Title: The EuroMediterranean
1- The Euro-Mediterranean
- Human Rights Network
- Supported by the European Commission
2Presentation Outline
- The EU Institutions How Can NGOs Act with the EU
institutions ? - PART II
- Human Rights Mechanisms in EU-South Mediterranean
Countries Relations, especially with Israel
3 - The EU Institutions
- How to Act on the EU Human Rights Mechanisms?
4The EU System
- 1st Pillar
- European Community (EC)
- Decision at Majority of Member states
- Economic matters
- Internal Market
- Other policies, incl. migration, asylum,
development cooperation, trade and customs
- 2nd Pillar
- Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
- Unanimity of MS
- Political and security dimension
- 3rd Pillar
- Police and Judicial
- Cooperation in
- Criminal Matters
- Unanimity of MS
- Terrorism
- Trafficking in human beings
5General EU Commitments on HR EU Treaties
- The EU is founded on the principles of liberty,
- democracy, respect for HR and fundamental
freedoms, and the rule of law, principles which
are common to the Member States (Art.6 EUT) - HR as an objective of
- to develop and consolidate democracy and the
rule of law, and respect for HR and fundamental
freedom (11.1 EUT) - Development cooperation and economic, financial
and technical cooperation with third countries - to contribute to the general objective of
developing and consolidating democracy and the
rule of law, and to that of respecting HR and
fundamental freedoms (181a and 177.2 ECT) -
6General EU Commitments on HR
- 1995, EU Commissions Communication, The
inclusion of respect for democracy principles and
HR in agreements between Community and Third
Countries - HR Clause in all bilateral agreements
- 1996, EU Commissions Communication,
Incorporating equal opportunities for women and
men into all Community policies and activities - Gender mainstreaming principle
- 2000, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Guide EU Commissions actions within its external
relations - 2001, EU Commissions Communication, The EU Role
in promoting HR and democratisation in third
countries - HR mainstreaming
- EU HR Guidelines on
- HR defenders, Death Penalty, Torture,
- HR dialogues with third countries, Children in
armed conflict - Promoting compliance with International
Humanitarian Law
7EU Institutions
- European Council
- Council of the European Union
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- Court of Justice of the European Communities
8European Council
- Composition
- 27 Heads of States and Governments
- Competences
- Sets the general political orientations of EU
9 Council of the European UnionComposition
- Ministers of the 27 Member States
- Eg General affairs Council
- External relations Council
- (Ministers of Foreign Affairs)
- Presidency
- Germany Jan/june 2007
- Portugal July/dec 2007
- Slovenia Jan/june 2008
- France July/dec 2008
- Troïka (current and future Presidencies and
10Council of the European UnionCompetences
- Legislative body
- Decision making body regarding EU foreign
policies - Conclusion of international agreements
- Adoption of ENP Action Plans
- Instruments
- - Regulations, directives, decisions, common
actions, common positions, recommendations,
opinions, conclusions, declarations, resolutions,
demarches - - EU HR Guidelines on
- HR defenders, Death Penalty, Torture,
- HR dialogues with third countries, Children in
armed conflict - Promoting compliance with International
Humanitarian Law
11Council of the European Union Assisted by
- General Secretariat of the Council
- Working Groups
12Council of the European UnionCOREPER and Working
- Representatives of the Member States to prepare
the work of Ministers - in Permanent Representations of the MS in
Brussels - In MS Foreign Affairs Ministries
- in MS Embassies in third countries
- Divided into Working Groups
- e.g.
- COHOM for HR
- Maghreb-Mashrek Group
- Gulf and Middle East Group
13Council of the European Union General
Secretariat of the Council
- Secretary General/High representative for the
CFSP Mr. Solana - With a Personal Representative for HR Ms. Riina
Kionka - Council Secretariat Staff
- e.g.
