Title: Chapter Fifteen
1Chapter Fifteen
- any business that sells products to consumers for
their personal use. - major connection to consumers
- retailers add value to products
- time utility
- place utility
- possession utility
- form utility.
3Retail Marketing Strategies
- identify target market for store
- use demographic psychographic
factors - establish a retail position
- the retail marketing mix
- customer service policy
- retail image.
4The Retail Marketing Mix
- product
- merchandise assortment
- product depth width
- price
- full price/sale price
- discount/off-price
- every-day-low-pricing.
Product Price Place Promotion
5The Retail Marketing Mix (cont.)
- place
- location, location, location
- promotion
- advertising
- TV
- newspapers
- magazines
- out of home media
- in-store celebrations.
6Customer Services
- to serve or not to serve
- self service to full service
- other services
- credit services
- return policy
- home delivery
- installation.
Customer Services
7Retailer Position
- personality/image of retailer
- types of images
- conservative
- innovative
- fun
- luxury
- thrifty.
8Categories of Retailing
- by ownership
- by product line
- by level of service
- by pricing strategy
- by size of store
- by location
- by method of operation.
9By Ownership
- independent retailers
- chain stores
- franchises.
MOM POP I.G.A. Grocery Store
10By Product Line
- general merchandise
- general merchandise retailer/variety stores
- Woolworths
- department store (full service/full price)
- J.C. Penney
- warehouse clubs
- Sams Clubs.
11By Product Line (cont.)
- limited lines
- catalogs
- specialty stores
- Single lines
- one product line, great depth.
12By Level of Service
- from full service to self service.
13By Pricing Strategy
- full price/sale retailers
- off-price retailers
- buy leftovers and sell cheap
- discount retailers
- lower than full price offer less services.
14By Size of Store
- supermarket
- warehouse store
- superstores
- hypermarkets.
15By Location
- location, location, location
- shopping center / anchor store
- mall
- freestanding.
16By Method of Operation
- direct selling
- vending machines
- catalogs
- telemarketing
- television home shopping
- Internet.
17Trends in Marketing
- mass customization
- individual department moods
- on-line services
- television shopping
- scanning yourself
- brand life style
- cyberplay.
WWW shopping
18Retailing Online
- The Three Cs of online retailing
- Content
- Community
- Commerce
- www.delias.com
- www.nike.com