SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3037) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3037)


Linux kernel maintains local time zone for the system ... Database of all time zones. cat /proc/driver/rtc. Displays the hardware clock time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3037)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration
(Course 3037)
  • Chapter 9
  • Enable Internet Services

  • Configure SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time
  • Enable a Web Server (Apache)
  • Enable the Extended Internet Daemon (xinetd)
  • Enable an FTP Server

Configure SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time
  • Objectives
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time Overview
  • How to Synchronize Time with hwclock and netdate
  • What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is
  • How to Synchronize Time with NTP

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time Overview
  • Hardware clock and system clock
  • Hardware clock
  • Runs independently of any control program
  • Part of the ISA standard
  • Also called the BIOS clock or CMOS clock
  • System time
  • Time kept by a clock inside the Linux kernel
  • Driven by a timer interrupt
  • Number of seconds since 000000 January 1, 1970,
  • Synchronized to the hardware clock when Linux
    first starts

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time Overview
  • Hardware clock and system clock (continued)
  • date and adjtimex commands
  • Adjust system time
  • ntpd
  • Regulates the system clock
  • hwclock command
  • Sets the hardware clock
  • Linux kernel maintains local time zone for the

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time Overview
  • GMT (UTC) and local time
  • UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)
  • Also referred to as GMT (Greenwich mean time)
  • Variable HWCLOCK in /etc/sysconfig/clock has the
    value -u
  • Local time
  • Variable HWCLOCK has the value --localtime
  • Time configuration files
  • Current time (system time) is calculated using
    variable TIMEZONE
  • In the file /etc/sysconfig/clock

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Time Overview
  • Time configuration files (continued)
  • Directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/
  • Database of all time zones
  • cat /proc/driver/rtc
  • Displays the hardware clock time

How to Synchronize Time with hwclock and netdate
  • How to use hwclock
  • Tool for accessing the hardware clock
  • Displays the current time
  • Sets the hardware clock to a specified time
  • Sets the hardware clock to the system time
  • Sets the system time from the hardware clock
  • Run hwclock periodically
  • To insert or remove time from the hardware clock
  • Uses device special file /dev/rtc

How to Synchronize Time with hwclock and netdate
How to Synchronize Time with hwclock and netdate
  • How to use netdate
  • Sets up the system time once only
  • Syntax netdate timeserver1 timeserver2. . .
  • timeserver represents a time server on a network
  • netdate client compares server times with its own
  • Time differences are sorted into groups and used
    to update time on the local server
  • Syntax netdate time_source
  • Synchronizes time to a specific external time
  • hwclock --systohc or hwclock w
  • Sets the hardware clock to the system clock time

What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is
  • NTP
  • Industry standard protocol
  • Uses UDP on port 123 to communicate between time
    providers and time consumers
  • NTP time provider
  • Server that provides NTP time
  • NTP time consumer
  • Seeks NTP time from an NTP time provider
  • NTP synchronizes clocks to the UTC standard
  • Keeps track of consistent time variations

What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is (continued)
  • Stratum
  • Designation of the location of servers in NTP
    tree hierarchy
  • NTP daemon (xntpd)
  • Used by server and client to give and obtain time
  • Designed to adjust time continuously
  • Regularly correcting local computer clock on the
    basis of collected correction data
  • Continuously correcting local time with the help
    of time servers in the network
  • Enabling management of local reference clocks

What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is (continued)
What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is (continued)
  • NTP terms
  • Drift
  • ntpd measures and corrects for incidental clock
    frequency error
  • And writes the current value to a file
  • Jitter
  • Estimated time error of the peer clock
  • How the NTP daemon works
  • Automatically synchronizes system time
  • With a time server on an ongoing basis

What Network Time Protocol (NTP) Is (continued)
  • How the NTP daemon works (continued)
  • Correction takes place in small increments
  • Synchronizations occur about once per minute
  • Increasing gradually to once per 17 minutes
  • Slewing
  • NTP adjustment for small time differences
  • Stepping
  • NTP adjustment for large time differences
  • NTP averages the results of several time exchanges

How to Synchronize Time with NTP
  • Start NTP from the command line
  • Start script is /etc/init.d/xntpd
  • Central configuration file is /etc/ntp.conf
  • Start NTP daemon using rcxntpd start
  • Stop NTP daemon using rcxntpd stop
  • Restart NTP daemon using rcxntpd restart
  • Check status using rcxntpd status
  • Start NTP automatically when system boots
  • insserv /etc/init.d/xntpd

