Title: Sign in
- Sign in
- Have a snack
- Chat with a friend
- Mute you cell phone
- Pick up materials
- Make a name tent
- Get ready for the day
2LISD Science Vertical Team
- Housekeeping
- Break the ice
- TEA update
- Review
- Matrix
- Scope and sequence
- Current situation
- Data
- Campus assessment
- Lunch
- A little science
- Assessment
- Safety
- Whats next
- Drinks and snacks
- Restrooms
- Breaks
- Our schedule
- Lunch
- Copy machine
- Materials for check out
5Break the Ice
- Three questions
- Three songs
- Improve science teaching and learning in Leander
- Attendance
- Be here for every meeting
- Participation
- Be actively involved
- Communication
- Share information at campuses
- Teachers--general ed and special ed
- Administration
- Librarians
- Office staff
8TEA Update
9Preliminary Cumulative Pass Rate-Grade 11 Exit
LevelSpring 2004-July 2004
- Percent Met Standard
- ELA89
- Mathematics-87
- Social Studies-98
- Science-88
- All Tests Taken-78
10TAKS July 2004 Administration
- More 11th Grade students retook the Science Exit
Level TAKS than any other subject area.
- Mathematics...18,146
- Social Studies..3,984
- Science18,530
- Statewide Preliminary Results as of August 2004
11Percent of 11th Grade Students Who Met Standard
in July 04
- Science 49
- Social Studies 71
- ELA 47
- Mathematics 38
12July 2004 Retest in Science
- Of the 18,530 students retested
- 6,812 were male
- 11,699 were female
13Whats New in the TAKS Information Booklets?
- Separate booklets
- No SDAA for TAKS Science at any grade.
Therefore, the ARD committee can recommend that a
student take the grades 5,8,10 and exit level, if
- If the ARD determines that the TAKS Science tests
are not appropriate for a student, then the
student may be exempt. - Exempt students must take a LDAA
- LDAA e.g. portfolio, modified released test.
14Science TAKS Revised
Information Booklets
- Objective 1precise measurementse.g. cylinders
that are graduated triple-beam balances, lengths
in centimeters. - Scientific processes should be taught as part of
integrated unit. - Mapping
- Repeated trials may increase reliability of
- Elementary Grade 5
- Blueprint is listed-- 13 in Objective 1 and 9 in
Objectives 2-4, and 10 Field Test items 50
items. - Reminder dont copy ruler
- EMPHASIS on teaching ALL Student Expectations
15Elementary Science TAKS Revised Information
- Objective 2
- Emphasis on Organisms do not consciously adapt
to their environment. Instead, genetic
variations allow for adaptations that may or may
not be an advantage - Arrow direction in Food Web.
- Objective 3
- Students need hands-on experience with magnets.
- Recognize that a circuit is a system with many
16Elementary Science TAKS Revised Information
- Objective 4
- Students will be expected to be familiar with
physical characteristics of Earth and the moon,
but they will not always be expected to compare
- Examples of flow in 5.11(A) might include mud,
lava, ice, or water. - TAKS uses the nine-planet system with planets in
their relative orbital positions from Sun. - Objects in the skye.g. planets, comets, stars,
clouds, lightning.
17Grade 10 and Exit Level
- Limited English proficient (LEP) students can be
exempted from the grade 10 test. - But LEP students can receive only a one-time
postponement from Exit-level.
- Beginning in the 2004-05 school year, all
students will take 3 years of science. - Importance of Interdisciplinary units on student
retention of information.
18Middle School TAKS, Grade 8
- Includes SEs from Grades 6, 7, 8
- 5 Objectives
- A Periodic Table
- A Formula Chart
- New Contractor for Items
- Assessed in Spring 2006
- Field Test scheduled April 18
19Proposed Blueprint forMiddle School TAKS
- Objective 1Nature of Science 14 items
- Objective 2Living Systems and the Environment12
items - Objective 3Structures and Properties of Matter6
items - Objective 4Motion, Forces, and Energy6 Items
- Objective 5Earth and Space Systems12 items
Total 50 Items
20What Should Teachers Remember About Helping
Students be Prepared For Gr. 5 TAKS?
