Title: Minor
1Minor information market 2009
Martin Beusekamp, general Major-minor coordinator
2What is a minor?
A minor is an authorised set of courses with a
total of 20 European Credits
- Except for Cultural Literacy (22½ EC), two minors
with a field study abroad (25 EC) and Educational
Design (30 EC) - the extra study load to be taken at your own
account! - Outside (preferably far outside) your main
authorised at the right academic level,
coherent, well-structured, with varied courses,
validated, etc.
3Why are there minors?
- To offer you a platform for the (further)
development of a broad spectrum of academic
skills - That is helpful
- you will develop into a more versatile
professional - you will have more job opportunities
- That is fun
- there are many different minors
- you can take the minor which appeals to you most
4Do I have to take a minor?
- Basic principle all UT Bachelor students take a
minor in the first semester of their third year. - But there are some exceptions!
- for students in Advanced Technology ("AT"),
Biomedical Engineering ("BMT") and Clinical
Technology ("TG") - for students who already graduated from another
study - in some other exceptional situations
- In case of any doubt ask your study counsellor!
5Can I take another (second) minor?
- Yes, as a set of optional courses
- As soon as you have completed one minor, you have
complied with the minor requirements of your
study - you can take your second (and third ...) minor
partially - In most cases, you will have to take more than
the minimum number of study points (180 EC) - Always consult your study counsellor!
6Will I be capable to take a minor?
- Yes, if you meet the general requirement for
entering a minor - The general requirement is 80 EC!
- all UT-courses in all Bachelor study years will
count - unsatisfactory marks that you study may allow do
not count - waivers ("vrijstellingen") do count
- the test moment is after the examinations in June
(including the re-examinations) - in special cases, your director of education
("opleidingsdirec-teur") can grant dispensation
for this general requirement
7Which minors are there? (1)
There are 38 institutionalised minors
- Of those minors, 29 are theme minors
- minors about a certain (scientific) subject
- 11 of these minors can be taken in English
- The other 9 minors are programme minors
- minors in which you can explore another UT
Bachelor's study than you own - 1 of these minors (European Studies) is in English
authorised by an independent quality committee
8Which minors are there? (2)
- You can also design your own individual minor.
But you will always need special approval! - Free minor
- according to Dutch law
- convince your own examination board!
- International minor
- in an exchange program with universities abroad
- international institutionalised minors are not in
this category
9Can I take any minor I like?
- Almost!
- In every study, there are some exceptions
- which are summarised in the "minor admission
matrix" - and are determined by the Bachelor studies
themselves - please look in the proper box (of all 38 x 18
684 boxes)!
10Will I be able to taken any minor I like?
- Almost!
- Some minors have additional specific requirements
- which are in a separate table
- on top of the general requirement of 80 EC
- and on top of the "minor admission matrix"
- Some minors will not be able to comply with the
Major-minor-combi-model for timetables - e.g. external institutions with different
timetables, - e.g. minors in which you will travel abroad,
- e.g. minors with part-time or external teachers
11Can I always take the minor of my first
- Almost!
- Two minors have a maximum number of participants
for organisational reasons - Registration for these minors is possible until
May 15th! - Music (Classical Music 12 / Jazz 12 / Media
Music 6 / Pop 10, but a maximum of 25 for the
minor as a whole) - only in Dutch! - Sustainable Development in a North-South
Perspective As the World Turns (25 20
UT-Münster Double Diploma students) - Consult the Major-minor website regularly!
- www.utwente.nl/majorminor/en
12How can I inform myself and make the proper
- There are four information channels
- This minor information market
- Only once a year seize the opportunity!
- The Major-minor website (www.utwente.nl/majorminor
/en) - Will be updated regularly, so check regularly!
- Minor information brochures on paper
- Today at the minor market, next week at your
"BOZ" - Contacts for every minor
- Use the other three channels before you call or
13I made my final choice.What do I do now? (1)
- Closely monitor the Major-minor website
- For all institutionalised minors, registration is
possible through MAST - registration is obligatory
- registration only through MAST (which looks like
TAST) - registration is possible from today (Thursday,
April 23rd) until Friday, June 19th (but until
Friday, May 15th for the two previously mentioned
minors with limited registration) - registration with a second option is obligatory,
but in case of any problems, the student will be
14I made my final choice.What do I do now? (2)
- Closely monitor the Major-minor website
- For individual minors, special approval by the
examination board of your own study is required - announce your plan for an individual minor
through MAST - find yourself a minor coach
- design your individual minor in consultation with
your coach - make sure your minor is balanced, coherent,
complete, at the right level, contributing to
your academic development - convince your examination board of those
qualities - wait for the approval of your examination board