Unit 1 Fight with the Forces of Nature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 1 Fight with the Forces of Nature


Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below: ... The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 1 Fight with the Forces of Nature

Unit 1 Fight with the Forces of Nature
Text A The Icy Defender
  • Text organization
  • Part one Paras 1-2 IntroductionBoth Napoleons
    and Hitlers military campaigns failed because of
    the severity of the Russian winter.
  • Part two Paras 3-11 Napoleons military campaign
    against Russia
  • Part three Paras 12-20 Hitlers military campaign
    against the Soviet Union
  • Part four Paras 21 ConclusionThe elements of
    nature must be reckoned with in any military

Pre-reading activities
  • Cultural Notes
  • Background Information
  • Throughout the history of mankind, there have
    been many conquerors
  • Chengis Khan spent his entire life conquering
    neighboring peoples and expanding the Mongolian
  • Many Roman Emperors did the same for the Rome
    empireso much so that at one time they ruled
    modern-day Great Britain.
  • Both the Mongolian and Roman Empires had their
    rise and fall in the distant past.
  • This text will focus on Napoleon and Hitler.

Pre-reading activities
  • 2. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
  • Emperor of the French
  • One of the greatest military commanders of all
  • conquered the larger part of Europe.
  • During 1802-1815 Napoleon tried to gain control
    of the whole of Europe
  • except Britain, whose navy under Nelson defeated
    the French navy at the Battle of Trafalgar in

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Pre-reading activities
  • 3. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
  • German political
  • military leader
  • one of the 20th centurys most powerful dictators
  • a fully militarized society
  • launched World War 2
  • dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa
  • idea of racial purity.

Pre-reading activities
  • 4. Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)
  • General secretary of the Communist Party
  • the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
  • a modern economic and military power
  • repelled Hitlers armies in World War 2
  • rivaled the United States during the Cold War

Pre-reading activities
  • 5. World War 2 (1939-1945)
  • A war whose European operations took place
  • the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan)
  • the Allies (Britain, France, and later the USSR
    and the USA).
  • The picture on the right is a map indicating the
    situations in this period.

6. Discussion
  • Man or nature, which one is more powerful? (20)
  • 1) Instances where man conquers nature.
  • 2) Instances of the forces of nature are too
    powerful to be resisted.

  • 1. http//
  • 2. http//www.nationalgeographic.com/forcesofnatur

Pre-reading activities
  • Par 1 Read the quotations listed on the right
    column. Try to learn them by heart if you can.
    And think the question that human being and
    nature, which one is more powerful, then air your
    viewpoint in the class.
  • Nature, to be commanded, must be
    obeyed.Francis Bacon
  • Accuse not Nature, she hath done her part Do
    thou but thine.John Milton
  • The first casualty when war comes is
    truth.Hiram Warren Johnson

Pre-reading activities
  • Part 2 Pre-reading questions
  • What does the icy defender refer to?
  • What did Napoleon expect when he assembled his
    army to attack Russia?
  • What did the Russians do in the face of
    Napoleons offensive? What strategy did the
    Russians adopt?
  • What did Napoleon discover after he occupied
  • What happened to Napoleons army when it was
    retreating from Moscow?
  • How many soldiers were there left after the army
    limped to Vilna?
  • What did Napoleon do when Paris was captured?

Pre-reading activities
  • Keys
  • The icy defender refers to the severe winter of
  • He expected a quick victory, predicted the
    conquest of Russia in five weeks.
  • The Russians treated eastward, burning their
    crops and homes as they went.
  • He found that the occupation of the city was an
    empty victory.
  • The Russians launched hit-and-run attacks on the
  • Less than one hundred thousand were left.
  • He abdicated and went into exile.

Part 1 Language Study
  • In the case of as far asis concerned
  • e.g. The rise in interest rate will be disastrous
    in the case of small firms.
  • Formal training will take at least 3 years
    in the case of interior decoration.
  • Stand\get\be in the way prevent from doing sth.
  • e.g. Many teachers complain that they cant make
    any improvement in teaching methods as the
    existing exam system is in the way.
  • Fierce competition keeps getting in the
    way of kids development.

