Title: Innovative Technologies in Travel and Tourism
1Innovative Technologies in Travel and Tourism
Towards a More Balanced Triple Bottom Line?
- Ivo Martinac, PhD, Ass. Professor
- Head, Sustainable Building Systems
- School of Energy and Environmental Technology
- Royal Institute of Technology
- Stockholm, Sweden
- BEST EN Think-Tank VII
- Northern Arizona University
- Flagstaff, AZ, June 23, 2007
2- The most merciful thing in the world, I think,
is the inability of the human mind to correlate
all its contents. - We live on a placid island of ignorance in the
midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not
meant that we should voyage far. - The sciences, each straining in its own
direction, have hitherto harmed us little but
some day the piecing together of dissociated
knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of
reality, and of our frightful position therein,
that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the peace and
safety of a new dark age.
H.P. Lovecraft (20th century master of weird
fiction), "The Call of Cthulhu"
3- The latest report (2007) of the International
Panel on Climate Change confirms for the first
time in history, beyond reasonable doubt, that
humanity is actively and noticeably contributing
to global climate change, and thereby
(potentially irreversibly) transforming vital
global systems.
4Degradation of Key Natural Resources/ Assets
Coral Bleaching and Loss of Biodiversity
- http//www.reefpix.org/albums/album62/DSCN1597.jpg
5Intensifying Strength and Frequency of Storms -
Hurricane Katrina
6Sea Level Rise
Using the Integrated Science IS92 emission
scenarios, projected global mean sea level
increases relative to 1990 were calculated up to
2100. Taking into account the ranges in the
estimate of climate sensitivity and ice melt
parameters, and the full set of IS92 emission
scenarios, the models project an increase in
global mean sea level of between 13 and 94 cm.
7From http//yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.ns
f/content/VisitorCenterCoastalResidents.html, as
accessed 070610
- Sand Beach in North Beach, MD, pictured here in
the 1920's, was a popular bathing beach. A
contemporary picture, taken from the same vantage
point in 1996,illustrates the effects of
sea-level encroachment over time.
8- It seems to be gradually dawning on humankind
that the quality of our lives and (in extremis)
our survival will depend to a significant extent
on our ability and willingness to make urgent and
significant corrections to our lifestyles. - But it is far from clear how such changes should
be structured or pursued towards a wholesomely
sustainable outcome. - We urgently need to become more innovative about
how we can accelerate the processes through which
humankind will realize, understand and
appropriately deal with complex environmental,
economic, social and spiritual challenges,
natural or man-made. This relates to the pursuit
and effects of travel and tourism as much as it
concerns any other facet of our lives.
9Tourism and climate change
- Economic impacts of various climate change
scenarios? - What is the cost of not responding adequately?
- Impacts on destinations and their assets
(social/cultural, environmental, economic,
spiritual)? - How can/should destinations respond?
- What role do tourism stakeholders have in
adapting to and responding to global climate
change (travelling public, host communities, tour
operators, government, etc.) - What role do technologies and innovation play in
managing climate change? - How can risks be appropriately assessed and
10Environmental impacts of air travel
- About 5 of global carbon emissons are currently
due to air travel and are expected to increase to
the order of 15 within the next 50 years. - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and water vapour from
aircraft engines are important greenhouse gases.
Water vapour contributes to the formation of
contrails, often visible from the ground, which
in turn are linked to an increase in the
formation of cirrus clouds. Both contrails and
cirrus clouds warm the Earth's surface magnifying
the global warming effect of aviation. Together,
NOx and water vapour account for nearly
two-thirds of aviations impact on the
atmosphere. Hence any strategy to reduce aircraft
emissions will need to consider other gases and
not just CO2. - The impacts on the global atmosphere from air
travel will be concentrated over Europe and the
USA where 70-80 of all flights occur. Hence the
regional climatic impacts of aircraft emissions
over these areas are likely to be greater than
predicted by the IPCC report (which used global
Partly from http//www.airportwatch.org.uk/briefi
ngsheets/detail.php?art_id143, as accessed 070619
11In the beginning there was a hydroplane
- The "China Clipper," (Martin M-130) passes over
the San Francisco waterfront at the start of the
inaugural commercial flight (November 22, 1935)
across the Pacific Ocean, to Manila. The aircraft
completed the trip in six days, with a flying
time of 59 hours, 48 minutes. Overnight stops
included Honolulu, Midway, Wake Island, and Guam.
