Title: Participating in FP7
1Participating in FP7
2Participating in FP7
- Funding Schemes
- Evaluation Criteria
- Rules of Participation
- Submission and Selection
3Funding schemes
- 3 funding schemes 5 instruments
- Collaborative Projects (CP)
- Large Scale Integrating Projects (IP)
- Small or medium scale focused research actions
(STREP) - Networks of Excellence (NoE)
- Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)
- Coordinating or networking actions (CA)
- Support Actions (SSA)
- ICT Workprogramme 2007/08
- budget pre-allocation to instruments !
- SICA Specific International Co-operation
4Budget split per objective
- For each Work Programme objective
- A reserved amount for CSAs
- support activities wont need to compete against
research projects for funding - A reserved amount for NoE
- we wont fund multiple NoEs to compete with each
other - Remaining (main) part of budget committed to
Collaborative Projects - minimum percent Integrating Projects, minimum
percent Focused Research Actions, the remainder
distributed by quality of the proposals
5Evaluation Criteria
- Three evaluation criteria are used
- Scientific and technical quality
- Implementation
- Impact
- All proposal coordinators receive an Evaluation
Summary Report - Funding follows successful evaluation, selection
and detailed contract negotiations
6Evaluation Criteria FP6 ? FP7
- Scientific and technical quality
- (ST excellence)
- Implementation
- (Quality of the consortium)
- (Quality of the management)
- (Mobilisation of the resources)
- Impact
- (Potential impact)
- (Relevance)
7Evaluation criteria 1. Scientific and technical
- Soundness of concept, and quality of objectives
(ALL) - Progress beyond the state-of-the-art (CP)
- Contribution to long term integration of high
quality S/T research (NoE) - Contribution to the coordination of high quality
research (CSA) - Quality and effectiveness of the S T
methodology and associated workplan (CP) - Quality and effectiveness of the joint programme
of activities and associated workplan (NoE) - Quality and effectiveness of the
coordination/support action mechanisms and
associated workplan (CSA)
8Evaluation criteria 2. Implementation
- Appropriateness of the management structures and
procedures (ALL) - Quality and relevant experience of the individual
participants (ALL) - Quality of the consortium as a whole
- (including complementarity, balance) (CP)
- (including ability to tackle fragmentation of the
research field and commitment towards a deep and
durable institutional integration) (NoE) - Appropriate allocation and justification of the
resources to be committed (budget, staff,
equipment) (CP and CSA) - Adequacy of resources for successfully carrying
out the joint programme of activities (NoE) - for Support actions, only if relevant
9Evaluation criteria 3. Impact
- Contribution at the European or international
level to the expected impacts listed in the
workprogramme under the relevant activity (ALL) - Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination
and/or exploitation of project results, and
management of intellectual property (CP) - Appropriateness of measures for spreading
excellence, exploiting results and disseminating
knowledge through engagement with stakeholders
and the public at large (NoE and CSA)
10Rules of Participation
- Minimum conditions for participation
- Consortia
- Grant agreement
- Community financial contribution
- Forms of grants
- Reimbursement of eligible costs
- Indirect costs
- Maximum funding rates
- Guarantee mechanism
- Certificates on financial statements
11Minimum conditions for participation
- General
- 3 independent legal entities from 3 different
Member States (MS) or Associated countries (Ac) - Natural persons may participate
- Sole participants composed of members that meet
the criteria above can participate - Collaborative projects for specific cooperation
actions (SICA) dedicated to international
cooperation partner countries (ICPC) identified
in WP minimum 4 participants of which 2 in
different MS or Ac and 2 in different ICPC
countries unless otherwise specified in work
programme - Participation of international organisations and
participants from third countries if in addition
to minima
- Consortium agreements obligatory unless exempted
by call for proposals, Commission to publish
guidelines - Coordinator acts as efficient interface between
consortium and Commission (verifies accession,
monitors compliance, receives and distributes EC
contribution, keeps financial records and ensures
timely delivery of reports) - Tacit approval for changes in consortium
membership, except if associated with other
changes - Written approval for change of coordinator
13Grant agreement
- Model grant agreement to be drawn up
- to establish rights and obligations of
participants (including submission of reports,
termination, access rights) - to identify whether and what part of EC financial
contribution is based on reimbursement of
eligible costs, lump sums or flat rates - to identify which changes in the consortium
require prior publication of competitive call - shall reflect general principles of the European
Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct
for the Recruitment of Researchers - specific provisions for certain types of actions
(IPR particularly) - grant agreement comes into force upon signature
by coordinator and Commission and applies to each
participant that accedes
14Community financial contribution
- Eligibility for Funding
- Legal entities from MS and AC or created under
Community law (and the JRC) - International European interest organisations
- Legal entities established in international
cooperation partner countries (ICPC-INCO) - and
- International organisations
- Legal entities established in 3rd countries other
than ICPC-INCO, if provided for in SP or WP or
essential for carrying out action if or
provision for funding is provided for in a
bilateral agreement between Community and that
15Forms of grant
- Reimbursement of eligible costs
- Flat rates a percentage for indirect costs or
scales of unit costs - Lump sum amounts
- Combination of the above
- Scholarships or prizes
- Forms of grants to be used are specified in
WP/calls for proposals - ICPC participants may opt for lump sum financing.
16Reimbursementof eligible costs
- Co-financing, no profit.