  • 3. Raw
  • cold and wet not cooked, refined, processed,
    organized or analyzed
  • e.g. The events took place on a raw February
  • This cutting board is only used to cut raw
  • Industrial plants processed the raw
    material into finished products for export and
    for domestic consumption.
  • 4. Launch start send on its course
  • e.g. Beginning in the early 1960s, humans
    launched probes to explore other planets.
  • Soviet launched the worlds first
    artificial satellite on Oct 4,1957.

  • 5. Campaign a series of military operations or
    planned activities with a particular aim
  • e.g. Hitlers advisers tried to persuade him to
    avoid the risks of a winter campaign in the
    Soviet Union and wait until spring.
  • 6. Efficient able to work well or producing a
    satisfactory result without wasting time or
  • e.g. Remote terminals in the home, connected to
    data bands, make the home the most efficient
    place to work in many case.
  • To cut back on fossil fuels, we should
    build more efficient cars.

  • 7. Conquest conquering, defeat
  • e.g. The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of
    Poland by Germany.
  • Hitler assumed the conquest of USSR would
    be simple.
  • 8. Decisive producing a definite result or
    conclusion having or showing the ability to
    decide quickly
  • e.g. Most of the decisive land campaigns of World
    War 1 occurred on the continent of Europe.
  • Lincoln took decisive measure to end
  • The adoption of the euro is widely viewed
    as a decisive step toward a single European

  • 9. Retreat move back or withdraw when faced with
    danger or difficulty
  • e.g. After a fierce battle, the troops retreated
  • We adopted the following strategies when
    the enemy advances, we retreat when they
    retreat, we pursue.
  • 10. Be\get bogged down be unable to make
  • e.g. Most of the tanks were bogged down because
    of mechanical defects and inexperienced crews.
  • The local government got bogged down in
    problems of how to handle the emission of
    hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities.

  • 11. Engage begin fighting with sb take part in
    or do occupy or attract sbs interest, ect.
  • e.g. The commander ordered the soldiers to engage
    the enemy immediately.
  • I have no time to engage in gossip.
  • We failed to engage any active support for
    our project.
  • 12. Be faced with have to deal with
  • e.g. I am faced with the awful job of breaking
    the news to the boys family
  • The assistants were faced with the huge
    task of listing all the books.

  • 13. Crucial very important (followed by to)
  • e.g. Amazingly, our soccer team won the victory
    in the crucial final game.
  • Improved consumer confidence is crucial to
    economic recovery.
  • 14. Take a gamble take a risk
  • e.g. The company took a gamble by cutting the
    price of their products, and it paid off.
  • I think shes taking a gamble investing
    all her money in stocks.

  • 15. Press on\ahead continue doing sth. in a
    determined way
  • e.g. Our school authorities are keen to press on
    with educational reform.
  • Organizers of the strike are determined to
    press on.
  • 16. Occupation the seizure and control of a
    country or areasones trade, profession, or
  • e.g. During the Japanese occupation of China,
    millions of innocent Chinese people were killed
    by Japanese soldiers.
  • Many schools have struggled to meet the
    educational requirements of new technology-based

  • 17. Bide ones time wait patiently for a chance
  • e.g. His political rivals are biding their time
    for an attack on his policies.
  • He bided his time until Harvard University
    offered him a professorship.
  • 18. Minus below zero made less by slightly
    lower than the mark stated
  • e.g. Tomorrows temperature will be as low as
    minus ten degrees centigrade.
  • I got B minus in the final examination
    which made me very upset.

  • 19. Drag on move slowly and with effort
    continue endlessly and tediously
  • e.g. These compensation cases have already
    dragged on for one year.
  • How much longer is the meeting going to
    drag on?
  • 20. Stroke any of a series of repeated
    movements single successful or effective action
    or occurrence blow
  • e.g. I saw a chance of solving all my problems at
    a stroke.
  • He drove in a nail with one stroke of the
  • He won a car in the lottery last week.
    Thats his first stroke of good luck.

