Surviving on a Pastors Salary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Surviving on a Pastors Salary


... the reality of eternal scenes opens to the scenes of man. ... benevolence, they will certainly share in the doom of the unfaithful steward. 4T481, 482 ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Surviving on a Pastors Salary

Surviving on a Pastors Salary
  • By G. Edward Reid

  • The way you manage your money has a
  • great deal to do with
  • Your personal happiness
  • Your stress level
  • The quality of your family life
  • The stability of your marriage
  • And your success in ministry

  • 85 percent of pastors have not been taught Gods
    way of handling money and are facing personal
    financial challenges.
  • Financial problems are the number one reason
    pastors leave the ministry.
  • Crown Financial Ministries
  • Money Matters, January 2003

  • Pastors Conference
  • Crown Financial Ministries
  • Church Personal Finances
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Tuesday January 28, 2003
  • 830 a.m. 430 p.m.
  • 75 registration fee
  • Over 300 worth of books given to each registrant
  • 800-722-1976

  • It would not take a genius to figure out that
    the devil would like to see everyone of these
    areas of your life messed up. And in many cases
    he has been quite successful at this!

  • You must either live within your income or your
    creditors will eat you alive!
  • He who rides a tiger cannot dismount.
  • From a financial perspective, that tiger is
    debt. Debt and its resulting bankruptcy have
    drastically changed the American financial

  • In addition to Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, United
    Airlines and many other corporate giants, on the
    level where we live, things dont look much

  • Personal or family bankruptcy rate at an
    all-time high
  • In 2001 27,000 personal bankruptcies in the
    U.S. every week
  • 1.4 million families went under threw in the

  • Though under the provisions of the U.S.
    Bankruptcy Code, bankruptcy is an option to those
    who are up to their ears in debt, and it is not
    without serious consequences.

  • 3 Problems with
  • Declaring Bankruptcy
  • Poor Christian Witness Ps. 3721 The
    wicked borrows and does not repay.
  • Negatively impacts your credit rating
  • Negatively impacts your reputation due to the
    reflection on your management competence and
    moral integrity.

  • Why do people have money problems???

  • 3 main reasons why people have money problems
  • and likely in the following order in frequency

  • Ignorance many people/couples
    are financially illiterate.
  • They were simply never taught the Biblical
    principles of money management.
  • There is hope for these people!!! But you dont
    learn this at the Seminary.

2. Greed and Selfishness they live beyond
their means. They are not willing to live in,
drive, or wear what they can really afford. Many
of these people also feel they are just too poor
to tithe. Consequently, they live their lives
without Gods promised wisdom and blessing.
(Prov. 35-9)
  • An Unfortunate Tragedy
  • -a serious illness without adequate insurance
  • -being abandoned by a spendthrift marriage
  • -a natural disaster
  • -a major financial loss not of your own doing

  • Enough about the problems!
  • What can YOU do to experience financial freedom?

  • Learn all you can about money management and the
    practice what applies to your family situation.
    Read books, attend seminars, talk with those who
    know whats going on.
  • Pray for Gods wisdom and blessing (Prov.
  • Ask God to transform your heart from selfishness
    to love. When we become unselfish we are ready
    for heaven. (DA 641, chap. 70 The Least of
    These My Brethren)

7 Points to Success
  • Get organized develop a budget have a plan
  • Spend less than you earn determine to live
    within your means
  • Save a little every pay period start with only
    50 (not just your retirement)
  • Avoid debt like AIDS. Interest is one expense
    you can live without.

7 Points to Success
  • Be a diligent worker. (Prov. 2229)
  • Be faithful to God. Hes given us so many
    promises (Deut. 281-14) Your family cannot
    afford to live without Gods blessing.
  • Remember that this earth is not your home. Our
    management here determines our eternal destiny.
    (See Matt. 25)

Budget Suggestions
  • 1. How much is enough? 1 Tim. 66-8
  • 2. What is a budget--counting the cost.
  • 3. Proper uses of money. COL 351
  • 4. Where does the money go?