How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
  • Adjust the time with ntpdate
  • Perform a one-time update of the client to the
  • rcxntpd stop
  • ntpdate timeserver
  • hwclock --systohc
  • rcxntpd start
  • Configure the NTP server (/etc/ntp.conf)
  • Add following entries to /etc/ntp.conf
  • server local clock (LCL)
  • fudge stratum 10 LCL is

How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
  • Configure the NTP server (/etc/ntp.conf)
  • Entries for current time
  • Outside source of synchronized time
  • server
  • server
  • Synchronization methods
  • Polling
  • Broadcasting
  • Entries including name for the drift file
  • driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
  • logfile /var/log/ntp

How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
  • Configure an NTP client with YaST
  • Start YaST NTP Client module
  • Configure NTP client to start each time you boot
    your system
  • Enter an NTP server
  • Configure your server to synchronize against
    multiple remote hosts
  • Or against a locally connected clock (optional)
  • Configure the NTP client by selecting Finish
  • Close the YaST Control Center (optional)

How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
  • Trace the time source with ntptrace
  • ntptrace
  • Traces source of time that a time consumer is
  • Lists
  • Client name
  • Its stratum
  • Its time offset from the local host
  • Synchronization distance
  • ID of the reference clock attached to a server
  • Synchronization distance is a measure of clock

How to Synchronize Time with NTP (continued)
  • Query the NTP daemon status
  • Enter ntpq d to display information such as
  • remote
  • refid
  • st
  • when
  • poll
  • reach
  • delay
  • offset
  • jitter

Exercise 9-1 Configure Linux Time with NTP
  • In this exercise, you do the following
  • Part I Check System Time and Hardware Clock Time
  • Part II Enable NTP Client with YaST

Enable a Web Server (Apache)
  • Objectives
  • How a Web Server Works
  • Apache and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • How to Configure an Apache HTTP Server with YaST

How a Web Server Works
  • What a Web server is
  • Software program that runs on a host computer
  • And delivers files over the Internet
  • Lets you publish Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • Can also distribute many other types of files
  • Must be physically connected to a TCP/IP-based

How a Web Server Works (continued)
  • How a Web server labels content types
  • Web browser relies on a Multipurpose Internet
    Mail Extension (MIME) header
  • To correctly identify and display document types
  • More than 360 MIME types are included with the
    Apache Web server
  • URL components
  • Protocol, such as http//, https//, ftp//
  • Domain, can be divided into two parts
  • Resource, specifies full path to the resource

How a Web Server Works (continued)
  • How a Web server delivers content
  • Web server works in a client-server relationship
  • Client programs are usually Web browsers
  • Client program requests information
  • Apache then delivers the actual resource
  • HTML pages can be stored in a directory
  • Requests and transfers use HTTP
  • Which is part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols
  • Commands and data are passed to port 80
  • Through a TCP connection

Apache and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • Installation of Apache packages
  • Basic installation, select package apache2
  • Multiprocessing, install apache2-prefork or
  • Documentation, install apache2-doc
  • Development and compilation, install
  • Activating Apache
  • Activate it in the runlevel editor
  • Test Apache entering http//localhost/ in a Web

Apache and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • Storing Web resource files for Apache
  • Static Web pages
  • Place your files in /srv/www/htdocs/
  • Custom CGI scripts
  • Store custom CGI scripts in /srv/www/cgi-bin/
  • Log files
  • Apache writes log messages to /var/log/apache2/acc

Apache and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • Expanding Apache functionality
  • Apache can execute CGI scripts in diverse
    programming languages
  • There are modules for secure data transmission
  • In Apache2 almost everything is handled by means
    of modules
  • Apache 2 does not necessarily need to be a Web
  • There is a proof-of-concept POP3 server module
    based on Apache

Apache and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • Security guidelines for Apache Web server
  • Limit unneeded servers
  • Limit access to DocumentRoot
  • Specify subdirectories for user Web content
  • Keep updated on vulnerabilities

How to Configure an Apache HTTP Server with YaST
  • Steps
  • Start the YaST HTTP Server module
  • Enable the HTTP server by selecting Enabled
  • Adapt the firewall to the ports where Apache2
    listens (optional)
  • Edit HTTP server settings
  • View existing HTTP server logs
  • Save the settings
  • Close the YaST Control Center (optional)