  • 21. At the cost of with the loss of
  • e.g. Berman saved Johnson at the cost of his own
  • The local government developed its economy
    but at the cost of environment.
  • 22. Limp walk with difficulty, especially when
    one foot or leg is hurt
  • e.g. That dog must be hurtits limping.
  • I injured my ankle and had to limp.
  • During the race he fell down but he kept
    to limp on.

  • 23. Weaken (cause to) become weak or weaker
  • e.g. The Asian financial crisis severely weakened
    some countries.
  • Pneumonia often proves fatal to people
    with a weakened immune system.
  • 24. Alliance a union or an association formed
    for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or
  • e.g. NATO is considered as the most powerful
    military alliance in modern history.
  • Japan and Germany made their formal
    alliance in 1940.

  • 25. Invasion an entering or being entered by an
    attacking military force
  • e.g. The country remained free from invasion for
    60 years.
  • On Hitlers orders, the invasion of Poland
    began on September 1,1939.
  • 26. Declaration formally announcing a formal
    announcement (followed by of)
  • e.g. The Japanese attacked the U.S. naval base at
    Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941
    without a declaration of war.
  • The opening speeches sounded like
    declarations of war.

  • 27. Catch sb. Off guard take sb. by surprise
  • e.g. The invitation to his wedding caught me off
  • The manager didnt know what to say, it
    was clear that my question had caught him off
  • 28. Instruct give orders or directions to
  • e.g. The family has instructed solicitors to sue
    Thomson for compensation.
  • The professor instructed us that we had
    one month to conduct the project.
  • He instructed family members in nursing

  • 29. Render cause (sb.\sth) to be in a specified
  • e.g. Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by
    the earthquake.
  • The drug will render the tiger harmless for
    up to two hours.
  • He was rendered unconscious by a blow on
    the back of the neck.
  • 30. Casualty a person who is killed or injured
    in war or in an accident
  • e.g. The precise number of casualties in
    yesterdays bomb explosion is not known.

  • 31. Die from\of have as the cause of death
  • e.g. Some animals died of starvation in the snow.
  • All the plants were dying from lack of
  • 32. Siege a military operation in which an army
    tries to capture a town, etc. by surrounding it
    and stopping the supply of food, etc. to the
    people inside.
  • e.g. We must do everything possible to lift the
  • They are hopeful of bringing the siege to
    a peaceful conclusion.
  • The city was under siege for six months.

  • 33. Bring to a halt stop completely
  • e.g. Air traffic in Poland had been brought to a
    halt by an air traffic controllers strike.
  • Our journey was brought to a halt by a
  • 34. Offensive aggressive action, attack
  • e.g. The Red Army brought its winter offensive to
    a successful conclusion.
  • In January 1944 a Soviet offensive raised
    the long siege of Leningrad.
  • Faced with the invasion, they took
    immediate offensive action.

  • 35. Turn the tide(against) change what looks
    like defeat into victory (over)
  • e.g. The appearance of Joan of Arc turned the
    tide of war.
  • Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the
    tide of the war in Europe.
  • 36. Thanks to because of
  • e.g. Thanks to her financial support, the two
    children in the remote village could go to
  • Thanks to their tireless efforts, the
    performance was a great success.

  • 37. Heroic having the characteristics of a hero
    very brave
  • e.g. The soldier saved the girl at the cost of
    his own life. His heroic deeds were appreciated
    by all the people in the community.
  • he was famed for his heroic deeds during
    the war.
  • 38. Region area
  • e.g. When examining a large geographic unit,
    geographers often divide it into smaller regions.
  • In recent years increasing numbers of
    tourists have visited Antarctica to appreciate
    the regions majestic scenery and wildlife.