  • Money has great value, because it can do great
    good But money is of no more value than sand,
    only as it is put to use
  • - in providing for the necessities of life,
  • - in blessing others
  • - and advancing the cause of Christ
  • COL 351

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  • Christian Education
  • 1. Counting the cost--one year at a time
  • What will it profit a man
  • Our children belong to God
  • The ultimate goal
  • 2. Student loans
    Prov. 227

  • Christian Education
  • 3. Finding a way
  • Student initiative
  • Parental assistance
  • Family sacrifice--
  • prudent living
  • Grants and
  • scholarship


Worry-free Investments 1. Understanding
Matt. 619 2. Understanding do
Matt. 620 3.
Looking for a safe place to keep money 4.
Savings versus hoarding
Problems With Hoarding 1. Loss in a failing
1 Tim 6 2. Holding the assets too long
James 51 1T 173-175 3. Cant buy or sell
Rev 317 Mark 836, 37 4. Documented
evidence of selfishness
James 51-3 Col 352


The very means that is now so sparingly invested
in the cause of God, and that is selfishly
retained, will in a little while be cast with all
idols to the moles and to the bats. Money will
soon depreciate in value very suddenly when the
reality of eternal scenes opens to the scenes of
man. Ev 63

The time is coming when we cannot sell at any
price. The decree will soon go forth prohibiting
men to buy or sell of any man save him that hath
the mark of the beast. 5T 152
Hoarded wealth is not merely useless, it is a
curse. In this life it is a snare to the soul,
drawing the affections away from the heavenly
treasure. In the great day of God its witness to
unused talents and neglected opportunities will
condemn its possessor. COL352

Some Investment Suggestions 1. High risk / low
risk 2. Where do you want to lose it? 3. Get rich
quick schemes a. Promise of high returns -
wealth b. Something new that you dont really
understand c. Must risk money you cant afford
to lose d. Make a quick decision
The Tyranny of Debt
  • 1. What is debt?
  • (Prov. 227)
  • 2. Bankruptcy--a Christian
  • alternative? (Deut. 151)
  • 3. Surety (Prov. 61-5)
  • 4. Personal surety
  • (6T 448 AH 393)

  • There are only two places in the world where we
    can deposit our treasures--in Gods storehouse or
    in Satans, and all that is not devoted to
    Christs service is counted on Satans side and
    goes to strengthen his cause.
  • 6T448

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  • The borrower is the slave of the lender.
    Prov. 227

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  • Let no debt remain outstanding except the
    continuing debt to love one another.
  • Rom. 138

Debt Elimination
  • Basic premise establish the tithe
  • (See Prov. 3 Deut. 28 Mal. 3 Matt. 6 Matt
  • Step 1 - declare a moratorium on
  • additional debt
  • Step 2 - make a covenant with God
  • Step 3 - list your debts from largest to

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  • Freedom Through Self-Denial
  • Be determined never to incur another debt. Deny
    yourself a thousand things rather than run in
    debt. This has been the curse of your life,
    getting into debt. Avoid it as you would the
    smallpox. Make a solemn covenant with God that
    by His blessing you will pay your debts and then
    owe no man anything if you live on porridge and
  • CS257

  • It is so easy in preparing your table to throw
    out of your pocket twenty-five cents for extras.
    Take care of the pennies, and the dollars will
    take care of themselves. It is the mites here
    and the mites there that are spent for this,
    that, and the other, that soon run up into
    dollars. Deny self at least while you are walled
    in with debts.
  • CS257

  • Do not falter, be discouraged, or turn back.
    Deny your taste, deny the indulgence of appetite,
    save your pence and pay your debts. Work them
    off as fast as possible. When you stand forth a
    free man again, owing no man anything, you will
    have achieved a great victory. (Letter 4,

Additional Assistance
  • 1. Establish a budget
  • 2. Set goals for your family
  • 3. Destroy credit cards if--
  • 4. Purchase depreciating items with cash
  • 5. Begin economy measures
  • 6. Have a sale--inventory your possessions and
    sell off what you dont absolutely need

