Title: CS525z Multimedia Networking
1CS525zMultimedia Networking
2Analog to Digital
- What is the relationship between
- Fidelity and Sample Size
- Fidelity and Sample Rate
- What are typical voice quality audio rates?
- What are typical music quality audio rates?
- Why are they different?
- What is a pel/pixel?
- What are the components of a graphic image?
5Frame Rate
- What frame rate is full motion video?
- What is a lower bound on acceptable frame rates?
6Effects of Delay
- What are typical delay bounds for
- Interactive multimedia
- Streaming multimedia
- Web browsing
- What is one technique that can be used to remove
jitter? - What is a drawback with this technique?
8Speech Detection
- Why do speech detection?
- What are the challenges with speech detection in
many typical computing environments?
9Speech Detection
- What is the definition of energy in a sound
sample? - What is the definition of zero crossing rate?
- How are they both used in RS75?
10Video Compression
- What is spatial compression?
- What is temporal compression?
11MPEG Compression
- What is an I-frame?
- What is a P-frame?
- What is a B-frame?
- What is a Group of Pictures (GOP)?
12MPEG Compression
- Why not have all I-frames in a GOP?
- Why not have all B-frames in a GOP?
13Computer Science
- What are the steps in the scientific methodology?
- True or False
- Every computer science experiment needs to
evaluate a proposed solution - All experimental data gathered should be
presented in the analysis
- What is their hypothesis?
- What is their methodology?
- What is one of their observations?
- What are some of the possible sources of error in
their experimental methodology? - Which do they address?
- What is their (implicit) hypothesis?
- What are some of the possible non-network related
degradations they identify?
- What is their methodology?
- True or False (based on the paper)
- Most RealAudio uses TCP
- RealAudio can use 2 flows, one for control and
one for data - RealAudio is CBR over all time scale
- What are some other uses of the results from the
- What is the motivation of their paper?
- What is their methodology?
- What is a major finding?
- True or False
- The Internet provides VoIP equivalent to phones
- If we made routing reliable, the Internet would
provide VoIP equivalent to phones
- What is the E-Policy?
- What is the I-Policy?
- When, in general, is the E-Policy good?
- When, in general, is the I-Policy good?
- What is a talkspurt?
- How does QM-120 work?
- What is QM-(600,2)? What is the motivation
behind it? - What is one item of future work?
- Why not TCP?
- Why TCP-Friendly?
- How is RTT computed?
- How is p computed?
- What is history discounting?
- What happens if the sender has no data to send?
- Interpret the data
- What are the main conclusions?
- What is the methodology they employed to study
UDP congestion responsiveness? - Do they find RealVideo UDP flows are responsive
to congestion?
- What are some of the cited reasons streaming
media applications do not use TCP? - What are the reasons CZC02 finds that streaming
media applications do not use TCP?
- What is the classification for sender-based
repair? - Give an example
- What is the classification of receiver-based
repair? - Give an example
- What is Forward Error Correction (FEC)?
- What is one of the advantages of Media Dependent
FEC? - What is interleaving?
- What is one of the disadvantages of interleaving?
- What is noise substitution?
- What is fixed FEC? Why is it sub-optimal?
- What are some problems with the Bolot algorithm?
- How does the USF algorithm work?
- What methodology do they use for testing?
USF better
Bolot better
Interpret the above graph.
- What is the fundamental tradeoff between error
resilience and compression (for video)? - Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
- What is it good for?
- What are some problems with it relative to
perceived quality?
- Interpret the Graph
- What alternate service does ABE offer?
- What is green traffic?
- What is blue traffic?
- What does it mean to say Green does not hurt
Blue? - Based on below formula, what happens if green
cuts in line? How to fix?
Using DSD, what is the order of serving packets?
What is the significance of this graph?
- What are the three applications that motivate the
classes used? - What is the difference between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP
1.1? - What are the issues with TCP flows with small
- Why cant the server just use one bandwidth for
all users in a multicast session? - What is Layered Video?
- What is Receiver-driven about RLM?
- What is shared learning?
- How does RLM scale with the number of receivers?
- How does RLM scale with the number of sessions?