) - Medicaid (Statewide data)
- Wrap up and Final QA
Tomorrow in the Crocodile Ballroom We invite you
to come play with education data. You will be
able to access, query and develop reports using
Web-based education data. Stop by and take
advantage of this opportunity to speak one on one
with us. Come by as your schedule permits or
reserve your spot for a personal session now.
21Wrap-up and Final Q A
- Contact Information
- Cognos Corporation http//www/cognos.com
- Shara Bunis, Specialist, Education K-12
shara.bunis_at_cognos.com 800-365-3968 x2618 - Mark Kilcawley, Account Manager
mark.kilcawley_at_cognos.com 800-365-3968 x2639 - James Waters, Technical Specialist
james.waters_at_cognos.com 904-556-7548 - eScholar http//www.escholar.com
- Shawn Bay, CEO sbay_at_escholar.com 914-989-2909
- Ron Streeeter, V.P., Decision Support Systems
rstreeter_at_escholar.com 914-989-2914 - Eric Johnson, V.P., Sales Marketing
ejohnson_at_escholar.com 914-989-2910 - New York State
- Paulette Robichaud, Erie 1 BOCES
probicha_at_erie1.wnyric.org 716-821-7187 - Bill Heppeler, CNYRIC wheppele_at_cnyric.org
315-433-8317 - Dave Courtright, NERIC dwc_at_gw.neric.org