  • It should be our highest aim in life to get
    ready for heaven.
  • 5MR 255

Putting God First
  • 1. Trusting God with all your heart
    Prov. 35-10
  • 2. God is the owner of everything
    Ps. 241 5012 1 Chron. 2913, 14
  • 3. Our purpose in life--to glorify God 1 Cor.
  • 4. The tithe is the minimum testimony of our
    Christian commitment Mal. 36-10

Gods Perspective
  • 1. Debt is bad
    Prov. 227
  • 2. Prosperity is having what you need when you
    need it
    Phil. 419
  • 3. The master / servant relationship Matt.
  • 4. Application
    Mark 834-37

The Significance of Tithing
  • 1. Tithing and the tree of knowledge of good
    and evil
    (CS 65)

A Test of Loyalty
  • The tithing system is the equivalent to the
    last-day Christian of the
  • Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
  • for Adam and Eve
  • in the Garden of Eden.
  • CS 65

  • There was nothing poisonous in the fruit
    itself, and the sin was not merely in yielding to
    appetite. (1) It was distrust of Gods goodness,
    (2) disbelief of His Word, (3) and rejection of
    His authority, that made our first parents
    transgressors, and that brought into the world a
    knowledge of evil.
  • Ed 25

  • When we are faithful with our tithe we show God
    that we
  • trust His goodness,
  • believe His word,
  • and accept His authority

CS 65, Ed 25
The Significance of Tithing
  • 1. Tithing and the tree of knowledge of good and
  • (CS 65)
  • 2. Tithing and our covenant relationship
    with God
  • (Abraham, Gen. 14 Jacob, Gen. 28 Mal
    310 CS 75)

  • He who gave His only-begotten Son to die for
    you, has made a covenant with you. He gives you
    His blessings, and in return He requires you to
    bring Him your tithes and offerings.
  • CS 75

The Significance of Tithing
  • 3. Failure to tithe is robbery of God
  • (Mal. 36-12 CS 77 CS 86)

  • The evasion of the
  • positive commands of God
  • concerning tithes and offerings,
  • is registered in the books of heaven
  • as robbery toward Him.
  • CS77

  • To defraud God is
  • the greatest crime of
  • which man can be guilty
  • and yet this sin is
  • deep and widespread.
  • CS86

  • When the judgment shall sit and the books shall
    be opened, every man will be rewarded according
    to his works. Many names are enrolled on the
    church book that have robbery recorded against
    them in the Ledger of Heaven. And unless these
    repent and work for the Master with disinterested
    benevolence, they will certainly share in the
    doom of the unfaithful steward. 4T481, 482

  • Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse
  • Bring all the tithes into the storehouse NKJV
  • Not You all bring the tithes
  • but
  • You bring all the tithes...

The Significance of Tithing
  • 3. Failure to tithe is robbery of God
  • (Mal. 36-12 CS 77 CS 86)
  • Tithing is an act of worship (Mal. 310

  • Those who go forth as ministers have a solemn
    responsibility devolving upon them which is
    strangely neglected There is great need of
    instruction concerning the obligations and duties
    to God, especially in regard to paying an honest
  • CS 104

  • Everyone is to be his own assessor and is left
    to give as he purposes in his heart. But there
    are those who are guilty of the same sin as
    Ananias and Sapphira, thinking that if they
    withhold a portion of what God claims in the
    tithing system the brethren will never know it.
    Thus thought the guilty couple whose example is
    given us as a warning.
  • 4T 469

