Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
1The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- Characters
- Barret The Troll
- Seung Ha The little Billy Goat Gruff
- Sierra The Middle Sized Billy Goat Gruff
- Vincent The Big Billy Goat Gruff
2Lets go and eat the grass on the other side of
that bridge.
3Be careful of that ugly troll under the bridge
4Trip Trap Trip Trap
Whos that trip trapping over my bridge?
5It is me Little Billy Goat Gruff
Im going to eat you up!
No I am just a snack, wait for my bigger brother.
Who is that TRIP TRAPPING over my bridge?
It is I, the 2nd Billy Goat Gruff. Please dont
eat me Wait for my older brother he is much
bigger than me.
7Who is that Trip Trapping over my bridge?
It is me the BIG BILLY GOAT GRUFF What are you
going to do about it?
8I am going to EAT YOU UP!
Come on then I have 2 sharp horns I will poke
your eyes through to your ears
9Ouch! Ouch! Help let me out of here
Ha Ha Ha That will teach him for being a bully.
Now where is that tasty green grass.
10Yum this grass is delicious!
... And the lived happily ever after.
11Compliments from the audience