40-50 long-haul passengers (reclining seats) -
12and dreams of distant edens
13The Age of Commercial Jet Air Travel Cheap Oil
- De Havilland Comet
- BOAC, first comercial jet aircraft flight, May
2, 1952
- http//www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Commercial
Rush to Paradise...
15Dennis Oda, Star Bulletin, starbulletin.com/96/10/
...and Rush Hour in Paradise
16International Tourism Growth
WTO (2005)
17Infinite growth?
From http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/Ne
wImages/images.php3?img_id4231, as accessed
18Innovative air travel anything revolutionary on
the horizon?
Boeing 747-400 (Jumbo Jet)
Airbus 380 fuel consumption ca. 2.9 liters (0.76
gallons) / passenger and 100 kilometers (60
From http//grants.nih.gov/grants/partners/NexusI
mages/July06/jet.jpg, http//wallpapers.dpics.org/
118_050118_airbus.html, as accessed 070619
19- Three return trips LHR-SIN-LHR onboard an Airbus
380 emit approximately as much CO2 as an average
full-size car over 2 years of operation. - An AAdvantage Executive Platinum traveller needs
to anually emit the CO2-equivalent of 7,7 years
of driving an average full-size car (100,000
miles/year or 165 200 km/year) to retain top-tier
20- Improvements in aircraft and engine technology
and in air traffic management are not expected to
offset the projected growth in aircraft
emissions. That is, we need to slow the growth in
air travel if we want to reduce the growth in
aircraft greenhouse gas emissions. - At the same time, about 1 in 10 jobs worldwide
are in the travel tourism industry, out of
which many in destinations that cannot be
(easily) reached by any other form of transport. - Should we stop/reduce air travel?
Partly from http//www.airportwatch.org.uk/briefi
ngsheets/detail.php?art_id143, as accessed 070619
21From http//www.cambridge2000.com/azara_blog/html
/2007/06/20070611_air_travel.html, as accessed
- The Bishop of London has recently stated that
flying is immoral. - His colleague, the Right Reverend Tony Footit,
former Bishop of Lynn and now environmental
advisor to the Diocese of Norwich, stated that we
all need to think much more carefully about
travel -
- "I think it is immoral to fly within the United
Kingdom or Western Europe when it is perfectly
possible to travel by train. It seems perfectly
reasonable to fly to the United States or Far
East but we ought to really ration it and ask if
the trip is really necessary.
22Should we
- Fly less often (and/or stay longer per trip)?
- Abstain from that cheap little weekend trip to
Nice? - Choose closer destinations and alternative means
of transport? - Off-set our carbon emissions and placate our
conscience? - Develop innovative schemes of emissions
accounting? (e.g. economic yield/emissions
23- We urgently need to become more innovative about
the ways we transport, accommodate, feed,
entertain and cater to multiple other needs of
travelers, such as to develop products,
build/modify relevant infrastructure, develop
business models and practices, and establish
behaviors that will not threaten the ability of
subsequent generations to pursue travel and
tourism as part of their lifestyle.
24 25Technology is
- a set of pieces of knowledge, both directly
practical (related to concrete problems and
devices) and theoretical (but practically
applicable, although not necessarily already
applied), know-how, methods, procedures,
experience of successes and failures, and also,
of course, physical devices and equipment - From Hjalager, A.-M. (2005). The Marriage
Between Welfare Services and Tourism A Driving
Force for Innovation? Innovation in Hospitality
and Tourism. The Haworth Press., as cited from
Dosi, G. 81982). Technological Paradigms and
Technological Trajectories. Research Policy 11,
pp. 147-162.
26Technology is also
- Human innovation in action that involves the
generation of knowledge and processes to develop
systems that solve problems and extend human
capabilities -
- The innovation, change, or modification of the
natural environment to satisfy perceived human
needs and wants. - From www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/scitech/2001/re
sources/glossary.html, as accessed 070619
27- The president of a large country recently stated
that his country is addicted to oil. - Could this be because his country, like most
other in the industrialized world, are addicted
to technology? - Are technologies becoming ends to themselves,
and to what degree is innovation in technology an
exercise in procastrination? - As somebody said It is not what you have that
counts, but what you do with it.
