Title: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Financial Comparisons
1The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Financial
- Different Results Using the
- Same Basic Assumptions
2Lets Not Miss an Opportunity
- LRAAC Reviewed NOIs for financial feasibility
- Measured part of the Community Proposal,
- But not all of it
- LRAAC Created and evaluated another NOI
- Measured using Criteria
- Retail Sales -- New Jobs
- Income to the Region ---Taxes to Government
- No other proposal was evaluated this way
3Comparisons Should Be Made
- Using Same Criteria
- Using Same level of Expertise
- Measuring for the Highest and Best Uses for the
Community - So, I took a stab at it.
4Cumulative New Jobs, 2014-2020
5Direct Income from Jobs Created In Proposals
6Income from Proposals Indirect Jobs, 2011-2020
7Total Income Generated by Proposals New jobs
8Total Income Brought to Spokane by Proposals.
9Taxable Sales Per Year, Retail vs. Wholesale _at_
10State Tax Revenues, Excluding Equipment Excise
Tax for MFG
11City Revenues from New Firms and New Jobs in Each
12County Revenues from New Firms and New Jobs in
each Proposal
13This Missing Part of the Puzzle
- Compares apples to apples
- Meets Needs
- Community Economic Revival
- Residents Near-Homeless jobs training
- Local Economy increased direct wealth
- Governments Essential Revenues
- Little investment NO Selloff of Land