Title: Cocreated Super Bowl advertising
1Co-created Super Bowl advertising
March 2007
The enclosed material is proprietary to the ECC
Partnership and is for the internal use of the
addressee only.
Francis J. Gouillart ? The Experience
Co-Creation Partnership ? 100 Main Street,
Suite 130 ? Concord, MA 01742 ? Mobile 1
781 888 0186
vramaswamy_at_eccpartnership.com fgouillart_at_eccpartne
2Co-created advertising is the rage
- Sept. 14, 2006 Do-it-yourself ads will move
from Web promotions to the biggest stage in
advertising with the airing of the first homemade
commercial in a Super Bowl. - The consumer ad will vie for viewer attention
with some of the fanciest professional
commercials. -
- Frito-Lay on Thursday will invite consumers to
enter their own 30-second ads for Doritos in an
online competition, with the winner broadcast
during the Feb. 4 NFL championship on CBS. - Frito-Lay marketer Ann Mukherjee says the core
Doritos age group is 16 to 24 and that handing
over an ad slot worth 2 million-plus is worth it
to involve them with the brand. She says
interaction and putting them in charge are key in
marketing to that group.
3Doritos angle Crashing the Super Bowl
41,060 submissions posted on Doritos website,
5Website visitors chose the winning video
- Doritos judges chose 5 finalists.
- Each won 10,000 and a trip to Miami for a
private Super Bowl party. - But viewers chose the winner.
- Announced and aired during the Super Bowl.
6Opening up the production process
- Thousands of user comments in a forum on the
Doritos website.
7The Doritos ads recirculate on YouTube, giving
them a far longer shelf-life than typical ads
8Chevy enlisted fresh-faced, All-American college
kids for its ads
- All-American look fits Chevrolets master
advertising strategy. - 820 teams from 230 schools.
9Chevy website worked real ads into the ad contest
10The Chevy ad contest created its own buzz
11Chevy kept the buzz going with an
insert-your-own-image version
12In addition to YouTube postings
13The NFL set up a contest for a co-created house ad
14Online submissions were combined with three live
15The usual YouTube posting with a twist
- The NFLs contest was for ad pitches, not actual
ads. - They turned to experts for production.
- Counter to the concept of co-creation?
- The YouTube post showed the winner talking about
his idea. - Not terribly interesting, but its been viewed
126,000 times nonetheless.
16Postscript the ultimate DIY ad