Title: Physically Animated Fire
1Physically Animated Fire
- Fire, Water, Tornadoes, Aura borealis.
- Such phenomena are hard to model due to the
complexity of the interactions. - For this reason it is very important to study the
phenomena that you intend to model closely and
study the reactions between different elements of
that phenomena.
3Intro. (Cont)
- Accomplishing this task is very important
- Movies
- Games
- Simulations ex. Firefighters. Other highly
explosive clean up crews.
4Summary of Topic
- When we think of fire we should envision in our
minds three parts the blue core, the black body
radiation, and the gaseous smoke. In this
presentation I will only discuss the first two. - Blue Core- The blue core is found at the bottom
of the flame. It is produced by carbon radicals.
When the carbon is burned produces this spectrum
of color.
5Summary of Topic(cont)
- The Black Body Radiation This is what the
majority of people associate with a flame. This
consist of the actual yellow-orange color that is
produced in a vertical fashion. This color is
caused by carbon soot.
6Modeling the Blue Core
- The blue core is directly influenced by the fuel
used in the reaction. To model the blue core we
will need to know the ratio of fuel used to
7Modeling Blue Core(cont)
- The equation used to model the blue core v f
Af SAS - When we increase the S value we see an increase
in the turbulence. - For most flames an s value of .5m/s is used
8Modeling Black Body Radiation
- When modeling Black body radiation it is very
important to keep up with temperature tables. - Temperature histories allow you to model the
amount of product to fuel.
9Modeling Black Body Radiation(cont)
- If you know the temperature, then you can figure
out the amount of fuel that is being consumed.
The higher the temp the more fuel being used. - It will reach a peak and then begin to dissipate
and reach 0. - Once it has reached 0 there will no longer be any
visible yellow-orange.
- Several factors much be taken into consideration.
Ex. Solid Fuel, Gaseous Fuel, Temperature,
Record of product to fuel. - All these factors are necessary when trying to
model the blue core, and the black body radiation.
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