- Cost reporting models eliminated
- Participants charge direct and indirect eligible
costs - Eligible costs
- Actual
- Incurred during the project
- Determined according to usual accounting and
management principles/practices - Used solely to achieve project objectives
- Consistent with principles of economy, efficiency
and effectiveness - Recorded in accounts (or the accounts of third
parties) - Exclusive of non-eligible costs
- Average personnel costs may be used if consistent
with above and do not differ significantly from
17Indirect costs
- All participants
- Actual indirect costs (participants may use a
simplified method of calculation) or - Flat-rate of direct eligible costs excluding
subcontracts and reimbursement of third parties
costs (to be established by the Commission)
currently 20 - Non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher
education establishments, research organisations
and SMEs unable to identify real indirect costs - Flat-rate of 60 of total direct eligible costs
(until end 2009) - Flat rate of minimum 40, to be established by
the Commission (as of 2010)
18Maximum funding rates
- Research and technological development
activities 50 of eligible costs except for - - Public bodies (non-profit) 75
- - Secondary and higher education establishments
75 - - Research organisations (non-profit) 75
- - Small and Medium sized Enterprises - SMEs
75 - Demonstration activities 50 of eligible costs
- Other activities 100 including e.g.
consortium mgmt - Coordination and support actions 100
- Flat rate indirect costs 7
- Receipts are taken into account to determine the
final Community financial contribution
19Guarantee mechanism
- Replaces financial collective responsibility
- Commission establishes and operates a participant
guarantee fund - Contribution to guarantee fund of max. 5 of the
EC contribution by each participant, to be
returned at the end of the project - If interests generated not sufficient to cover
sums due to EC, retention of max. 1 of EC
contribution - Exemption of retention for public bodies, higher
and secondary education establishments, legal
entities guaranteed by a MS/Ac - Ex-ante financial viability checks limited to
coordinators and participants requesting - gt EUR 500.000 (unless exceptional
circumstances) - Guarantee fund replaces financial guarantees
20Certificates on financialstatements
- Mandatory whenever cumulative amount of interim
and balance payments equal to or more than EUR
375 000 - For projects of a duration of max. 2 years only
one certificate at the end of the project - No certificates for actions entirely financed by
lump sums or flat rates
21Submission and Selection
- Information for proposers
- Submission of proposals
- Eligibility checks
- Evaluation process
- Specific rules for FET Open
- Writing your proposal
- Experts
- Getting help
22Information for proposers
- Workprogramme 2007-2008
- Guide for Applicants
- now including the Guidance notes for evaluators
and the Background note on the funding schemes - Evaluation forms with notes
- EPSS manual
- Model grant agreement
- Rules on submission of proposals, and the related
evaluation, selection and award procedures
23Submission of proposals
- Fixed deadline calls
- 17h00 Tuesdays
- One stage submission
- Electronic submission only
- (Special rules for FET Open scheme)
24Electronic Submission
- EPSS - Electronic Proposal Submission System
- Online preparation only!
- Improved validation checks before submission is
accepted - FP6 Failure rate 1
- Main reason for failure - waiting till the last
minute - Submit early, submit often!
25Proposal Part A(online)
- A1
- Title, acronym, objective etc.
- free keywords
- 2000 character proposal abstract
- previous/current submission (in FP7)
- A2 (per participant)
- Legal address/administrator address/RD address
- Clear identification as SME/Public body/Research
centre/ Educ. establishment - Proposer identification code PIC (later calls)
- A3
- More cost details (direct/indirect costs
26Proposal Part B(pdf format only)
- Part B format directly linked to evaluation
criteria - Summary
- ST quality (bullet points sections)
- Implementation (idem)
- Impact (idem)
- Ethics
- Section lengths recommended
27Eligibility checks
- Date and time of receipt of proposal on or before
deadline - Firm deadlines - except for Continuously Open
Calls - Minimum number of eligible, independent partners
- As set out in work programme/call
- Completeness of proposal
- Presence of all requested administrative forms
(Part A) and the content description (Part B)
28Evaluation Process
- On-site evaluation
- One step evaluation
- Independent experts
Eligibility Check?
Panel (with optional Hearings?)
Individual reading
29Evaluation criteria scoring
- Scale of 1-5 (and 0)
- No weighting
- except FET Open
- Criterion threshold 3/5
- Overall threshold 10/15
30Special rules for FET Open Scheme
- For Collaborative research actions in the FET
Open Scheme - Initially prepare a short (five page) outline
proposal - Submission at any time
- Short proposals are evaluated in batches (three
or four times per year) - Successful short proposals develop their idea and
submit a full proposal at a later date - Specific weighting of the evaluation criteria
31When writing your proposal.1
- Divide your effort over the evaluation criteria
- Many proposers concentrate on the scientific
element, but lose marks on project implementation
or impact description - Think of the finishing touches which signal
quality work - clear language
- well-organised contents, following the Part B
structure - useful and understandable diagrams
- no typos, no inconsistencies, no obvious
paste-ins, no numbers which dont add up, no
missing pages
32When writing your proposal.2
- Make it easy for the evaluators to give you high
marks. Dont make it hard for them! - Dont write too little cover what is requested
- Dont write too much
- Dont leave them to figure out why its good,
tell them why its good - Leave nothing to the imagination
- New calls for experts for FP7
- to individuals
- to organisation
- Current FP6 experts will be invited to transfer
to FP7 - with a request to update their information
- (if your email address is up-to-date!)
34Getting help with your proposal
- Proposers days and briefings
- Partner search facilities http//cordis.europa.eu/
ist/partners/partner.htm - A supporting website of advice, information and
documentation http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict - A Helpdesk for proposers questions, reachable by
email or phone (and a Helpdesk for electronic
proposal submission) ist_at_ec.europa.eu - And a network of National Contact Points
- http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ncp.htm