  • 39. Reckon count consider think
  • e.g. The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from
    the Declaration of Independence.
  • Many people reckon him to be a great
    basketball player.
  • 40. Toll the number of people or animals killed
    or injured in particular circumstances money
    paid for the use of a bridge or road.
  • e.g. The toll of road deaths and injuries is on
    the rise.
  • The local government was allowed to charge
    tolls for the use of the roads.
  • His hard work has taken its toll on his

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 1. Soil\ Earth
  • 2. Campaign\ Battle
  • 3. Decisive\ Crucial
  • 4. Stick\ Bog
  • 5. Attack\ Assault
  • 6. Flee\ Retreat

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • Soil the top layer of the earth in which plants
  • on British soil\French soil in
    Britain, in France
  • sbs native soil sbs own
  • Earth the world that we live in
  • substance that plants grow in
  • the hard surface of the world,
    as opposed to sea
  • what\why\how on earth used
    when you are asking a question about sth that you
    are very surprised or annoyed about

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 2. Campaign a series of actions intended to
    achieve particular result, especially in politics
    or business
  • a series of battles,
    attacks intended to achieve
  • particular result in a war.
  • Battle a fight between opposing armies,
    groups of ships etc, especially one that is part
    of a larger war
  • a situation in which opposing
    groups or people compete or argue with each other
    when trying to achieve success or control

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 3. Decisive an action, event etc that has a
    powerful effect on the final result of something
  • leading to a clear result and
    ending doubt
  • to be one of the most
    important causes of sth
  • definite and not able to be
  • Crucial something that is crucial is
    extremely important because everything else
    depends on it

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 4. Stick push, if a pointed object sticks into
    sth or you stick it into sth it is pushed into
  • fix, to fix sth to sth-else with a
    sticky substance, or to become fixed to a surface
  • difficult to move, if sth sticks
    it becomes fixed in one position so that is is
    difficult to move
  • Bog to become too involved in thinking
    about or dealing with one particular thing
  • to become stuck in muddy ground and
    be unable to move

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 5. Assault the crime of attacking someone
  • a military attack to take
    control of a place controlled by the enemy
  • an attempt to achieve sth
    difficult, especially using physical force.
  • Attack an act of deliberately using
    violence against someone
  • the act of using weapons
    against an enemy in a war
  • a statement that criticizes
    someone strongly.

While-reading activities
  • Part 2 Compare and Contrast
  • 6. Flee to leave somewhere very quickly in order
    to escape from danger
  • e.g. We were forced to flee the
  • Retreat to walk back and away from someone
    or sth because you are afraid or embarrassed
  • to move away from the enemy
    after being defeated in battle
  • to go away to a place that is
    quiet or safe
  • to change your mind about a
    promise you have made because the situation has
    become too difficult.

Post-reading activities
  • Part1 Points for discussion
  • Divide the students into small groups and
    discuss the following questions.
  • In what way was Hitlers offensive against the
    Soviet Union similar to Napoleons campaign
    against Russia? In what way were they different?
  • Do you think the harsh Russian winter the only
    factor that led to Napoleons and Hitlers
    defeat? Why or why not?
  • How do you define war and do you think war can
    be avoided in todays world? Why or why not?

Post-reading activities
Post-reading activities
  • The harsh Russian winter was an important
    factor that led to Napoleons and Hitlers
    defeat, but it was not the only one. The Russians
    had strong will-power and they united together to
    fight the enemies. Many soldiers died for their
    motherland, they are brave soldiers of the great
    nation they are brave sons of their mothers
    they are brave fathers of their kids. The blood
    of the martyrs makes the flag red.

Post-reading activities
  • World War 1
  • World War 2
  • Vietnam War
  • Persian Gulf War
  • Iraq War
  • Let the students to collect the information
    if they want.
  • Prussian military strategist Karl von
    Clausewitz said, War is nothing but the
    continuation of politics with the admixture of
    other means.
  • War fighting between two or more countries
    or opposing groups within a country, involving
    large numbers of soldiers and weapons.From
    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

Post-reading activities
  • Part 2 Words and Phrases to drill
  • Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen
    from the box below. Change the form where
  • Alliance\limp\declaration\heroic\minus\region\sieg
  • 1.The Labor Partys electoral strategy, which was
    based on a tactical__with other smaller parties,
    has proved successful.
  • 2. The New York fire fighters__deeds in rescuing
    the September 11 victims were celebrated across
    the country.
  • 3. By a __of good luck, Carol, who had been
    buried in the rubble for more than 20 hours, came
    out alive.
  • 4. My brother was not badly hurt, but he injured
    his leg and had to __around for a few weeks.

