Central bank balance sheet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Central bank balance sheet


... (DL) | Commercial bank deposits (BD) ... C = Federal Reserve notes held by non-bank public (currency in circulation) ... Foreign demand for US currency. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Central bank balance sheet

Central bank balance sheet
  • Central Bank gold standard
  • __________________________________________________
  • Gold ( value PgG) Banknotes
  • Loans Commercial bank deposits
  • The Federal Reserve System fiat money
  • __________________________________________________
  • Government securities (GS) Federal Reserve
    notes (CV)
  • Loans to financial institutions (DL)
    Commercial bank deposits (BD)
  • Foreign exchange reserves (FX, value) Other
    liabilities (e.g Treas. Deposits)
  • Other assets
  • C Federal Reserve notes held by non-bank public
    (currency in circulation)
  • V Federal Reserve notes held by banks in vaults
    or ATM
  • BD Commercial bank deposits at the Fed
  • R Bank reserves V BD
  • B Monetary base C R (the Feds primary

US Monetary System
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________________
  • Government securities (TS) Currency (C) (Base
  • Discount loans (DL) Reserves (R) (Base
  • Foreign exchange reserves (FX) Other
    liabilities (e.g. Treas. Deposits)
  • Other assets
  • Link to current Fed balance sheet http//www.fede
  • Of note
  • Securities held outright
  • TAC and discount loans
  • Maiden Lane
  • Other assets
  • Currency in circulation
  • Other liabilities include Treasury deposits
  • Reserves

US Monetary System
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________________
  • Government securities (GS) Currency (C) (Base
  • Discount loans (DL) Reserves (R) (Base money)
  • Foreign exchange reserves (FX) Other
    liabilities (Treasury Deposits)
  • Other assets
  • Commercial Banks
  • __________________________________________________
  • Reserves (R) Checkable deposits (D)
  • Bank loans (L) Loans from the central bank
  • Other assets (e.g. govt securities) Capital
    (ownership claims)
  • Private sector (non-bank
  • __________________________________________________
  • Checkable deposits (D) (Money) Bank loans (L)
  • Currency (C) (Money) Other liabilities
  • Other assets (e.g. physical capital) Net worth

US Monetary System
US Monetary System
  • Money supply Base Multiplier
  • Multiplier is the multiple by which the money
    supply exceeds the base. Under a fractional
    reserve system with bank loans and credit money,
    this will be greater than 1.
  • A simple model of the money supply process
  • Fed ? Base (through its balance sheet)
  • Fed, banks, public ? Multiplier (and independent
    of the base)

The Feds control of the monetary base
  • The following cause the base to rise (all other
    factors the same)
  • Purchase of government securities
  • Increase in discount loans
  • Increase in foreign reserves
  • Increase in other assets
  • Decrease in other liabilities

The Feds control of the monetary base
  • T-bill purchase by the Fed
  • FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills 1000 1000 Base
  • Increase in Treasury deposits (e.g. public pays
  • FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • -1000 Base
  • 1000 Treas. Dep.
  • Sterilized discount loan
  • FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills -1000 0 Base
  • DL 1000

The Feds control of the monetary base
  • The Fed and banks accommodate the publics demand
    for currency. This reflects the publics
    preference for the composition of money it holds.
    But the base can be independent of this
  • FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • 1000 Currency
  • -1000 Reserves

The monetary base and the governments budget
  • The governments budget constraint
  • Government expenditures during the year tax
    revenues treasury securities sold to banks and
    the public treasury securities sold to the Fed.
  • Budget deficits increase the monetary base
    (monetization) only if the Fed buys new

The monetary base and the governments budget
  • Government deficit 100 billion during the
    year. Fed purchases half of the security issue
  • The purchase FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills 50 billion 50 billion Treas.
  • Treasury spends FED
  • __________________________________________________
  • 50 billion Base
  • -50 billion Treas. Deposits

The money multiplier
  • Fed
  • _______________________________________________
  • GS C
  • R
  • Commercial Banks
  • ______________________________________________
  • R D
  • L
  • M C D
  • B C R
  • L D R (assuming other assets/liabilities DL
  • M/B m (CD)/(CR) (k1)/(kq) 1
  • L/B ? (DR)/(CR) (1q)/(kq)
  • M mB ? ?M m?B
  • L ?B ? ?L ??B

The money multiplier
  • m is the money multiplier. We assume it is
    determined independently of the base.
  • ? is the loan multiplier. It is also independent
    of the base.
  • k is the currency-deposit ratio, determined by
    the preferences of the non-bank public.
  • q is the desired reserve ratio, determined partly
    by the Fed and partly by banks.
  • We assume that both k and q are independent of
    the quantity of base money.