How to Configure an Apache HTTP Server with YaST
Exercise 9-2 Enable a Basic Apache Web Server
  • In this exercise, you do the following
  • Part I Configure an Apache Server
  • Part II Test the Apache Server Configuration

Enable the Extended Internet Daemon (xinetd)
  • Objectives
  • What inetd Is
  • How to Configure xinetd with YaST
  • How to Manage xinetd Manually
  • How to Configure the TCP Wrapper

What inetd Is
  • Many services are administered and started
    through inetd or xinetd
  • Acts as a mediator of connection requests for a
    series of services
  • Advantage
  • Saving resources (especially memory)
  • Disadvantage
  • Delay occurs while the required service is
    loaded, started, and connected
  • Use inetd for services that are occasionally

How to Configure xinetd with YaST
  • Steps
  • Start the YaST Network Services (inetd) module
  • Enable the inetd super daemon
  • Configure a service to be administered by inetd
  • Change the status of all installed services to on
    or off (optional)
  • Save the configuration setting and start the
    inetd (or xinetd) daemon
  • Close the YaST Control Center (optional)

How to Configure xinetd with YaST (continued)
How to Manage xinetd Manually
  • Start, stop, and restart xinetd
  • /etc/init.d/xinetd script started by xinetd
  • insserv xinetd
  • Automatically starts xinetd at boot
  • rcxinetd status
  • Verify whether daemon is activated or not
  • rcxinetd start or rcxinetd stop
  • Manually start and stop the xinetd daemon

How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
  • Configure xinetd
  • How to Edit the File /etc/xinetd.conf
  • Default parameters syntax
  • defaults
  • key operator parameter parameter. . .
  • Service syntax
  • service service_name
  • key operator parameter parameter. . .
  • Operators include , -, and

How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
  • Configure xinetd (continued)
  • How to Edit the File /etc/xinetd.conf
  • First entry is optional and enables default
  • Other entries contain configuration for the
    respective network service
  • The directory /etc/xinetd.d/
  • Holds configuration file for every service
  • Directive includedir /etc/xinetd.d
  • Prompts xinetd to interpret all files in this
  • Using separate files improves transparency

How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
  • Configure xinetd (continued)
  • Internal services example
  • /etc/xinet.d/echo
  • default off
  • description An echo server. This is the tcp
  • service echo
  • type INTERNAL
  • id echo-stream
  • socket_type stream
  • protocol tcp
  • user root
  • wait no
  • disable yes

How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
  • Configure access control
  • Parameters
  • only_from
  • Defines which hosts can use which service
  • no_access
  • Defines which hosts can be excluded from access
  • access_time
  • Defines at which times the service is available
  • disabled
  • Completely shuts off a server
  • Can only be used in the defaults section

How to Manage xinetd Manually (continued)
  • Configure log files
  • Record failed and unauthorized connection
  • Shut off a service but still retain its logging
  • Configure only_from without using any additional
  • Logging through xinetd is controlled by the
    log_type statement
  • Along with the attributes log_on_success and
  • Log the circumstances of how and why the network
    service was used

How to Configure the TCP Wrapper
  • The role of the tcpd daemon
  • Regulates access to inetd services
  • Wrapper acts as a filter
  • Steps
  • Logs name and address of requesting host
  • Verifies if the request is permitted
  • Starts the corresponding daemon
  • Then the wrapper is deleted from memory
  • After an authorized server has started
  • It can accept additional connections
  • Without consulting the wrapper

How to Configure the TCP Wrapper (continued)
  • How to configure access controls
  • Edit /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files
  • Files syntax daemon host option option
  • Examples
  • /etc/hosts.allow
  • ALL
  • ALL EXCEPT vsftpd
  • vsftpd
  • /etc/hosts.deny

How to Configure the TCP Wrapper (continued)
How to Configure the TCP Wrapper (continued)
How to Configure the TCP Wrapper (continued)
  • How to check the TCP wrapper
  • Use tcpdchk command
  • tcpdmatch command
  • Provides information about how tcpd would handle
    various types of access attempts
  • Moles and trappers
  • You can enter shell commands in the configuration
  • To be executed when request matches a pattern
  • Example
  • ALL ALL spawn echo "Access of u_at_h to d" gtgt

How to Configure the TCP Wrapper (continued)
Exercise 9-3 Configure the Internet Daemon
(xinetd) and TCP Wrappers
  • In this exercise, you do the following
  • Part I Enable xinetd Services with YaST
  • Part II Enable xinetd Services Manually
  • Part III Configure TCP Wrappers

