Title: Time is so precious
1Time is so precious
- Owning it is such wealth!
This gift presented by Bruce Wagner, Ph.D., ESC
Academic Coordinator, The Russell Conwell Center
2Where does our time come from?
3An horology of our life
24 hours/day x 7 days
168 hours/wk
7 hours/day for sleep
2 hours/day for eating
97.5 TOTAL
1.5 hours/day for commuting (5 days)
Thats it. Thats all you get. The question is,
What are you going to do with it?
4Areas of my life
- Health
- Family
- Reading
- Arts
- TV
- Hobbies
- Travel
- Quiet
- Job
- Studies
- Maintaining my home
- Friends
- and the others still to be remembered
5Being specific about each
be specific--every byte!
all the details!
6if you leave out part of your life...
- you will do that thing anyway, and something else
will lose its planned time - you will be really frustrated
- the aggravation will cost you more time energy
in the long run
7Seeing the whole--seeing the parts
- Each complex activity represents lots of work and
thought and our system calls that - a project
- Within each project comes the work that needs to
be done and we call that - an action
8in any good workshop there comes the time when
you do the work
9You need to make a list!
List all the big things, the projects, going on
in your life That includes work, home,
professional, personal
10tougher, but vital
Rate the Projects according to priority
(importance and proximity to due date) -- A, B, C
A Critical B Important C a wonderful dream
11Keep going--this is supposed to be hard work
- name the goals and purposes for each project
- identify the action steps needed to complete the
project - do a skills survey to see if special learning is
going to be a part of the project - think realistically about how much time each part
will take
12Planning today requires looking at the whole month
13Keep monthly calendars long term
- personal social events
- tests
- papers
- regular appointments
- meetings
14 and now here is today
15Its your choice in calendars
- I keep all 3 formats
- 2 yearly calendars
- current next monthly calendars
- daily calendars for the entire week
16Time hogs are issues to live with
- Our own personal behaviors that take time
- washing hair
- daydreaming
- cats dogs goldfish
- Individuals who always think their needs are most
17Managing your issues
- Know yourself and plan for what you do!
- dreaming
- need for quiet time alone
- dating
- Aunt Sues daughter Elises wedding
- If its planned, you dont need to steal time to
do it!
18more issues, more plans
- When folks make you wait, have your notes handy
to let you do other things - Have a record to show the sequence of action
steps for several projects - If someone asks for your time say
- When do I get the time back?
- What should I give up thats already planned?
19Your planning will affect others
- You will become incredibly energized
- Your structure controls others
- you know what to do and when
- Be careful--you become frightening
20Tools of the TM business
- You need to use a planner
- Many different versions on the market
- They may look different, or even be used a little
differently, but the best one is the one you like - Calendars
- you need yearly, monthly daily
- its best if you can see all 3 at once
21Practicing Routines
- Discover what works for you!!!
- Plan according to your own life style
- bedtime
- first thing in the morning
- at the end of the rigorous part of the day
- Believe that what is planned is not to be a
concern until its time for action
22Its your time enjoy your wealth