LCS Indoor Rule Changes 200708 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LCS Indoor Rule Changes 200708


What is being taken away, is loss of significant playing time. ... Unusual circumstances such as serious injuries and fights will always put games behind time. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LCS Indoor Rule Changes 200708

LCS Indoor Rule Changes 2007-08
All quotes inserted throughout this presentation
are from Kelly Rosss emails to Jeff Kollmeyer
regarding changes to the indoor playing rules
The overall intent is to 1. eliminate areas
where real/actual playing time is needlessly lost
2. increase actual playing time 3. eliminate
paperwork where/when needed which increases
real/actual playing time, because referees arent
losing time by filling out needless paperwork.
4. requires referees to become more cognizant
of play on the field which theoretically
translates into enhanced situational awareness
which theoretically translates into better
referee management skills 5. Players ejected
from a game, for any reason, MUST still be
I am confident that, with the correct approach
to explain and detail this change, for more
playing time, that teams will warm up to the
changes quickly.  These changes will be posted on
each of the league indoor registration
information pages and stressed in numerous emails
prior to the start of each session to each
registered team captain/contact.  All of the
blame will fall on the shoulders of the league
director.  What is being taken away, is loss of
significant playing time.  What is being gained
is, more playing time.
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Rule 3 whats changed at LCS
  • After a goal has been scored.
  • After a time penalty has been
  • On an injury timeout.
  • At any unusual stoppage acknowledged
    by a Referee.
  • Any stoppage not caused by a foul.
  • LCS Play will be held up for guaranteed
    substitutions at any stoppage not caused by a
    foul PROVIDED the referees are notified and
    recognize stoppage prior to restart. A teams
    opportunity for Guaranteed substitution is not
    allowed if they are playing shorthanded due to a
    power play situation.

  • After a goal has been scored.
  • At half time.
  • Injury stoppage after a Referees
    signal to stop play.
  • Administration of time penalties.
  • Note
  • Play will not be held up for any other stoppage
    reason, subject to referees discretion as
  • The time penalty (actual time to be served)
    begins at the time in which play is properly
  • A teams opportunity for Guaranteed substitution
    is not allowed if they are playing shorthanded
    due to a power play situation.

REASON To reduce the amount of time lost
needlessly, through regular play. Indoor team
registration fees have slightly increased and as
a consideration, this adds to more actual time
for play during the game.
The key element here is adhering to the game
clock starting at the scheduled game time during
the regular course of game management.  This will
obviously take some time to get the Ozarkians up
to speed, but in a very short amount of time, and
with effective communication, should NOT be a
major problem.  The only probable issue may be on
the first night of any session when were still
sorting out remaining team balances and roster
issues.  Unusual circumstances such as serious
injuries and fights will always put games behind
Page 13
Rule 7 whats changed at LCS
LCS The game clock shall be stopped as soon as
possible by the Referees during the last minute
of the 2nd half for any whistled stoppage
PROVIDED the teams are within 1 goal of each
LCS All games will play two (2) twenty five (25)
minute halves. LCS The game clock WILL NOT stop
to administer time penalties, unless a stoppage
is absolutely necessary for multiple time
penalties or other serious incidents to be
addressed. If a time penalty is issued to a
player or players, the time out and time to
return to play shall be noted, the players
team(s) shall be informed as to when the penalty
expires. Penalty times(s) can still be posted on
the score clock for informational purposes. If a
Referee feels a team is wasting time, he/she may,
at their discretion, add time within
reason. LCS The half time interval shall not
exceed 5 minutes.
REASON Indoor team registration fees have
slightly increased. As a consideration time has
been added to the game.
Page 18
Rule 11 whats changed at LCS
Note LCS-Enforcement of 3 line pass not in
force with current markings. LCS Goalkeepers
may not propel the ball, other than by hand, from
inside their own penalty area across the halfway
line. Otherwise no restriction on any goalkeeper
in this section.
NOTE LCS-Enforcement of 3 Line pass only applies
to goalkeepers. LCS 11.3 Not now in force.
REASON Eliminates the 2 line rule and adds the
3 line JUST for Goalkeepers. Referees (crews)
MUST use judgement when calling. Be 200 sure
that all 3 lines have been crossed. Give benefit
to the kicker if close.
Page 20
Rule 12.4 whats changed at LCS
LCS At Lake Country Soccer, all fouls accumulate
for each player regardless of the period of
play. When a player is assessed a 2 min power
play penalty, his/her personal foul count resets
to zero (0). When a player is assessed a 5 min
Misconduct penalty, his/her personal foul count
DOES NOT reset.
LCS At Lake Country Soccer, all time penalties
for multiple fouls are at the discretion of the
Referee(s) in that game.
REASON - Referees must become mindful of
troublesome players or players who play in an
unsafe manner, and deal with them appropriately
within the context of recreational indoor
soccer.  Eliminating the recording of fouls per
player requires the referees to focus more on the
game itself, and less on paperwork. 
Additionally, it requires referees to become more
cognizant of their refereeing abilities and to
use their player management skills more
effectively and efficiently on the field and
less reliance on administrative paperwork. 
Referees who regularly work any one league (i.e.
often working mens open or mens Over-30, high
school boys high school co-ed) will become very
familiar with troublesome players as there are
only a few who will be regularly assigned to
competitive leagues where problems are most
likely to permeate.
Page 21
Rule 12.7 whats changed at LCS
Player(s) serving a misconduct/yellow card shall
return to the team bench after the full
expiration of the misconduct(s) and only after
the ball has gone out of play. The referee will
hold play to release the player from the penalty
box the player shall immediately return to
his/her team bench. This is NOT a guaranteed
substitution opportunity.
REASON added for clarification only. Already
in use, but now in print.
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Rule 12.11 (f) whats changed at LCS
LCS No goalkeeper may possess the ball with hand
or foot, or any combination of both, for no
longer than 5 seconds anywhere in his/her
defensive half of the field.
REASON This should speed up the game and will
bring it in line with existing professional MISL
rules and restrictions on goalkeepers. This will
also eliminate the wasting of time by the
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Rule 12.13 whats changed at LCS
LCS Goalkeepers must serve their own time
penalties like all other players.
REASON This will require goalkeepers to think
twice before committing a tactical foul. This
change also requires Referees to put two (2)
people physically in the box. The offending
goalkeeper because they are guilty of the
infraction, PLUS a 2nd player who will physically
come out when the penalty expires so they dont
have 2 goalkeepers on the floor at the same time.
If the goalkeeper is in the box for misconduct,
only the one person is required to be there.
Like all players guilty of misconduct, the
goalkeeper must wait until a ball goes out of
play and then must go to the bench and cannot be
substituted back in the game at that time. After
that, normal goalkeeper substitution rules apply.
Coed Playing Rules
No changes to rules for Indoor co-ed   2 females
on the floor are required at all times.  If only
1 female is available, then the team pulls one
male off the floor.  Females DO NOT serve their
own time penalties in co-ed.  Time penalties
called against females are served by male
players.  However, the 3-card ejection must still
be enforced if 3-cards are issued to a female
player.  If so, the 2-female player rule still
applies, and if an ejection of a female player
causes a team to only have 1 female on the field,
then the team MUST pull a male player.    If a
team DOES NOT have any female players, the game
will be declared a forfeit to the opposing team.  
The newly changed playing rules are posted on the site under Referees/Indoor.
Feel free to update your indoor rule books
LCS Indoor Condensed Rules 2007-08 Front

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