- Maps
- Novel situations
- Graphic organizers
- Rulers have millimeters
- Carbon cycle (may not be called CO2 Cycle)
- Plants, adaptive characteristics
- Repeatability of trials--important
21Students with Special Needs
- Students with special needs, such as ESL or
English Language Learners (ELL), should not
regularly be pulled out of the Science
instructional time for remediation. - Struggling students particularly need multiple
opportunities to learn science concepts in
different contexts. Science concepts are
cumulative, and students who miss crucial
concepts may struggle in later instruction. - Science teachers in some districts report that
students needing special assistance are often
scheduled to receive that help during their
science period. - Students who need remedial help in other subjects
should not be scheduled out of science classes.
22Helping English Learners Increase Achievement
ThroughInquiry-Based Science Instruction
- Olga Maia AmaralLeslie GarrisonMichael
23ELL and Science
- AbstractThis study summarizes the results of a
four-year project in science education conducted
in a rural setting with English learners in
grades K-6 in the El Centro Elementary School
District in Southern California. Data were
collected to measure student achievement in
science, writing, reading and mathematics for
participating students. These data were analyzed
relative to the number of years that students
participated in kit and inquiry-based science
instruction that included the use of science
notebooks. Results indicated that the
achievement of English learners increased in
relation to the number of years they participated
in the project. The longer they were in the
program, the higher their scores were in science,
writing, reading and mathematics.
24Leander ISD Update
25NSTA Opportunity
- March 31-April 3
- Dallas
- Early bird registration
- Member--170
- Nonmember--242
- Select five team members
- Two alternates
- 2003-2004 Accomplishments
- District Vertical Team
- Matrix
- Scope and sequence
- Assessment plan
- Fifth Grade Teachers
- Physical science assessment
- Earth science assessment
- Life science assessment
27Vertical Team Issues
- Curriculum
- Review the matrix
- Revise the scope and sequence
- Instruction
- Inquiry
- Impacting instruction
- Assessment
- Next steps
- Materials
- Review process for replenishing
- Practice TAKS Materials
- Kits
- Safety
- Awareness
- Equipment
- Monitoring
28Current Situation
- Campus assessment
- District data
- Item analysis
- AEIS--state accountability
- AYP--federal NCLB
- November 15
- Campus data
29Leander ISD CIA
- Matrix
- Proof it
- Hows it working?
- Any changes?
- Scope and sequence
- Hows it going?
- Any changes?
31Halloween Science
- What are your observations?
- How can you explain your observations?
- What are the science concepts?
- What TEKS are addressed?
32Investigable Questions
- Discuss your wonderings
- Write three investigable questions
- What if
- What happens if
- Focus on inquiry
- A minimum of 50 hands on, minds on
- Nature of science embedded within life, physical,
and earth science - Integrate with other content areas and technology
when appropriate - Use language (speaking, listening, writing, and
reading) to make meaning
34Science Instruction in LISD
- How can we improve instruction?
- Brainstorm
- Categorize
- Process goal
- Assessment calendar
- Practice TAKS--Nov.1-5
- Physical science--December
- Practice TAKS--Feb. 28-Mar. 1
- Earth science
- Elementary TAKS--April 21
- Life science
- Review/revise assessment plan
- Process goal
36 Important Issues
- Spring order
- Practice TAKS materials
- PDRC check out
- Kits
- Check list
- Campus equipment
- Eye wash
- Fire blanket
- Goggles
- MSDS notebook and CD
- Safety poster
- How can we improve science safety at our
campuses? - Process goal
39Whats Next?
- Vertical Team
- Tuesday, December 7
- Tuesday, March 1
- Fifth Grade Science Teachers
- Wednesday, November 10
- Thursday, January 27
40December 7th Meeting
- What should be the focus of our next meeting?
- Process goals
- Agenda
- What do we need do before our next meeting?
- What are your expectations of me?
41Science Matters in Leander ISD