Title: Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the
1Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Clarity
of Celestial Observations as Inferred from
Visibility Data Chip Konrad Associate
Professor Department of Geography UNC- Chapel
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3Atmospheric Transmissivity
Transmissivity The ability of a medium to
transmit light. - Highly correlated with the
concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere.
Aerosols absorb and scatter light Primary Mineral
dustSea saltVolcanic dustOrganic
aerosols Industrial dustSoot (coal
burning)Biomass burning(smoke)
Secondary - conversion from gas to
solid Sulfates from biogenic gasesSulfates from
volcanic SO2Organic aerosols from VOCs Nitrates
from NOxSulfates from SO2Organic aerosols from
VOCsNitrates from NOx
4Atmospheric Visibility
Nocturnal Visibility - The greatest distance at
which it is just possible to see and identify
with the unaided eye a known moderately intense
light source.
5- Atmospheric Controls on Aerosol Concentrations
- Source region of air and speed of movement over
various regions (urban, rural, maritime).
6- Methods
- Extract hourly time series of weather conditions
at RDU for the period 1948- 1995. - 2. Identify all hours in which the following
conditions are met - Mostly clear skies 20 or less cloud cover
- High visibility 15 miles or greater.
- 3. Determine seasonal and diurnal patterns in
mostly clear skies and high visibility. - 4. Compare Raleigh trends with those from
Asheville. - 5. Compute back trajectories of exceptional clear
and hazy air (i.e. Determine its source region).
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11Aerosol Size and Relative Humidity
12Examples of the Transport of Clear Air into the
13Examples of Hazy Air Transport
14Mean Aerosol Concentrations for Urban, Rural, and
Maritime Air
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19- Copies of this presentation will be available
next week at - http//www.unc.edu/depts/geog/people/faculty/konra
d/ - Or Google konrad unc
- Web site for calculating backward air
trajectories - http//www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/hysplit4.html