- Middle East, Mediterranean Unit
- Human rights Unit
14European Commission Composition
- President Mr. Barroso
- 25 Commissioners
- Mrs. Ferrero-Waldner, External relations and ENP
- 24 Directorates General
- e.g. DG External Relations (Relex)
- DG for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
- EuropAid
- EC Delegations in third countries
15European Commission Competences
- Proposes EU legislation and policies
- Executive body
- Proposes EU Budget
- Negotiates agreements with third countries (AA)
- Negotiates and monitors implementation of APs
- Prepares and follow up meetings of EMP
- Develops country strategies, NIPs and RIPs
- Manages EU assistance to third countries
16European Commission DG Relex
- Political Direction on EU Foreign Affairs
- Programming of Aid in
- Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative
Programmes (NIP) - Regional Strategy Papers and Regional Indicative
Programmes (RIP) - Programming of EIDHR
- Strategy Paper 2007-2010
- Initiates Commissions Communications and
policies on foreign affairs and HR
17European Commission
18European Commission EuropeAid
- Manages EU Assistance to third countries
- Manages former MEDA, EIDHR and ENPI Programmes
- Annual financing plan based on NIPs/RIPs and
EIDHR programming - Identification till evaluation of the projects
- Â
19European Commission
20European Commission Delegations
- Increased role of the Delegations since the
de-concentration reform in 2000 - Responsibilities of the Delegations
- Represent EU Commission in third countries
- Increased role on the ground in countries and in
EU Commission policy making - Manage budget lines for MEDA and ENPI HR and
civil society projects and EIDHR micro-projects - Report on political developments and HR
21European ParliamentComposition
- 732 Members (MEPs) gathered in 7 political groups
- Parliamentary Committees
- e.g. Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Sub Committee on HR
- Inter-parliamentary delegations
- e.g. Maghreb, Mahsrek, Israel,
- Palestinian Legislative Council, Turkey
- EP delegation to EMPA
22European Parliament Competences
- Co-legislative body on Community issues
- eg customs and development issues
- Only advisory role in Foreign affairs issues
- Except
- Co-budgetary authority
- Assent for agreements with third countries
- Instruments
- Reports, resolutions, hearings, oral and written
questions, missions (elections)
23EU Funding for HRand Democracy Projects
- Till End 2006Â
- Start 2007
- European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
(ENPI) - European Instrument for Democracy and HR
- HR and Governance facility
- EMP Financial Instrument
- MEDA Regulation adopted by the EU in 1996
- Apply to states, local and regional authorities
and civil society with government consent - Includes a HR Clause
- Budget Meda II 2000-2006 5.35 Billions Euros
- Ends in 2006
- Â
- Â
- Â
25 European Neighbourhood and Partnership
- Instrument for the ENP implementation (replaces
MEDA) - Regulation adopted on 17 October 2006
- No HR clause only build on commitments to
common values and scope possibly includes HR - Objectives
- Supporting the implementation of the ENP Action
plans - Cross-border cooperation and intra-regional
cooperation - Technical assistance for institutional capacity
building - With host government consent
- Budget 11,181 billion for 2007/2013
26 ENPI Programming
- Managed by the EU Commission
- Priorities identifies with the Countries in
- Country Strategy Papers (CSPs)/Regional Strategy
Paper (RSP) 2007/2013 - Define the main goals, guidelines and priority
sectors - for 7 years
- National Indicative Programmes (NIPs)/ Regional
Indicative Programm (RIP), 2007-2010 - for 3 years
- Annual Programmes
27 European Initiative for Democracy and Human
- Specific instrument to support HR and democracy
Worldwide - EU Regulation in 1999
- Beneficiaries NGOs and international
organisations - Without host government consent
- Priorities 2005-2006 through 4 Thematic
Campaigns - Promoting justice and the rule of law
- Fostering a culture of HR
- Promoting the democratic process
- Advancing equality, tolerance and peace
- Budget 100/130 million Euros/ Year
- Ends in 2006
- Â
28 European Instrument for Democracy and HR
- New legal basis for HR Projects 2007-2013 (build
on the EIDHR) - Regulation adopted on 19 Decembre 2006
- Now Possibility to fund non-recognized NGOs
- Draft Programming Document 2007-10 and then
2011-13 - Annual Work Programme to be adopted for each year
- Budget 2007-13 1,1billion euros
29 European Instrument Democracy and
HR Programming/Objectives
- Objective 1
- To develop the political space within which civil
society may develop,where basic freedoms are most
at risk - Objective 2
- Stenghtening the role of civil society in
promoting HR and democracy reform, in supporting
conflict prevention and in developping political
participation and representation in those
countries where there is sufficient freedom and
room for manuvre - Objective 3
- Supporting actions on human rights and democracy
issues in areas covered by EU Guidelines,
including on HR dialogues, on HR defenders, on
the death penalty, on torture, and on children
and armed conflict - Other Objectives
- Supporting international organisations
- Election monitoring
30Project Cycle Management