Title: Why is Earth Habitable The Goldilocks concept
1Why is Earth Habitable? The Goldilocks concept
2The Earths radiation budget
3Why is Earth Habitable? The Goldilocks concept
- Venus receives almost twice as much radiation as
the Earth - But sulfuric acid atmosphere on Venus reflects
80 of radiation - Earth reflects 26
- Why is Venus so hot? Atmosphere is 96 CO2
runaway greenhouse effect - But Venus and Earth contain the same amount of
carbonwhat is the difference? - HOW the carbon is stored
- Venus-carbon in atmosphere
- Earth-carbon in rocks
4The faint young sun paradox
- Was the Earth frozen for 2 million years?
5Reminder the carbon cycle
6The faint young sun paradox
- Was the Earth frozen for 2 million years?
- Nogeologic evidence of running water
- Evidence of ice 2.3 Byr, but local glaciations
- Continued presence of life on Earth does not
support frozen Earth idea - Why was the Earth not frozen for the first 2
billion years??
7Ancient ripple marks in Precambrian sandstone in
the Grand Canyon
probably Shinimu, mile 77.
8Snowball Earth????
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10The faint young sun paradox
- Was the Earth frozen for 2 million years?
- Nogeologic evidence of running water
- Evidence of ice 2.3 Byr, but local glaciations
- Continued presence of life on Earth does not
support frozen Earth idea - Why was the Earth not frozen for the first 2
billion years??
11Hummm. . .. Is the greenhouse effect our
12Slow carbon exchange and climate change
- The larger the reservoir, the slower the exchange
rate of carbon - All reservoirs exchange with the atmosphere
- We are going to focus on SLOW carbon exchanges
13Slow inputs of carbon from volcanoes
14Slow inputs of carbon from volcanoes
- What balences this release of carbon from
volcanoes? - WEATHERING
- What is weathering?
- Chemical weathering is chemical decomposition
- Breaking down and restructuring of chemical bonds
- Why should you care about weathering for this
16Weathering and Erosion
- What is the difference between weathering and
17What components of the Earths atmosphere and
hydrosphere affect weathering?
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
- Water
18What components of the Earths atmosphere and
hydrosphere affect weathering?
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
- Water
- H20 CO2 -H2CO3 - H HCO3-
Carbonic acid Weak acid, but very important in
19Slow removal of carbon by weathering
20Types of chemical weathering hydrolysis
- hydrolysis is the most important process in the
weathering of silicate minerals - CO2 H2O H2CO3 (carbonic acid) H
HCO3- (bicarbonate) - the most common weathering reaction on earth is
the hydrolysis of feldspars producing clay
minerals - e.g. K-feldspar kaolinte
- From book (pg. 93)
- CO2 H2O H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
- CaSiO3 H2CO3 (carbonic acid) ? CaCo3 SiO2 H20
21Types of chemical weathering hydrolysis
- The reaction between mineral elements and the
hydrogen ion of dissociated water. - Important mechanism in breaking apart structures
of the silicate minerals.
22carbonation (dissolution weathering)
- dissolution of calcium carbonate (limestone) in
acidic soil and groundwater - carbonation of limestone results in karst
topography - Dissolved limestone represents the largest
constituent of the dissolved load of most rivers -
- CaCO3 H2CO3 Ca2 2HCO3-
- Ca2 gets incorporated back into marine shells
(CaCO3 ) - 2HCO3- is returned to atmosphere as H20 and CO2
23Controls on rates of chemical weathering
- reaction rates are higher at higher temperatures
- Weathering rates double for every 10 0C
increase in temperature
24Controls on rates of chemical weathering
- Chemical weathering occurs in a solution water
is the agent of chemical weathering.
25Controls on rates of chemical weathering
organic material
- Vegetation enhances rates of chemical weathering
- Plants increase CO2 concentrations in soils.
- CO2 H20 ? H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
- soil air is greatly enriched in CO2 by decay of
humus - up to 30 of soil air is CO2 as compared to 0.03
of the atmosphere - biogenic CO2 is the major source of carbonated
26Carbonic acid and weathering
27Chemical weathering Chelation Organic complexes
aid in dissolution, produced by alteration of
humus in plant acids and excreted by lichens.
28Chemical weathering Chelation Organic complexes
aid in dissolution, produced by alteration of
humus in plant acids and excreted by lichens.
29Controls on chemical weathering
30Controls on rates of chemical weathering
surface area
31Particle size and surface area
32- Kinetic controls on weathering (reaction speed)
- 1. concentration of reactants. If there is
equilibrium (example, Na in water), then the
reaction stops. What would prevent this
equilibrium from happening? Leaching. -
- 2. reaction rates are higher at higher
temperatures. -
- ability of materials to move diffusion. Cant
move, cant be Removed. - Example,
- weathering rind.
33Feedbacks and chemical weathering
34Feedbacks and chemical weathering
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36The Gaia Hypothesis
- Hypothesis that life regulates the climate on
Earth - Support for hypothesis
- carbon is basis of CO2 thermostat and is basis of
life - Land plants enhance weathering in soil
- Plankton extract CO2 to form their shells
- Progression towards more life ? enhanced
weathering ? less CO2 in atmosphere helps
counterbalence strengthening sun
37The Gaia Hypothesis
- Criticism of hypothesis
- No known record of life before 3.5 Byr
- Complex life forms are relatively recent
38Oxygen on Earth
- Oxidized iron minerals appear 2.3 Byr
- Where did oxygen come from?
