Title: Case Studies Gas Scrubbing using V-texTM Technology
1Case Studies Gas Scrubbing using V-texTM
2V-texTM case study Pharmaceuticals
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Removal of Acetic Acid vapour from 1000 ppm to
below limit of detection - Gas flow range 50 to 1000Nm3/hr
- Maintenance free operation since installation in
3V-texTM case study Optical Fibres
- Optical Fibre Manufacturer in Denmark
- Removal of HCl and SiO2
- Five 2 stages units
- Scrub liquor contained up to 5 weight SiO2 with
no blockage
4V-texTM case study Petrochemicals
- Major petrochemical refinery in USA
- Removal of chlorine 100 ppm, HCl 1500 ppm and SO2
500 ppm in a gasflow of 1000 Nm3/hr - Temperature of gas 485C
- 1 sodium hydroxide scrub liquor
- Removal efficiency 99.9
5V-texTM case study Chemicals
- Schering Plough
- Stainless steel unit, designed for 200oC and FV
to 16 barg to BS5500 - Gas flows ranging from 200 to 3600 Nm³/hr.
- System to start up and achieve full scrubbing
efficiency in extremely short time, to cover
unexpected bypass requirements
6V-texTM case study Renewable Energy
- Stainless steel unit designed for 200C and 3
barg - Gas flow of 13000 to 17000 Nm3/hr
- Removal of ammonia with an efficiency exceeding
99.5 - Removal of HCl to less than 1 ppm
- By-product of 12wt ammonium sulphate
7V-texTM case study Pharmaceuticals
- Novartis
- HCl scrubbing
- Hastelloy C276 and ECTFE/PTFE
- Pressure and explosion rating certified
- gt99.5 HCl removal efficiency, batch scrubbing
8V-texTM case study Chemicals
- Cl2 scrubbing
- Chlorine scrubbing from process air stream
- NaOCl by-product for sale