The money multiplier
  • Example Fed purchase of t-bill
  • ?B 1,000
  • q 0.10
  • k 0.50
  • ? m 2.50
  • ? ? 1.50
  • ?M 2.501000 2,500
  • ?L 1.501000 1,500
  • ?M ?C?D (1k)?D
  • ?D ?M/(1k) 1,667
  • ?C ?M ?D 833
  • ?R ?B ?C 167

The multiplier process in a simple case
  • Assume k0 (no currency) and q 10. Consider
    balance sheet effects of a t-bill purchase
  • Central Bank
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills 1000 1000 Reserves (R)
  • Bank of America
  • __________________________________________________
  • Reserves (R) 1000 1000 Deposits (D)
  • Bank of America
  • __________________________________________________
  • Loans (L) 900
  • Reserves (R) -900
  • Bank of America (net effect)
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 100 1000 D
  • L 900

The multiplier process in a simple case
  • Goldman Sachs
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 900 900 D
  • Goldman Sachs
  • __________________________________________________
  • L 810
  • Reserves (R) -810
  • Goldman Sachs (net effect)
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 90 900 D
  • L 810

The multiplier process in a simple case
  • Citi
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 810 810 D
  • Citi
  • __________________________________________________
  • L 729
  • Reserves (R) -729
  • Citi (net effect)
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 81 810 D
  • L 729
  • and so on

The multiplier process in a simple case
  • Summary of the entire process involving the
    banking system
  • ?R 1000
  • ? L 900 810 729 9,000
  • ? D 1000 900 810 10,000
  • m (1/q) 10
  • ? D 10?R 1000 (which is the change in M
    given no currency).
  • The money supply increases by a multiple of the
    initial injection of reserves because of bank
  • Removing reserves from the banking system will
    have the opposite effect (negative signs).

Factors determining the reserve ratio, q
  • q is determined by Fed and optimizing behavior by
    banks. Desired reserves consist of required
    reserves and excess reserves.
  • Required reserves (determined by the Fed)
  • Likelihood of net deposit withdrawals (excess
    reserves determined by banks)
  • Higher deposit variability, higher the
    likelihood of net cash outflows ? higher is q.
  • Perceived risk of loans/alternative investments
    (excess reserves determined by banks).
  • Interest rate on loans relative to interest rate
    paid by Fed on reserves (excess reserves
    determined by banks). This spread reflects the
    opportunity cost of reserves higher the spread,
    lower q.

Change in q
  • The money multiplier is negatively related to q.
  • If q .25 (instead of .10, with k.50) in the
    previous example, m 2.
  • As banks accumulate reserves, the monetary base
    can support a smaller amount of deposits and thus
    money because banks make fewer loans for any
    given injection of reserves.

Change in q
  • Suppose market interest rates on loans rise.
  • q .10, k 0 Banking system
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 1000 10,000 D
  • L 9000
  • q .20, k0 Banking system
  • __________________________________________________
  • R 1000 5,000 D
  • L 4000
  • m falls from 10 to 5. As loans are paid off,
    banks will make fewer loans, so that deposits
    decrease. Remember that total reserves are
    determined by Fed.

Factors determining the currency ratio, k
  • k is determined by optimal behavior of the
    private sector, in this case households (the
    non-bank sector).
  • Interest rates on deposits (negative effect)
  • Risk of bank deposits (positive effect)
  • Transactions costs of cash versus checks (the
    more convenient is cash relative to checks,
    higher k)

Change in k
  • The money multiplier is negatively related to k.
    (A change in k has a larger proportional effect
    on the denominator.)
  • m (k1)/(kq)
  • k .50, q .10 ? m 2.5
  • k .60, q .10 ? m 2.3

