Title: Picking SNPs
1Picking SNPs Application to Association Studies
Dana Crawford, PhD SeattleSNPs PGA University of
Washington March 20, 2006
2Outline of Tutorial
- Concepts of tagSNPs
- LD and haplotype definitions
- Haplotype blocks and definitions
- Tools to identify tagSNPs
3Why Do We Need tagSNPs?
Too Many SNPs to Genotype!
- Whole Genome
- 15,000,000 SNPs
- 6,000,000 SNPs gt 5 MAF
4SNPs Are Correlated (aka linkage disequilibrium)
the nonindependence of alleles at different
sites. Pritchard and Przeworski 2001
5Measuring Pair-wise SNP Correlations
- SNP correlation described by linkage
disequilibrium (LD) - Pair-wise measures of LD D and r2
- D pAB - pApB D D/Dmax
Recombination - r2 D2
- f(A1)f(A2)f(B1)f(B2) Power
6LD Statistics Practical Uses
- r2 is inversely related to power
- 1/r2
- 1,000 cases 1,250 cases
- 1,000 controls r21.0 1,250 controls r2 0.80
- D is related to recombination history
- D 1 no recombination
- D lt 1 historical recombination
7Where to Find Population LD Statistics
For your gene or region of interest, search
- HapMap www.hapmap.org
- Perlegen genome.perlegen.com
- Environmental Genome Project egp.gs.washington.ed
u - SeattleSNPs PGA pga.gs.washington.edu
8Where to Find Population LD Statistics
For your gene or region of interest, search
- HapMap www.hapmap.org
- Perlegen genome.perlegen.com
- Environmental Genome Project egp.gs.washington.ed
u - SeattleSNPs PGA pga.gs.washington.edu
9Visualizing Pair-wise LD
10Visualizing Pair-wise LD
11Visualizing Pair-wise LD
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14Visualizing Pair-wise LD
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SeattleSNPs Perlegen
18Visualizing Pair-wise LD Beyond the Gene
19Visualizing Pair-wise LD Beyond the Gene
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22Visualizing Pair-wise LD Beyond the Gene
23Multi-SNP Correlations (aka Haplotypes)
a unique combination of genetic markers present
in a chromosome. pg 57 in Hartl Clark, 1997
24Constructing Haplotypes
25Constructing Haplotypes
Examples of Haplotype Inference Software EM
Algorithm Haploview http//www.broad.mit.edu/mpg/
haploview/index.php Arlequin http//lgb.unige.ch/
arlequin/ PHASE v2.1 http//www.stat.washington.e
du/stephens/software.html HAPLOTYPER http//www.p
26Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
- gt250 genes re-sequenced in inflammation
response - 2 populations European- and African-descent
- PHASEv2.0 results posted on website
- Interactive tool (VH1) to visualize and sort
27Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
28Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
29Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
30Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
31Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
32Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
33Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
34Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
35Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
36Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
37Haplotypes in SeattleSNPs
38Using LD and Haplotypes to Pick tagSNPs
- r2 is inversely related to power
- 1/r2
- 1,000 cases 1,250 cases
- 1,000 controls r21.0 1,250 controls r2 0.80
- D is related to recombination history
- D 1 no recombination
- D lt 1 historical recombination
Example LDSelect in GVS
Example Haplotype blocks
39Using LD and Haplotypes to Pick tagSNPs
- r2 is inversely related to power
- 1/r2
- 1,000 cases 1,250 cases
- 1,000 controls r21.0 1,250 controls r2 0.80
Example LDSelect
40LDSelect Using LD to Pick tagSNPs
- LDSelect
- Uses SNP discovery data (not haplotypes)
- Finds all correlated SNPs to minimize the total
number - Maintains genetic diversity of locus
Carlson et al. AJHG (2004)
41TagSNPs Are Population Specific
African-Americans CRP
European-Americans CRP
42SNP Selection Using GVS
43SNP Selection Using GVS
22 SNPs (gt5 MAF) 7 tagSNPs
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45SNP Selection tagSNP Data
46Side Note Categorizing tagSNPs
- SNP context
- Nonrepetitive gt repetitive
- Location of SNP
- Coding gt noncoding
- Function
- Nonsynonymous gt synonymous
47Categorizing tagSNPs
48Haplotypes in Genetic Association Studies
Two main approaches with haplotypes
49Haplotypes in Genetic Association Studies
Two main approaches with haplotypes
Haplotypes Pick tagSNPs Genotype
Pick tagSNPs Infer haplotypes Test for
50Haplotype Blocks
Daly et al 2001
Daly et al Nat. Genet. (2001)
51Block Definitions
Daly et al 2001
Daly et al Nat. Genet. (2001)
D Gabriel et al Science (2002)
52Block Definitions
53Haplotype Blocks and tagSNPs
- Identifying blocks and tagSNPs
- Manually
- Algorithms
- Haploview
54Haplotype Blocks and tagSNPs
IL1B 19 SNPs (MAF gt5) 4 common haplotypes
55Haplotype Blocks and tagSNPs
- Identifying blocks and tagSNPs
- Manually
- Algorithms
- HaploView
56HapMap Data and Haploview
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60HapMap Data and Haploview
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64Import HapMap Data into Haploview
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69May not be minimal set
70Minimal set of tagSNPs based on r2
71Note HapMap is not complete variation data
72Variation data, LD, and tagSNPs for ABCE1 in
7 SNPs
4 tagSNPs
4 tagSNPs
73Where to Find Tagging Software
74Haplotypes, TagSNPs, and Caveats
- Haplotypes are inferred
- Block-like structure assumed for some software
- Different block definitions
- Block boundaries sensitive to marker density
- Genotype savings may not be great (recombination)
75Common Errors in Association Studies Bell and
Cardon (2001)
- Small sample size
- Subgroup analysis and multiple testing
- Random error
- Poorly matched control group
- Failure to attempt study replication
- Failure to detect LD with adjacent loci
- Overinterpreting results and positive
publication bias - Unwarranted candidate gene declaration after
identifying - association in arbitrary genetic region
76Picking SNPs Application to Association
Studies Summary
- Resources available for pair-wise LD and
haplotypes - Software for tagSNP selection available
- Be aware the limitations of the approach you
choose - Replication required by several journals
77SeattleSNPs Genotyping Service
- Free genotyping (BeadArray)
- Emphasis on young investigators
- Research related to heart, lung, blood, or sleep
disorders - Moderate to large population samples
- Apply at pga.gs.washington.edu
- Due date TBA