Post-reading activities
  • 5. The aircraft was subjected to a test of
    temperatures of __65 degrees Celsius and plus 120
  • 6. Tax incentives will be used to attract
    companies to the western __of our country away
    from the east coast.
  • 7. The opening speeches sounded more like__of war
    than offerings of peace.
  • 8. After a three-day __ by the police, the
    terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to
    give in.
  • Key 1.alliance\2.heroic\3.stroke\4.limp
  • 5.minus\6.regions\7.declarations\8.siege

Post-reading activities
  • Part 3 Translation
  • Translate the following passage into English,
    using the words and phrases given below
  • Casualty decisive offensive be
    faced with
  • Engage launch take a gamble press
  • Stroke get bogged down thanks to
  • Instruct at the cost of turn the tide
    catch off guard

Post-reading activities
  • ??
  • ?????????,???????????????????????????????????

Post-reading activities
  • Key of Translation
  • The offensive had already lasted three days,
    but we had not gained much ground. Our troops
    engaging the enemy at the front were faced with
    still resistance. The division commander
    instructed our battalion to get around to the
    rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack.
    To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland
    and many of us were afraid we might get bogged
    down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided
    to take a gamble. We started under cover of
    darkness and pressed on in spite of great
    difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the
    temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20
    degrees Celsius and

Post-reading activities
  • the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold
    weather, we arrived at our destination before
    dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear.
    This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy,
    caught off guard, soon surrendered.
  • Hints division commander( ??)
  • battalion (?)
  • marshland(???)

Text B Normandy Landing
  • Part 1 Cultural notes
  • 1.Normandy Landingit is the largest and most
    ambitious military expedition in history.
    American,British and Canadian forces landed on
    Normandy, which was in northwest France, on the
    English Channel.

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 2. Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1972)
  • ????????????????????????????5 0

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 3. He is the German field marshal, noted for his
    brilliant generalship in north Africa in World
    War 2. Later a commander in France. He committed
    suicide after the officers plot against Hitler.
  • Erwin Rommel (1891-1944) nicknamed the Desert

Text B Normandy Landing
  • Part 2 Vocabulary
  • Artillery ?? aircraft ?? troop ??
    fleet ??
  • Sea-borne troop ???? airborne unit ????
  • Paratrooper ??? pathfinder ?????
  • Armada ?? naval vessel ?? battery ??
  • Transport plane ??? anti-aircraft ???
  • Assault craft ??? minesweeper ???
  • Anti-personnel ???? landing craft ???
  • Cavalry squadron ???? shelter ??
  • Naval bombardment ????

Text B Normandy Landing
  • Part 3 Comprehension questions
  • If you had to choose a subtitle for the passage,
    which of the following would be the best?
  • A Fooling the Germans
  • B The Role of General Eisenhower
  • C The Largest Invasion Ever
  • D Gambling with the Forces of Nature

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 2. It can be inferred that___.
  • A planning the invasion was not complicated
    except for predicting the weather.
  • B it was impossible to predict how any of the
    forces of nature would behave.
  • C moonlight was needed by the navy.
  • D the planners were wise to allow for the
    possibility of delay

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 3. The weather forecast for 6 June predicted
  • A the storm would have completely ended.
  • B the storm might die down for a while.
  • C the storm would get worse before it got
  • D the weather would be as expected for the time
    of year.

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 4. It can be inferred that the Germans did not
    expect the invasion on 6 June because___.
  • A they thought that weather would be bad.
  • B they believed the Allies could not agree.
  • C the allied decoys had fooled them into
    believing the invasion would take place later.
  • D they expected the landings on the seventh.

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 5. Many paratroopers landed in the wrong place
  • A the pathfinders had been blown away from the
    correct landing sites.
  • B of enemy anti-aircraft fire.
  • C visibility was poor.
  • D of bad planning.