Change in k
  • q .10, k .40 ? m 2.8
  • Fed
  • ___________________________________________
  • GS 10000 8000 C
  • 2000 R
  • Banking system
  • ___________________________________________
  • R 2000 20000 D
  • L 18000
  • B 10,000
  • M 28,000
  • Banking panic
  • q .10, k .90 ? m 1.9
  • Fed
  • ___________________________________________
  • GS 10000 9000 C
  • 1000 R
  • Banking system
  • ___________________________________________
  • R 1000 10000 D
  • L 9000
  • B 10,000
  • M 19,000
  • Note The composition of the base has changed as
    public converts deposits to cash. The initial
    withdrawal of 1000 leads to a large change in D
    and M because of the decline in bank lending.

Change in k
  • How could the Fed respond to 9,000 decline in M?
    To stabilize M, open market purchase would work
    (reserve compensation).
  • ?M m ?B
  • ?B ?M / m 9000/1.9 4,737
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • GS 14,737 13,263 C
  • 1,474 R
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R 1,474 14,737 D
  • L 13,263
  • In current environment, q and k are rising, the
    multiplier is falling. Thus some of the recent
    increase in base money is compensation for
    falling multiplier, and not necessarily

Money during the Great Depression
  • Stock market crash in 1929, and other factors,
    led to banking panic and runs from October 1930
    to March 1933 loss of confidence in the system.
  • Beginning Oct. 1930, we see C rising quickly, and
    D falling, as the public rushed to banks.
  • Reserves and monetary base fairly steady.
  • Money stock fell drastically from 1930 to 1933,
    despite steady growth in the monetary base.

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The Check Tax
  • In 1932, in the midst of the contraction of money
    and credit, Congress imposed a 2 cent tax on
    checks written (independent of the amount of the
    check). This increased the costs of using checks,
    and thus reduced the relative cost of using cash.
    We estimated an additional 10-15 decline in
    money caused by this tax.
  • Justification for the tax to balance the
    federal budget.

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Current trends
  • Currency-checkable deposit ratio has risen
  • Financial innovations reducing value of demand
    deposits at banks.
  • Foreign demand for US currency.
  • This has caused instability in M1, but M2 growth
    has been steady.

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2008 data
2008 data
Private banknotes and the multiplier
  • Since 1914, private banks have not issued
    banknotes Fed has monopoly over currency. As we
    have seen, the quantity of money supply is
    sensitive to changes in the composition of money,
    through the currency ratio k.
  • However, private banknote issue can alleviate
    this problem in the face of currency runs (as
    opposed to redemption runs).

Private banknotes and the multiplier
  • An example assume Fed issues only reserves, no
    currency. Banknotes serve as currency. Banks hold
    same fraction of reserves on banknotes as on
  • k 1/3 Banking system
  • ______________________________________________
  • R 1000 2500 Banknotes
  • L 9000 7500 D
  • M 10,000 B 1000
  • k 1/2 Banking system
  • ______________________________________________
  • R 1000 5000 Banknotes
  • L 9000 5000 D
  • M 10,000 B 1000 ? change in composition
    affects neither the base nor the multiplier.

Balance sheet analysis of TARP
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. 500 500 T-bills
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • T-bills 500
  • D -500
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R -500 -500 D
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • -500 R
  • 500 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of TARP
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. -500
  • Toxic assets 500
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • 0 0
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R 500
  • Toxic assets -500
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • 500 R
  • -500 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of TARP
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. 300
  • Toxic assets -500
  • TPL 200
  • TPL taxpayer liability
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • Assets 300 200 TPL
  • D -300 -200 NW
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R -300 -300 D
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • -300 R 300 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of TARP
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. -300 -500 T-bills
  • TPL -200
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • T-bills -500 -200 TPL
  • D 300
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R 300 300 D
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • 300 R -300 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of TARP
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • 0 0
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • Assets 300 -200 NW
  • D -500
  • (If Treasury sells assets for, say, 600, then
    assets go up by 600, D goes down by 500, and NW
    increases by 100.)
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • Toxic assets -500 -500 D
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • 0 0
  • Summary Ultimately, Public converts deposits
    into assets, but loses 200 of wealth (because
    Treasury sells at a loss). Banks assets and
    liabilities fall, so asset-to-capital ratio

Balance sheet analysis of capital infusion plan
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. 250 250 T-bills
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • T-bills 250
  • D -250
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R - 250 - 250 D
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • -250 R
  • 250 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of capital infusion plan
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Tr. Dep. - 250
  • Bank equity 250
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • R 250 250 Equity
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • 250 R
  • -250 Tr. Dep.