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If ministers give themselves wholly to the work
of God, and devote all their energies to building
up His cause, they will have no lack. As regards
temporal things, they have a better portion than
their Lord and better than His chosen disciples
whom He sent forth to save perishing man.
-Testimonies, vol. 2, p.345
Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows
unto the most High And call upon me in the day
of trouble I will deliver thee, and thou shalt
glorify me. - Psalm 50 14,15 I
have been young, and now am old yet have I not
seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging
bread. - Psalm 3725
Current Market Situation Current market slump
as of July 19, 2002 Nasdaq, 74 below its
peak S P 500 down 45 Dow Jones industrials
off 32 -MONEY, September 2002
What has caused the problems? Human nature
dictates that greed and fear battle for the soul
of the investor. Throughout the 90s, greed won
handily. Buyers of stock abandoned common sense
and were rewarded for doing so if owning one
profitless pet-products-by-internet stock was
good, owning two was better. -
MONEY, September, 2002
  • Why Problems? (Cont.)
  • Corporate greed
  • Investor greed
  • Competition among market managers
  • Auditor dishonesty and greed
  • Unrealistic Expectations P/E ratios
  • Baptist Foundation of Arizona
  • Greater Ministries
  • Corporate scandals
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Terrorism 9-11

  • Points to remember
  • From 1926 to 2000 the stock market returned an
    average of 11 per year. Trying to top
  • that average is what causes high risk.
  • With so many conflicts out there, putting all
    your faith in a single person or source is a
    recipe for disaster.

How to get started Accept responsibility for
your finances. Get educated read books,
newsletters, magazines. Seek counsel from
others. Write down your needs and goals. Be
diligent in laying the foundation. Seek Gods
wisdom and blessing throughout.
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There are four levels of financial fitness The
first level Getting debt free - This is the
only proper foundation - Develop your spending
plan - Use credit and credit cards properly -
Pay off your house
Keep this truth in mind No investment is as
secure as a repaid debt. Putting your desire to
invest ahead of repaying your debt obligations is
usually a sign of immaturity, not financial
sophistication. Pryor, p. 36
The second level Saving for future needs. -
develop an emergency savings fund - develop an
accumulation fund for future purchases or
expenditures (taxes) - develop a plan for your
childrens education
  • The third level of financial fitness
  • - Investing your surplus
  • - Learn about the various types of investments
  • -lending investments
  • -ownership investments
  • Spend time learning about mutual funds
  • - Understand the tax consequences

The one fundamental rule of investing that you
should never, ever forget is The greater the
return being offered, the greater risk youre
taking. (This is always the case whether
those making the offer tell you or not, whether
its obvious or not, and whether you know it or
  • There are only two basic choices with
  • investing
  • The investments where you become a lender
    savings accounts, CDs, corp. bonds, government
    bonds, state and local bonds, annuities. you
    get a fixed return.
  • The investments where you become an owner
    stocks, mutual funds, real estate, precious
    metals, farmland you make money if the value
    goes up or the company is successful.

The fourth level of financial fitness -Diversify
ing for Safety -Understand investing, know what
you want to accomplish, set goals. -Spread out
the risk.
  • Determine your investment needs and stage
  • in life.
  • Laying the foundation runs into the 40s.
  • Accumulating assets your forties and 50s.
  • Preserving assets your 60s and into 70s.
  • Distributing assets age 75 and beyond.
  • Learning years - birth to 30
  • Earning years - 30 to 60
  • Returning years - 60 till laid to rest

Retirement Tips Income source
recommendations Social Security 30 -
40 401k or 403b etc. 30 - 40 Other
investments 10 15 Part-time job 10 15
Retirement Monthly Budget Tithe and
Offerings 300 Food
400 Clothing 200 Telephone - computer
200 Utilities 150 Insurance -
house/vehicle 150 - life/medical
400 Property tax 200 Maintenance
100 Personal allowance 200 Misc.
200 Entertainment 200 Total Income needed
  • Some Investment Suggestions
  • 4. Best places
  • -Government backed securities
  • -Church investments
  • -Projects to advance Gods cause
  • -Education of workers


As the followers give back to the Lord His own,
they are accumulating treasure which will be
theirs when they hear the words Well done, thou
good and faithful servantenter thou into the joy
of thy Lord. 9T59
  • He who embezzles his Lords goods not only loses
    the talent lent him of God, but loses eternal
  • 3T 387

  • They rob God of the tenth, which He claims as
    His own, and in robbing Him they rob themselves
    of the heavenly treasure.
  • 3T 398

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