Text B Normandy Landing
  • 6. The ships guns were ineffective because of
  • A poor visibility
  • B fear of hitting the troops as they landed
  • C the high seas
  • D the strength of the German defense
  • Keys 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D

The Simpsons
  • The Simpsons is an obscure little art film
    directed by David Silverman, produced and written
    by a group of people who have probably between
    them about ---1--years or more of experience
    writing for the popular Fox animated sitcom of
    the same name. The show has been on for nearly 20
    years, and its kind of redefined and reshaped
    American culture in that time, and also, I think
    probably, --2--a lot of expectations for this
    movie. The idea for a Simpsons movie was first
    floated early in the shows run and has kind of
    gone up and down its kept resurfacing over the
    years and finally here it is, on the big screen,
    what weve all been waiting for for all this
    time. Shot in cinemascope, there are a lot of
    cool movie effects and crowd scenes where you see
    the entire town of Springfield assembled in the
    way that you cant really ever see them on you
    TV. And its a lot of fun and theres always, the
    writing is---3--, there are a lot of very good
    jokes. It doesnt always feel like a revolutional
    way that it did in the early years of the show,
    but its still a lot funnier, a lot more clever,
    a lot more astute, a lot more--4--, a lot more
    unpredictable than most of what you see on the
    big screen or the small screen these days. So
    if youre a Simpsons fan like I am, of course
    you are gonna go see the Simpsons movie and you
    will have a good time as I did. By most it will
    --5--to remind you just what a wonderful
    television show this is. I cant imagine living
    in America for the last 20 years and surviving
    without the Simpsons

  • http//bbs.putclub.com/index.php?showtopic124451
  • 100
  • built up
  • Terrific
  • surprising
  • serve

Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation
(No Transcript)
  • ???32???????D???(Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • ???????????????????????????????????????????26?

  •  ??????????????(Pearl Harbor),??????????????????

  • Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the
    Senate, and of the House of Representatives
  • Yesterday, __1__ -- a date which will live in
    infamy -- the United States of America was
    suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and
    air forces of the Empire of Japan.
  • The United States was at peace with that nation
    and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in
    __2_ its government and its emperor looking
    toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

  • Indeed, one hour after Japanese air
    squadrons had commenced bombing in the American
    island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the
    United States and __3__ delivered to our
    Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent
    American message. And while this reply stated
    that it seemed useless to continue the existing
    diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat
    or hint of war or of armed attack.
  • It will be recorded that the __4__ of Hawaii
    from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was
    deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago.
    During the intervening time, the Japanese
    government has deliberately sought to deceive the
    United States by false statements and expressions
    of hope for continued peace.

  • The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has
    caused severe damage to American naval and _5___.
    I regret to tell you that very many American
    lives have been lost. In addition, American ships
    have been reported torpedoed on the high seas
    between San Francisco and Honolulu.
  • Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched
    an attack against Malaya.
  • Last night, Japanese forces attacked __6__ .
  • Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.
  • Last night, Japanese forces attacked the
    Philippine Islands.
  • Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
  • And this morning, the Japanese attacked __7__

  • Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise
    offensive extending throughout the Pacific area.
    The facts of yesterday and today speak for
    themselves. The people of the United States have
    already formed their ___8_ and well understand
    the implications to the very life and safety of
    our nation.
  • As __9__ of the Army and Navy, I have directed
    that all measures be taken for our defense. But
    always will our whole nation remember the
    character of the onslaught against us.
  • No matter how long it may take us to _10___ this
    premeditated invasion, the American people in
    their righteous might will win through to
    absolute victory.

  • I believe that I interpret the will of the
    Congress and of the people when I assert that we
    will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost,
    but will make it very certain that this form of
    treachery shall never again endanger us.
  • Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the
    fact that our people, our territory, and our
    interests are in grave danger.
  • With confidence in our armed forces, with the
    unbounding determination of our people, we will
    gain the inevitable triumph -- so _11___.
  • I ask that the Congress declare that since the
    unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on
    Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a __12__ has existed
    between the United States and the Japanese

(No Transcript)
  • December 7th, 1941
  • conversation with
  • his colleague
  • distance
  • military forces
  • Hong Kong
  • Midway
  • opinions
  • commander in chief
  • overcome
  • help us God
  • state of war
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