Balance sheet analysis of capital infusion plan
  • US Treasury
  • __________________________________________
  • Bank equity 250 250 T-bills
  • Public
  • __________________________________________
  • T-bills 250
  • D -250
  • Banking system
  • __________________________________________
  • -250 D
  • 250 Equity
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________
  • 0 0
  • Summary Ultimately, Public (through the
    Treasury) converts bank liabilities into bank
    equity. Banks asset-to-debt ratio increases. (If
    the Fed monetizes, it buys 250 t-bills from
    public, but R would go up by 500. )

The Federal Reserve System
  • Federal Reserve Act of 1914 created the Federal
    Reserve system in three parts
  • Federal Reserve Board (US Treasury Secretary,
    Comptroller of the Currency, plus five),
    headquartered in D.C.
  • 12 district banks (Atlanta, NY, Boston, etc.).
    Board of each elects a President.
  • member commercial banks, which buy stock in the
    Fed. (Hence, the Fed is privately owned!)
    National banks must be members.
  • Amendments in 1933, 1935
  • Reconstituted FRB as Board of Governors of the
    Fed, with 7 members appointed by the President,
    each for 14 year terms.
  • Created FOMC, and authorized open market
    operations. Consists of 7 Board members plus 5
    presidents who serve on a rotating basis (as
    voting members). NY Fed President always on as
    voting member.
  • Authorized reserve requirements on demand
    deposits of member banks (now on all banks, since
    1980 DIDMCA).
  • Section 13(3) In unusual and exigent
    circumstances, the Board of Governors of the
    Federal Reserve System, by the affirmative vote
    of not less than five members, may authorize any
    Federal reserve bank to discount for any
    individual, partnership, or corporation, notes,
    drafts, and bills of exchange when such notes,
    drafts, and bills of exchange are indorsed or
    otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the
    Federal Reserve bank.
  • This section has been invoked recently to allow
    the Fed to buy commercial paper and make loans to
    JPMorgan and AIG.
  • The Federal Reserve Act. http//www.federalreserve

Fed Independence
  • Although Fed is technically privately owned, it
    is run by the government. But it has been set up
    to be independent of the branches of government.
    This is important because of the pressures for
    manipulating the money stock for political
  • An independent central bank is (potentially) a
    good substitute for a commodity money standard. A
    credible central bank can provide monetary
    discipline in the absence of an underlying

Tools of monetary policy
  • The Fed has the following tools to control the
    money supply (and thereby influence interest
    rates, output and inflation)
  • Reserve requirements
  • Open market operations
  • Discount policy (very old)
  • Interest payments on bank reserves (brand new)

Reserve requirements
  • 0 on checkable deposits up to 9.3 million, 3 on
    deposits between 9.3 million and 43.9 million,
    and 10 beyond.
  • An increase in reserve requirements will reduce
    the money multiplier and the money stock
    (assuming desired excess reserves do not change
    to offset).
  • The Fed seldom systematically changes reserve
    requirements for policy purposes.

Reserve Requirements
  • 1 7 14 31 38
  • ----------------------------------------------
  • Tu M M Th
  • Computation period Maintenance period
  • Computation period daily average balance on
    checking accounts and vault cash ? required
    reserves determined.
  • Maintenance period must hold average daily
    balance as deposit at the fed equal to difference
    between required reserves and vault cash.

Reserve Requirements
  • Computation period Tuesday, May 27 to Monday,
    June 9.
  • Average daily balance of banks checking accounts
  • Average daily vault cash 1 million.
  • Required reserves (0.03)(43.9 9.3) (0.10)
    (75 43.9) 4.12 million.
  • Required reserve balance to be held as Fed
    deposit during the maintenance period (beginning
    June 26) 3.12 million.

