Title: The Lighter Side
1The Lighter Side Celebrations What better
example than New Years? Finally, Whats the
Bottom Line?
2An obvious prediction New Years celebrations
Concatenation across all (24) time
zonesCumulative excess deviation of means
Model Prediction
Weak Replication
3Broughton Taking the metaphor to heart Evoked
Response in the ElectrogaiagramSignal
averaging Mini-Celebrating time zones
4Evoked Response in the Electrogaiagram
Maxi-celebrating time zones, Signal averaging
5An Alternative Analysis Variance of the Scores
- Sum of zi2-1 across eggs is c2 with N df
- Equivalent to variance s2 of egg scores
- Large cumulative deviation
- Reflects distribution spread, variability of
means - Reflects large deviations in either direction
6Y2K New Year 1999-2000 Coherent engagement?
Radin makes an independent prediction Reduction
of Variance across eggs
Odds, GMT
7New Years 2000-2001 Variance Reduction Signal
Average over 37 time zones Normalized, Squared,
8New Years 2001-2002 Variance Reduction Signal
Average over 37 time zones Normalized as
Z-scores, Smoothed
5-Min Smoothing Window
9What do we have in hand?Where do we want to go
with it?
- Four years of data
- 50 eggs around the world
- More than 100 formal studies
- About 65 positive outcome
- About 20 individually significant
- Many analyses remain to be done
10Formal Chi-square outcome sequence versus random
draws from Chi-square distribution
11A subset of the formal trials, compared with
Pseudo-random data
12Bottom line the full formal database113 global
events over 4 years
13Bigger Picture What is our aspiration?
- Sharpen and focus our questions
- Aim for theoretical understanding
- Capture insight about creative mind
- Consider evidence that we are one
- Contribute to better future for culture
14We think the world apart. What would it be like
to think the world together? -- Parker
Palmer, educator