Enable an FTP Server
  • Objectives
  • The Role of an FTP Server
  • How FTP Works
  • Advantages of PureFTPd Server
  • How to Install and Run PureFTPd Server
  • How to Configure PureFTPd Server

The Role of an FTP Server
  • Basic features
  • Sending, receiving, deleting, and renaming files
  • Creating, deleting, and changing directories
  • Transferring data in binary or ASCII mode
  • Allows accesses after authentication against a
    password database
  • These are the files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
  • PureFTPd supports authentication against its own
    password database
  • Guest access can be set up as anonymous FTP

How FTP Works
  • Uses two TCP connections
  • One sends FTP command (port 21)
  • Second connection is created when a file is ready
    for transfer
  • Types of data transfer
  • Active data transfer
  • FTP client offers FTP server an unprivileged TCP
    port for data channel connection (port 20)
  • Passive data transfer
  • FTP server offers FTP client an unprivileged TCP
    port for a data channel connection

Advantages of PureFTPd Server
  • PureFTPd features
  • Consistent use of chroot environments
  • Uncomplicated configuration of virtual FTP
  • Virtual users independent of the system users
    listed in the file /etc/passwd
  • Configuration via command-line parameters or with
    a configuration file

How to Install and Run PureFTPd Server
  • Use YaST Install and Remove Software module
  • To install the PureFTPd server
  • /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
  • Configuration file
  • Run PureFTPd server
  • From the command line
  • Enter pure-ftpd options
  • From a start script
  • Enter /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start (or rcpure-ftpd
  • Enter rcpure-ftpd stop to stop the service

How to Install and Run PureFTPd Server (continued)
  • Run PureFTPd server (continued)
  • From a start script
  • insserv /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd to initialize
    pure-ftp upon start-up
  • From inet.d
  • Add a corresponding entry to the file
  • Example
  • ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd
    pure-ftpd -A -i

How to Configure PureFTPd Server
  • How to configure anonymous FTP
  • You need to have an FTP user and home directory
    in the file /etc/passwd
  • You do not need to create any subdirectories
  • You can also use command pure-ftp
  • Files uploaded to the server belong to the user
  • How to configure FTP with virtual hosts for
    anonymous FTP
  • Virtual FTP hosts allow a number of FTP sites to
    be hosted on one machine

How to Configure PureFTPd Server (continued)
  • How to configure FTP with virtual hosts for
    anonymous FTP (continued)
  • Create virtual network devices
  • Using ifconfig
  • Create symbolic link in /etc/pure-ftpd/
  • How to configure FTP for authorized users
  • Important for those who are hosting Web sites
  • Use pure-ftpd command
  • pure-ftpd -A E
  • pure-ftpd -a 500 -E

How to Configure PureFTPd Server (continued)
  • How to configure FTP with virtual users not
    included in /etc/passwd
  • PureFTP users are separated from system users
  • And can only access the system by FTP
  • Administer PureFTPd users in a separate database
  • Create a system user with useradd
  • Create the FTP users with pure-pw
  • Specify options such as quotas or size limits in
  • Regenerate password file using pure-pw mkdb
  • Start PureFTPd with -j

How to Manage PureFTPd Logs
  • PureFTPd sends messages to the syslog daemon
  • PureFTPd can also write its own log files
  • Use option -O formatlogfile
  • Format can be clf, stats, or w3c
  • You can also modify PureFTP configuration file

Exercise 9-4 Configure Anonymous PureFTPd Access
  • In this exercise, you will configure anonymous
    PureFTPd access

  • System time is maintained by the interrupt timer
  • And obtained from the computer hardware clock
  • netdate utility
  • Synchronizes system time
  • With that of another computer on the network
  • NTP
  • Accurately coordinates system time on your
  • NTP automatically adjusts for local time drift
  • To configure NTP, you may use YaST
  • Or edit the /etc/ntp.conf file

Summary (continued)
  • Apache Web server (httpd)
  • The most common Web server on Linux systems
  • Internet Super Daemon (inetd) or Extended
    Internet Super Daemon (xinetd)
  • Used to start some network daemons
  • TCP wrapper daemon (tcpd)
  • Used with inetd or xinetd to provide additional
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Main TCP/IP protocol to transfer files across the

Summary (continued)
  • PureFTPd server
  • Installed and used on SLES to provide FTP
    services to clients
  • Configure PureFTPd
  • Use pure-ftpd command
  • Or entries in the /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
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