Reserve requirements
  • Until recently, reserves paid no interest. In
    this case, a reserve requirement is just like a
  • Assume a bank holds no reserves, and thus lends
    all deposits. If r is the interest rate charged
    on loans (L) and i the rate charged on deposits
    (D), then the banks profits are
  • Profit rL iD (r i)D
  • With a reserve requirement (q) on deposits
  • Profit r(D R) iD r(D qD) iD r(1
    q) i D
  • Example r 8, i 2, and q 10, instead of
    6 return, banks earn 5.2

Open market operations
  • Purchases and sales of government securities on
    the open market (i.e. just like everyone else who
    buys and sells securities). They give the Fed
    direct control over bank reserves.

Policy directive
Trading Desk
Securities markets
Target level for reserves
Open market operations
  • Outright purchases or sales
  • Repurchase agreements (repos) buy govt
    securities from a dealer, who agrees to
    repurchase at a given price.
  • Dynamic active change in policy.
  • Defensive sterilization of other changes in base
    or multiplier.
  • Feds balance sheet (again) http//www.federalres

Discount policy
  • The Feds oldest tool, and means of serving as
    lender of last resort.
  • Fed
  • _____________________________________
  • DL 1 million 1 million R
  • Banking system
  • _____________________________________
  • R 1 million 1 million DL
  • The discount loan shows up as a liability to the
    bank, but provides the bank additional liquidity
    (reserves) to make loans or pay of other
    liabilities. Alternatively, the Fed might require

Discount policy
  • Primary credit for healthy banks in need of
    temporary liquidity funds are unrestricted but
    are charged a penalty rate (say 25 basis points
    above the federal funds rate). Prior to 2003,
    discount rate was set below fed funds rate.
  • Secondary credit for less healthy banks who
    dont qualify for primary credit rate set at 50
    basis points above federal funds rate, and funds
    are restricted.
  • For primary and seasonal credit, the Fed sets a
    discount rate, then banks request a loan amount.
  • http//www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/C

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New discount policy tools
  • Term Auction Facility (Dec. 12, 2007)
  • Primary Dealers Credit Facility (Dec. 2007)
  • Term Securities Lending Facility (Dec. 2007)
  • Asset-backed Commercial Paper MMMF Facility
    (Sept. 2008)
  • Commercial Paper Funding Facility (Oct. 7, 2008)
  • Another facility to buy assets/make loans to MMMF
    (Oct. 21, 2008)
  • Prior to these dates, primary and secondary
    credit were extended to banks, for overnight
    loans backed by safe and secure collateral. These
    new tools broadly extend the scope of discount
    lending to non-banks, non-financial institutions,
    for longer terms (30 to 85 days), and secured by
    potentially distressed assets.
  • The injections of funds through these facilities
    has been massive
  • http//research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/BORRO

Term Auction Facility
  • Fed sets the amount of the funds it is willing to
    lend, and lets banks anonymously bid for these
    funds. The bid includes the amount requested and
    an interest rate. The Fed accepts bids from those
    banks offering the highest yields until the funds
    run out. Originally set up as temporary, but it
    is likely to remain permanent.
  • For example, suppose the Fed offers 20 billion
    for auction, and receives bids totaling 30
    billion. Then, it orders the bids from highest
    yield to lowest, and chooses the offers with the
    highest yields until the 20 is allocated. The
    actual rate charged is the lowest accepted bid

Term Auction Facility
Sterilization of lending facilities
  • To a large extent, the Fed has sterilized new
    lending, to prevent reserves from rising too
  • This can be seen from the Feds balance sheet
    large decreases in t-bills held outright.
  • Selected balance sheet items http//research.stlo

Sterilization of lending facilities
  • To sterilize, Fed needs enough t-bills to sell.
    The Treasury has been issuing securities to the
    Fed for this purpose. In effect, the Fed buys
    t-bills issued by Treasury, but pays for them by
    crediting the Treasurys deposits, not by
    creating reserves.
  • See Feds balance sheet Treasury deposits,
    special financing account.
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills 459 billion 459 billion Treas.
  • Fed
  • __________________________________________________
  • T-bills -100 billion -100 billion Reserves

An additional new tool
  • As part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization
    Act of 2008, the Fed was given authority to pay
    interest on bank reserves.
  • Allows the Fed to set interest rate policy
    independently of liquidity policy.
  • Open market operations will become less important
    as a tool, because adjustments in reserves will
    not be necessary to target interest rates.
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