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CS 455555: Spring 2004


g(t)=0.5c an sin(2 nft) bncos(2 nft) where f =1/T is the fundamental ... On the mobile phone, voice is digitized, and compressed, resulting in 8kbps or less ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 455555: Spring 2004

CS 455/555 Spring 2004
  • Chapter 2 The Physical Layer

  • Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Transmission Media
  • Wireless Transmission
  • Telephone System
  • Narrowband ISDN
  • B-ISDN and ATM
  • Cellular Radio
  • Communication Satellites

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Fourier Analysis
  • Any reasonably behaved periodic function, g(t),
    with period T can be constructed by summing a
    (possibly infinite) number of sines and cosines.
  • g(t)0.5c ?an sin(2? nft) ? bncos(2 ? nft)
    where f 1/T is the fundamental frequency and the
    as and bs are amplitudes. (See page 78 for more
  • Rms amplitude Sqrt(an2 bn2 )

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Attenuation The power of a signal diminishes as
    it travels along the medium. Higher frequencies
    may be subjected to higher attenuation than lower
  • Bandwidth-limited signals The bandwidth of a
    signal is generally limited by filters which
    cut-off frequencies above certain limit. If the
    cut-off is high, then more harmonics are
    transmitted otherwise less are transmitted
    bandwidthhigh.freq-low.freq (Frequency is
    measured in Hz, hertz, or cycles/sec)
  • Fundamental frequency f and harmonics (2 f, 3 f,

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Signal vs. data Signal is the actual voltage
    pattern sent on a transmission medium data is
    what the signal conveys
  • Example Suppose two groups standing apart on two
    mountain tops of a valley use colored flags to
    send information to each other. Suppose they
    choose 4 types of flags (e.g., Red, Blue, Green,
    and Yellow) for this purpose. Suppose the
    flaggers can change the flags at the rate of
    3/minute, then the signal rate is 3/minute. What
    is the data rate?
  • Since each color can convey 2 bits of
    information, the data rate is 6 bits/minute.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • The rate at which signal changes is referred to
    as Baud rate measured in bauds.It represents
    signal changes/sec.
  • The data is measured in bits/second or bps.
  • If only voltage levels 0 and 1 are used by
    signals, then baud rate bit rate. This is not
    always the case.
  • Suppose a periodic signal with a period of T sec
    or a frequency of f Hz (1/T) is to be
    transmitted over a channel, then we first should
    determine how much bandwidth is needed for this
    signal. After a Fourier analysis, if determine
    that only the first 3 harmonics are of relevance,
    then we need a bandwidth of 3 f bandwidth.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Example You wish to send data at a rate of 10
    Mbps using a signaling method that uses 16 levels
    (e.g., voltage).
  • A Fourier analysis of the signal revealed that
    the fundamental frequency is 2 kHz and up to 5
    Harmonics are significant.
  • What is the signaling rate (baud rate) we need
    for the signal? A minimum of 10/4 or 2.5 Mbaud.
  • What is the bandwidth needed? 25 10KHz

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Nyquists sampling theorem If an arbitrary
    signal has been passed through a low-pass filter
    of bandwidth H Hz, then the filtered signal can
    be completely reconstructed by sampling it at the
    source at the rate of 2H samples/sec. Sampling at
    a rate higher than this is not any more
    beneficial as other higher harmonics have already
    been removed from the filtered signal.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Suppose we have a channel with a bandwidth of 10
    kHz (channels behave like low-pass filters), and
    we use 8-level signals to pass through the
    channel, what is the maximum data rate we can
    obtain using the channel/signal combination? A
    signal with the highest harmonic of 10 kHz needs
    only a sampling rate of 20 K samples/sec. Each
    sample of 8-level signal can represent 3 bits. So
    maximum data rate is 320 or 60 kbps.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • In general, maximum data rate of a noiseless
    channel 2H log2V bit/sec
  • Where H is the channel bandwidth and V is
  • Shannons result Given a channel with a
    signal-to-noise ratio of S/N,
  • maximum data rate H log2 (1S/N)
  • Shannons result is independent of number of
    levels in a signal and the rate of sampling of a

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) This is a ratio of
    signal power to noise power present in a signal.
    This noise is referred to as thermal noise,
    random noise, white noise, Johnson noise, etc.
  • In practice, this is measured in decibels (dB) or
    10 log10 (S/N).
  • For example, if a channel has a signal power of
    10 watts and noise power of 0.5 watts, then S/N
    is 10/0.5 20. In decibels, the same is
    expressed as 10 log10 (20) 101.313 dB.
  • If this channel has a BW of 30 kHz, then maximum
    data rate is 30log2(120)30 log221 kbps

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication (Contd.)
  • How to find log2(21) since calculators only have
    log to the base of 10 or e?
  • log2(21) log10(21)/ log10(2)
  • log10(2) 0.3010
  • So, maximum data rate in the previous example
    log2(21) log10(21)/0.30101.3222/0.3010 4.39
  • So the above channel cannot deliver more than
    4.39 kbps irrespective of how many levels there
    are per signal or the rate of sampling.

