Title: Modeling and Measuring Botnets
1Modeling and Measuring Botnets
- David Dagon, Wenke Lee
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cliff C. Zou
- Univ. of Central Florida
- Motivation
- Diurnal modeling of botnet propagation
- Botnet population estimation
- Botnet threat assessment
- Advanced botnet
- Botnet becomes a serious threat
- Not much research on botnet yet
- Empirical analysis of captured botnets
- Mainly based on honeypot spying
- Need understanding of the network of botnet
- Botnet growth dynamics
- Botnet (on-line) population, threat level
- Well prepared for next generation botnet
- Motivation
- Diurnal modeling of botnet propagation
- Botnet population estimation
- Botnet threat assessment
- Advanced botnet
5Botnet Monitor Gatech KarstNet
- A lot bots use Dyn-DNS name to find CC
- KarstNet informs DNS provider of cc1.com
- Detect cc1.com by its abnormal DNS queries
- DNS provider maps cc1.com to Gatech sinkhole (DNS
- All/most bots attempt to connect the sinkhole
6Diurnal Pattern in Monitored Botnets
- Diurnal pattern affects botnet propagation rate
- Diurnal pattern affects botnet attack strength
7Botnet Diurnal Propagation Model
- Model botnet propagation via vulnerability
exploit - Same as worm propagation
- Extension of epidemic models
- Model diurnal pattern
- Computers in one time zone ? same diurnal pattern
- Diurnal shaping function ?i(t) of time zone i
- Percentage of online hosts in time zone i
- Derived based on the continuously connection
attempts by bots in time zone i to Gatech
8Modeling Propagation Single Time Zone
of online infected
of infected
of vulnerable
of online vulnerable
Diurnal pattern means
Epidemic model
Diurnal model
9Modeling Propagation K Multiple Time Zones
- Limited ability to model
- non-uniform scan
10Validation Fitting model to botnet data
- Diurnal model is more accurate than traditional
epidemic model
11Applications of diurnal model
- Predict future botnet growth with monitored ones
- Use same vulnerability? ? have similar ?(t)
- Improve response priority
Released at different time
- Motivation
- Diurnal modeling of botnet propagation
- Botnet population estimation
- Botnet threat assessment
- Advanced botnet
13Population estimation I Capture-recapture
of observed (two samples)
Botnet population
of observed in both samples
- How to obtain two independent samples?
- KarstNet monitors two CC for one botnet
- Need to verify independence with more data
- Study how to get good estimation when two samples
are not independent - KarstNet honeypot spying
- Guaranteed independence?
14Population estimation II DNS cache snooping
- Estimate of bots in each domain via DNS queries
of CC to its local DNS server - Non-recursive query will not change DNS cache
Cache TTL
If queries inter-arrival time is exponentially
distributed, then Ti follows the same exp.
distr. (memoryless)
Query rate/bot
- Motivation
- Diurnal modeling of botnet propagation
- Botnet population estimation
- Botnet threat assessment
- Advanced botnet
16Basic threat assessment
- Botnet size (population estimation)
- Active/online population when attack (diurnal
model) - IP addresses of bots in botnets
- Basis for effective filtering/defense
- KarstNet is a good monitor for this
- Honeypot spying is not good at this
- Botnet control structure (easy to disrupt?)
- IPs and of CC for a botnet?
- P2P botnets?
17Botnet attack bandwidth
- Bot bandwidth Heavy-tailed distribution
- Filtering 32 of bots cut off 70 of attack
traffic - How about bots bandwidth in term of ASes?
- If yes, then contacting top x of ASes is enough
for a victim to defend against botnet DDoS attack
- Motivation
- Diurnal modeling of botnet propagation
- Botnet population estimation
- Botnet threat assessment
- Advanced botnet
19Monitoring evasion by botmasters
- Honeypot detection
- Honeypot defenders are liable for attacks sending
- CC hijacking detection (e.g., KarstNet)
- Check if CC names map to their real IPs
- Attacker knows which computers used for CCs
- Check if CC passes trivial commands to bots
20Advanced hybrid P2P botnet
- Why use P2P by attackers?
- Remove control bottleneck (CC)
- CCs are easy to be monitored
- One honeypot spy reveals all CCs
- One captured/hijacked CC reveals all bots
- CC are easy to be shut down (limited number)
- Current P2P protocols will not work for botnets
- Bootstrap process is vulnerable to be blocked
- Disable global view from each bot (prevent
monitoring) - Must consider DHCP, private IP, firewall,
capture, removal
21Advanced botnet designs
Servent bots
- Servent bots
- static IP, no firewall blocking
- Peer-list based connection
- Max number of servent bot IPs in each bot
- Limited view of botnet
- Built as a botnet spreads
- No bootstrap process
- No reveal of entire botnet
Client bots
- Compare to CC botnets
- Large of CC bots interconnect to each other
22Advanced botnet designs
- Public key in bot code, private key in botmaster
- Ensure command authentication/integrity
- Individualized encryption, service port
- Defeat traffic-based detection
- Limited exposure when one bot is captured
23Advanced botnet designs
- Easy monitoring by botmaster
- Command all bots report to a sensor host
- Each bot report peer list, encryption key,
service port, IP, diurnal property, IP property,
link bandwidth. - Different sensor hosts in each round of report
command - Prevent sensors from being blocked, captured
- Robust botnet construction by peer-list updating
- With few re-infections, initial servent bots are
highly connected (each connecting to gt60 of bots
in a botnet) - Peer-list Update command each bot goes to a
sensor host to get its new peer list - Peer list randomly selected from previous
reported servent bots
24Botnet robustness study
- remove top p fraction of servent bots
used in update command - connected ratio how many remaining
bots are connected - Simulation settings
- 20,000-size botnet, 5000 are servent bots
(hundreds of reinfections) - 1000 servent bots used in update command
25Future work
- Propagation modeling
- Diurnal model of email-based propagation
- Parameters ?(t), ?, removal dynamics
- Population estimation
- Validate the independence of monitor samples
- Validate the Poisson arrival in CC DNS queries
- Threat assessment
- AS-level botnet bandwidth (heavy tailed?)
- Bot access link speed --- better representation?
- Monitor and model of advanced botnets
- NSF Cyber Trust grant CNS-0627318
- "Collaborative Research CT-ISG Modeling and
Measuring Botnets" - PI Cliff Zou, PI Wenke Lee
- David Dagon, Cliff C. Zou, and Wenke Lee.
"Modeling Botnet Propagation Using Time Zones,"
in 13th Annual Network and Distributed System
Security Symposium (NDSS), Feb., San Diego, 2006
(Acceptance ratio 17/12713.4). - Cliff C. Zou and Ryan Cunningham. "Honeypot-Aware
Advanced Botnet Construction and Maintenance," in
the International Conference on Dependable
Systems and Networks (DSN), Jun., Philadelphia,
2006 (Acceptance ratio 34/18718.2). - Ping Wang, Sherri Sparks, Cliff C. Zou. An
Advanced Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Botnet, in
submission. - Cliff Zou homepage http//www.cs.ucf.edu/czou/