Title: Oregon State University Extension, Oregon Family Nutrition Program OFNPFSNE
1Oregon State University Extension, Oregon Family
Nutrition Program (OFNP/FSNE)
Lauren Tobey, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Education
Program Coordinator OSU Extension Family and
Community Development
2Oregon Demographics
- Population 3,700,758
- California 36,457,549 (2006 US Census)
- Food Stamp Program
- Enrollment Dec 07 374,684 (10 of population)
- Participant access rate 98 (FRAC, 2002)
If not specified data come from the 2000 US
3OFNP is in 32 of 36 Counties on 5 Tribal Lands
4FSNE Oregon Counties Served
FFY 1999 NEP
FFY 2002 NEP
FFY 2008 NEP
6 Counties Served
18 Counties Served
32 Counties and 3 Tribal Lands Served
Counties without FSNE
5Oregon State University Extension
- 3rd Mission of OSU Outreach
- Front Door to OSU
- Community-based education
6OFNP in Oregon
Community Partnerships
- Food Share
- Schools
- Head Start
- Senior Meal Sites
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- 4-H
- Migrant Camps
- Indian Reservations
- Direct Hands On
- Series
- Single Class Event
- Indirect
- Website
- Newsletter
- Public Display
- Public Event food/activity demo
- Kiosk
- Ed materials sent home/to a site
- Food Stamp Office Kits
In FFY 2008 FSNE has approximately 486 community
partners throughout Oregon.
7OFNP Goals
- 1) Healthy Eating Activity
- 2) ? Household Food Security
- 3) ? Foodborne Illness
- 4) Create a Fruit Vegetable Based Social
Marketing Campaign
8OFNP Targeting
- Schools free and reduced lunch participation
- Community partner data (i.e. low income housing
unit, WIC) - Grocery Stores average 50,000 Food Stamp
receipts a month - Eligible census tracks - 42 of 755
- Excludes 90.9 of Food Stamp Eligibles
- Includes 10 of 36 Counties
- Average of 3679 total persons living in an
eligible census tract (as low as 350) - A case for direct mail
9OFNP FFY 2007
- 100 faculty staff in 31 counties and 3 Tribal
Lands - Over 200,000 youth and adults reached
- 27 percent Hispanic
- Programming in English, Spanish and Russian
10ONFP and Creating a Social Marketing
11April, 2007 Oregon Food Stamp Challenge
Governor Kulongoski lived on 21 for a week
12What They Ate on a 42 Budget
13June 2007
14July 2007
- FFY 2008 Social Marketing Goals
- Hire social marketing coordinator
- Literature review/Logic Model
- Geographical targeting
- Building cost-share relationships
- Write proposal in the FFY 2009 Plan
15October, 2007 Food Stamp Program Bonus
- Governors Hunger, Health and Nutrition
Initiative announced (1.7 million) - OFNP and Initiative
- Over the next 3 years
- Social Marketing
- Gardening Curriculum
- Senior Recipe Cards
- Portion Size Research Project
16Last Week Front Page Press
17CurrentlyFFY 2008 Social Marketing Proposal
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
(BRFSS) questions - Market Research (C2C)
- Include testing existing campaigns
- Involvement of State Nutrition Action Plan
partners in planning
18Find out more about OFNP
- http//extension.oregonstate.edu/nep