Title: Diana Sturtevant presents
1Diana Sturtevant presents
- Sandra Cisneros
- and
- The House On Mango Street
2 Biography
Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954.
She was a teacher, a college recruiter, and an
arts administrator. She is recognized
internationally for her writings. Sandra is
Mexican-American and has six brothers. She
currently lives in San Antonio.
3Internationally recognized author.
- Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories
- My Wicked Wicked Ways
- Caramelo
- Hairs/Pelitos
- Loose Woman
- The House On Mango Street
4Who Am I?
Sandra Cisneros attempts to answer this question
as she discovers who she is and who she wants to
5My Own Poem
- I want to be
- Like the waves on the sea,
- Like the clouds in the wind
- But Im me.
- One day Ill jump
- Out of my skin.
- Ill shake the sky
- Like a hundred violins.
- p. 60
6Reactions to The House on Mango Street from the
book Holler If You Hear Me by Greg Michie
- Weve enjoyed reading the real life
situations and relating them to our own lives. - p. 61
7Reaction to the text Yajaira
- The best thing about coming to this program and
reading The House On Mango Street was that the
stories were very interesting and they all have a
feeling that I have once had. p. 63
8Reaction to the text Marisa
- I enjoyed reading these stories a lot because of
the things we talked about. - It seems that when we come in here we get to
express ourselves and say things we cant say in
other classes. - p. 63
9Pillows and Petunias(her new home)
- Esperanzas life is full of stories that make up
who she was as a child and who she is as an
adult. Initially she feels held back by her house
on Mango Street. Eventually, the house sets her
free. Even so, she knows shell return for those
who cannot leave.