Transmission Media
  • Magnetic media (disks, floppies, tapes, etc)
  • Twisted pair (e.g., telephones)
  • Baseband coaxial cable For digital
  • Broadband coaxial cable For analog
    transmission--- up to 300-450 MHz (bandwidth)
  • Fiber-optics Almost infinite bandwidth
    (certainly 50,000 Gbps and more)---No more
    limitation of Nyquist and Shannon

Transmission Media (Contd.)
  • Attenuation introduced by a transmission medium
    is measured in decibels (dB)
  • Attenuation in decibels
  • 10log10(transmitted power/received power)
  • If over a 1 km cable, the transmitted power was 1
    Watt and received power was 0.8 watt, then
    attenuation of the wire
  • 10log10(1/0.8)0.969 dB/1 km
  • What is the attenuation over 0.5 km cable?
    0.969/20.4845 dB. So if the transmitted power at
    one end of a 0.5km is 1 watt, what is the power
    at the other end?
  • 0.4845 10log10(1/x) 1/x100.048451.118
    x0.894 watt
  • When the attenuation of a cable is specified,
    this is how you can compute the received power
    from the length of the cable.

Wireless Transmission
  • Speed of light, c 3108 meters/sec
  • In copper or fiber it is about 2/3 of this
  • 2 108 meters/sec

The Telephone System
  • Use of both analog and digital transmissions (see
    Fig. 2-23) Codec Code/decode For digital
    transmission Modem Modulator/demodulator for
    analog transmission
  • Transmission impairments Attenuation, delay
    distortion, and noise

  • Digital data is converted to analog signals using
  • At the sending end, the stream of bits are used
    to modulate a sine wave carrier.
  • At the receiving end, the analog signal is
    sampled to derive the bit stream.
  • Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase
  • A 3000-Hz telephone line allows a frequency of at
    most 3 kHz. Hence, to reconstruct the original
    signal we need at most 6000 samples/sec. The bps
    now depend on the coding of more bits/sample.
  • In quadrature amplitude modulation (Fig. 2-25b)
    each sample contains 4 bits. Hence, this will
    enable a 3 kHz line to send 12 kbps.
  • More complex coding results in more bits/sample,
    and hence higher data rate for a modem.

Trunks and Multiplexing
  • Trunks have large bandwidth, so they can carry
    multiple channels simultaneously
  • Multiplexing Frequency division multiplexing,
    time division multiplexing, and wavelength
    division multiplexing (fiber-optics)
  • TDM Pulse-code modulation (PCM) to convert
    analog signals to digital signals (codec) one
    sample of the signal is converted to a string of
    bits. A 7-bit PCM can digitize a sample into one
    of 27 or 128-levels to produce a 7-bit stream.
    This is used in TDM as shown in Fig. 2-33.
  • DPCM is an alternate to PCM where the difference
    in levels of the present sample from the previous
    is measured. Delta modulation is a special case
    of DPCM where only higher or lower are recorded.
  • DM needs least bits, DPCM needs some more, and
    PCM needs the most.

  • Circuit Switching
  • Message switching
  • Packet switching
  • See Figure 2-39

Satellite Communication
  • Geo-synchronous satellites
  • Signal travels at the speed of light 3108 m/sec
  • The time for a signal to traverse from source to
    the satellite, reflected back, and reach the
    destination is about 270 milliseconds. This is
    referred to as end-to-end delay
    (source-destination) or as a round-trip delay
    (i.e., ground-satellite-ground)

DSL Digital Subscriber Line
  • A means by which telephone companies are offering
    high-speed access over telephone lines
  • In a normal telephone line, the filter at the end
    office cuts off frequencies below 300 HZ and
    above 3400 Hz. Thus, data were are restricted to
    this limited BW.
  • The trick used by DSL (or ADSL) is to remove this
    restriction for data. Thus, filter BW is no
    longer the limitation.
  • They have a monthly charge and not per-minute
    connection charge.
  • See Fig. 2-29 for a typical DSL configuration.
    NIDSplitter are installed by the tel. Company
    and ADSL modem is also needed.
  • ADSL modem acts as a 250 QAM (I.e., 250 points in
    the configuration map)

Wireless Local Loops
  • Local loop The connection between a home and
    the end-office. Typically, it is a twisted-pair.
    However, this limits the BW and data rates.
  • The idea to improve the bandwidth is to make the
    local loop wireless via an antenna at home. The
    antenna transmits and receives from the telephone
    companys close by tower.

Mobile Telephone Systems
  • First generation mobile phones Analog voice
  • Cell phones---area is divided into cells
  • Frequencies are not reused in adjacent cells
  • Each cell has a base station.
  • Handoff A base station handing off a phone to
    its neighboring cells base station.
  • MTSO Mobile Telephone Switching Offices they
    communicate with the base stations, each other,
    and the rest of the packet-switching network.

Second-Generation Mobile Phones Digital Voice
(PCS or personal communication services
  • D-AMPS, GSM, CDMA, PDC (different standards)
  • D-AMPS The Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System
    (USA) ATT
  • Uses 30 kHz channels Frequency division
  • On the mobile phone, voice is digitized, and
    compressed, resulting in 8kbps or less
  • Each frequency pair supports 25 frames/sec of 40n
    msec each each frame holds three users.
  • GSM The Global System for Mobile Communication
    (Rest of the world)
  • Similar to D-AMPS uses FDM frequency pairs
    using TDM to hold multiple users
  • GSM channel 200kHz (versus 30 kHz) supporting 8
    separate connections with TDM
  • CDMA Code Division Multiple Access (Qualcomm,
    Inc.) Sprint PCS
  • Does not use FDM channels are separated using
    coding theory

Third-Generation Mobile Phones Digital Voice and
  • New applications data, video conf., group game
    playing, M-commerce, etc.
  • W-CDMA (Wideband CDMA) by Ericsson
  • CDMA 2000 by Qualcomm, Inc.
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