Title: SunEarth System Overview
1Sun-Earth System Overview
- Frank Eparvier
- eparvier_at_colorado.edu
- 303-492-4546
2Who am I?
- Dr. Frank Eparvier
- Research Scientist _at_ LASP
- Training in Aeronomy
- Aeronomy study of how energy inputs drive the
physics and chemistry a planetary atmosphere - Experimentalist I like to measure things
- Experiment is the test of all knowledge.
- Currently work with instruments that measure the
solar photonic output of aeronomical importance - Co-I on TIMED-SEE
- Co-I on SDO-EVE
3Why do We on Earth Care about the Sun?
- The Sun directly or indirectly provides nearly
all of the energy to the Earth system. - Photons (light of all wavelengths)
- Plasmas (charged particles and magnetic fields)
- Variability in the solar output drives
variability in the Earth system. - How the Earth system reacts to solar
variability depends on the complicated,
interconnected mechanisms involved in the
Sun-Earth system.
4The Sun Side of the Sun-Earth System
5The Earth Side of the Sun-Earth System
6Statistics of the Sun
- Radius 696,000 km ? 109 REarth
- Volume ? 1,300,000 VEarth
- Mass 1.99x1030 kg ? 333,000 MEarth
- Composition
Much of this is in the form of ionized atoms
7Solar Energy Source
- Pressure at center 250 billion atmospheres
- Temperature at center 15 million Kelvin
- ? Conditions suitable for Nuclear Fusion
- Protons squish together produce
- Helium nucleus
- Subatomic particles
- Light (energy!)
- Release of nuclear binding energy during fusion
is the Suns internal energy source.
8Energy Output of the Sun
- Measure all photonic energy coming from the Sun
at all wavelengths - Total Solar Irradiance 1361 Watt/m2 at 1 AU
- Integrate over entire sphere around Sun
- Power 3.8x1026 Watts
- (Thats a bright light bulb!)
9Energy Flow and Layers of the Sun
- Interior of Sun
- Core Where fusion occurs, 15 million K
- Radiative Zone Energy carried outward slowly
(200,000 yrs) by photons through a very thick
region of H He, T5 million K - Convective Zone Energy carried outward via
convection (hot plasma rises, reaches surface,
radiatively cools, then sinks again), T1 million
10Energy Flow and Layers of the Sun (2)
- Atmosphere of Sun
- Photosphere visible surface of Sun, point
where gases go from being optically thick
(opaque) to optically thin (transparent), T5700
K - Chromosphere bottom layer of atmosphere,
visible as pink layer of hydrogen during total
solar eclipses, T10,000 K - Transition Region narrow (100-1000 km) layer
between chromosphere and corona where
temperatures rise rapidly T10,000 K - 1 million
K - Corona top of solar atmosphere heated to
extremes by complex (and not fully understood)
magnetic means, T 2 million K - Solar Wind extension of corona into
interplanetary space, mostly protons and
electrons streaming out on Suns magnetic field
at speeds of 400-1000 km/s, T200,000 K at 1 AU
11Differential Rotation of Sun
- Core and Radiative Zone rotate rigidly.
- Outer layers of Sun rotate differentially.
12Looking at the Sun
- Different wavelengths show us a different Sun.
- Features that are dark at one wavelength are
bright at other wavelengths.
- Granules Convection cells on photosphere, size
1000 km ( size of Texas)
- Sunspots Magnetically disturbed regions cooler
than surrounding areas (4000 - 5000 K) of
photosphere (?darker), usually come in pairs (N
and S magnetic polarity), size 1500-50,000 km,
can last for months
15Magnetic Origin of Sunspots
- Prominences Filaments Long-lasting (hours or
days) condensations of gases held above the
surface by erupting sections of magnetic field
- Flares short duration (minutes to hours) bursts
of hot material out of surface, very bright at
all wavelengths
18Coronal Holes
- Coronal Holes areas of open magnetic field
allowing plasma to stream out into solar wind
19Coronal Mass Ejections
- CMEs large blobs of plasma (hot ionized gases
enclosed in bubbles of magnetic field) that blow
off the Sun and travel out through the solar
20Solar Wind and IMF
- Solar Wind Charged particles streaming out from
Sun - Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Solar
magnetic field at distances of the planets
IMF is twisted into ballerina skirt shape by
solar rotation.
Solar wind flows out along open magnetic field
21Photon Output of the Sun
22Timescales of Solar Variability
Solar Cycle - months to years Evolution of solar
dynamo with 22-year magnetic cycle, 11-year
intensity (sunspot) cycle
Solar Rotation - days to months Beacon effect of
active regions rotating with the Sun (27-days)
Flares - seconds to hours Related to solar solar
eruptive events due to the interaction of
magnetic fields on Sun
23The Solar Cycle
- 11-year Sunspot or Solar Activity Cycle
24Solar Cycle
Soft X-Rays
25Source of Solar Cycle
- 11-year sunspot cycle is really a 22-year
magnetic cycle (magnetic field reverses every 11
Differential rotation of Sun causes knotting of
originally dipole-like magnetic field. Solar
Maximum Knotting peaks 5.5 years after clean
start. Solar activity and output peaks. Solar
Minimum Sun cleans itself up over next 5.5 years
into a quiet, but reversed dipole field.
26The Solar Constant
27TSI Variability
- Overall, TSI increases during solar max, but
sunspots can block sunlight, making TSI drop.
28The Earth System
- Earth intrinsically has an atmosphere and a
magnetic field. - Place this into the constantly changing space
environment created by the Sun and you get
complex responses.
29Earths Atmosphere Composition Density
30Solar Photons and the Atmosphere
The Solar Spectrum at top of atmosphere (similar
to 5800 K blackbody spectrum)
The Solar Spectrum at the surface of the Earth
31Absorption in Atmosphere
32The Atmosphere and TSI
33Typical Atmospheric Temperature Profile
EUV, FUV, Soft X-rays absorption and ionization
Primarily IR radiating to space cooling, Some FUV
absorption heating
MUV Sunlight absorption by O3 heating
Visible, NIR, NUV absoprtion of sunlight by air
and surface, surface heats from below
34EUV Ionizes the Upper Atmosphere
Solar Minimum
35EUV Ionizes the Upper Atmosphere
Solar Maximum
36Ionosphere Reaction to Solar Variability
37Ionosphere in Itself is Complex System
Ionospheric Electrodynamics
38Earth Has a Magnetic Field
Credit Tsurutani, 2005
39Earth Reacting to a CME
40The Aurora
41Space Weather Effects on Humanity
The Sun-Earth System is Complex But understandable
43Start with Just Solar Photons
44Add the Earths Magnetic Field
45Add the Solar Wind and IMF
46Add CMEs
47Now you understand the Sun-Earth System!