- Likely from photosynthesis of marine organisms
39BIFs! (Banded Iron Formations
- Banded iron formations are very large bodies of
sedimentary rock laid down some 2.5 billion years
ago. - At that time, the Earth still had its original
atmosphere of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. - The black parts are thin layers of dark,
semi-metallic hematite or magnetite (IRON OXIDES
Fe2O3 ) - the red layers are jasper, an iron-rich chert.
40Plate tectonics and climate
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46Paleomagnetic signal in ocean crust
- 300 Myr (500 Myr) to present
- Orientation of magnetic compasses can be used to
reconstruct past locations of continents
(latitude but not longitude) - 175 Myr to present
- Can determine rates of spreading, and estimate
rates of creation and destruction (subduction) of
Earths oceanic crust
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49ridge axis
50Plate Driving Forces
51The polar position hypothesis
- 1) Ice sheets should appear on continents when
they are at or near the poles - 2) no ice should appear on Earth if no continents
are at or near the poles - We can test this hypothesis by looking to see if
records of past glaciations correspond with times
when continents were near the poles
52Major ice sheets over last 500 Myr
- 430 Myr
- 325-240 Myr
- Current icehouse 35 Myr-present
54Problems with hypothesis
- No glaciations 425-325 Myr, even though Gondwana
was at South pole
55BLAG Tectonic control on CO2 input
- So. .. Geographic position of continents cant
fully explain major shifts in climate over last
500 Myr - BLAG (Berner, Lasaga and Garrels) hypothesis
climate changes over million year timescales from
changes in rate of CO2 input driven by PLATE
TECTONICS - Changes in RATES of spreading and subduction
changes rates of CO2 input to atmosphere
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57BLAG hypothesis
- CO2 is emitted at ocean spreading centers (ocean
ridges) - CO2 is emitted from volcanoes above subducting
plates - CO2 is emitted from hot spots in the middle of
59BLAG hypotheses
60BLAG hypotheses
- Plate tectonics primary driver, but involves
chemical weathering for negative feedback to
moderate changes
61BLAG hypotheses
- In BLAG hypothesis, carbon is cycled between
rocks, ocean critters, atmosphere, rocks. . .
62The uplift weathering hypothesis
- Weathering is KEY! Weathering is an active driver
of climate change - Hypothesis that rate of weathering is affected by
availability of fresh rock and mineral surfaces
63Controls on rates of chemical weathering
surface area
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66The uplift weathering hypothesis
- Case study Wind River Range
- Exponential decrease in mean rate of weathering
on moraines
67Glacial deposits
- Glacial moraines
- Ridges of sediment deposited on sides (lateral
moraines) and ends (terminal moraines) of
glaciers - Moraines form by glacier dumping material at the
same location over time (conveyor belt), and
pushing material in front of moving ice
(bulldozer) - Glacial deposits mark where a glacier has been in
the same place for a period of time.
68The uplift weathering hypothesis
- Case study Wind River Range
- Exponential decrease in mean rate of weathering
on moraines - Why?
- Fresh rock, more weatherable material (biotite,
mafic minerals) - Ground-up rockmore surface area to weather
69Uplift and weathering
- Uplifted areas are areas of increased erosion
- Steep slopesincreased mass wasting
- More frequent earthquakes
- Focus of orographic precipitation
- Glacial processes increase erosion
- These processes increase weathering and draw out
70Processes moving material downslope
Fall Very steep slopes, material is out of
contact w/ slope much of the way down, may break
on contact debris accumulationTALUS Slide No
internal deformation. Translational slide plane
of movement is straight, material does not
change orientation Rotational slide (slump)
plane of movement is curved, material rotates as
it moves. Flow More fluid motion does not
move as an intact mass, mixes as it moves.
Difference in velocity from the base of the slow
to the top, moving faster at the upper surface
than the baselaminar flow, streamflowturbulent
flow. Wash overland flow, common on bedrock,
sparse vegetation
71Geomorphic Response to Fire
Saturation-induced failures
Runoff generated events
72How do debris flows move such big rocks?
73Slumgullian Debris Flow San Juan Mountains,
Colorado. (lower velocity, high of clays)
74Vallée de la Sionne, Switzerland
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76Hebgen Lake Montana
- Magnitude 7.5 earthquake triggered an enormous
landslide that buried a campground, causing 28
deaths and dammed the Madison River, forming
Quake Lake.
77Uplift and weathering
- Uplifted areas are areas of increased erosion
- Steep slopesincreased mass wasting
- More frequent earthquakes
- Focus of orographic precipitation
- Glacial processes increase erosion
- These processes increase weathering and draw out
78Where does this happen?
- Subduction of oceanic crust (but this is always
happening) - Continent-continent collision!
- Tibetan Plateau! (collision last 55 Myr)
79Is the hypothesis supported?
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