28- Technologies broaden the range of what we can
do, but are not necessarily designed to operate
in harmony with boundaries and limitations of the
systems in which they are applied.
- The application of ideas that are new,
regardless of whether the new ideas are embodied
in products, processes or services, or in work
organisation, management or marketing systems. - From www.innovation.sa.gov.au/sti/a8_publish/mod
ules/publish/content.asp, as accessed 070618
30- "Innovation is not absolutely necessary, but
then neither is survival." - Andrew Papageorge, GoInnovate! (2005)Â
31From http//www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/core/
en.wikipedia.org, http//www.cs.umd.edu/class/spri
valanche.jpg, http//www.the-ultralight-site.com/b
uilding-fires.html, http//mdc.mo.gov/teacher/high
ered/crafts/craft17.htm, as accessed 070619
Fire plow
Bow and drill
32From http//www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/images/c
ace-sh.jpg, http//www.nyc24.org/2001/issue06/stor
y05/kidneyphoto.jpg, http//ram.ouvaton.org/articl
e-imprim.php3?id_article179, as accessed 070619
33From www.solarnavigator.net/virgin_space_travel.h
tm, as accessed 070615
Space tourism?
34From http//www.unificationfrance.com/IMG/jpg/sco
tty_04.jpg, www.crystalinks.com,http//uk.gizmodo
.com, as accessed 070615
35Technology and innovation towards more balanced
36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39Why is responsible tourism development still
rather an exception than the rule?
- Fragmentation and vulnerability of many tourism
businesses (SMTE) - Lack of
- Vision
- Understanding and appreciation of available
assets - Leadership and skilled management
- Political support, will and initiative
- Awareness empowerment at the necessary levels
(especially at community level) - Financing
- Information (at all levels)
- Awareness and implementation of available tools
(incentives/programs/technologies etc) - Ability to deal with complex (indicator-based)
feedback (when available) towards TBL - Expertise and incentive to translate
local/regional development plans and strategies,
land-use plans, coastal zone management programs,
etc. into appropriate TBL-based tourism products
and businesses - Institutional, legal, economic, social and
environmental frameworks - Voluntary initiatives/agreements
- Skilled workforce
- Prevalence of Short-term thinking, greed,
42From http//www.cariboo.bc.ca/news/past01nov26/st
oriesnov26/dynasty.html, http//www.transport2000.
c/article_2383_en.htm, as accessed 070619
Innovative transport alternatives
43Renewable Transportation Fuels
44(No Transcript)
45From http//www.iee.org/OnComms/Sector/Computing/
02277BC42558DA, http//renaissanceresearch.blogspo
t.com/2007_01_01_archive.html, www.solarsailor.com
/media_aquatankers_070117.htm, as accessed 070619
Innovative transport alternatives
Zeppelin-type cargo lifter
Hybrid electric (solar/wind) powered tanker
Solar powered yacht
47- We shape our dwellings, and afterwards our
dwellings shape our lives. - Winston Churchill
48Energy consumption in buildings
- Approximately 50 of the energy use in
buildings is devoted to producing an artificial
indoor climate through heating, cooling,
ventilation, and lighting. - A typical buildings energy bill constitutes
approximately 25 of the buildings total
operating costs. Estimates indicate that
climate-sensitive design using available
technologies could cut heating and cooling energy
consumption by 60 and lighting energy
requirements by at least 50 in U.S. buildings.
Building Design, Construction, and
Operations Public Technology Inc. US Green
Building Council, 1996(Sponsored by US DOE US
49Smart Building Design
- We have the knowledge and cost-efficient
technologies to design, construct and operate
buildings that are energy-neutral or that produce
more energy than they consume. -
50Benefits of Energy Efficient Buildings
- Lower Operating and Maintenance Costs and
Overheads - Greater Profitability
- Lower Environmental Emissions
- Greater Market Value
- Better Indoor Climate and Air Quality
- Increased Occupant/Guest Comfort, Health and
Satisfaction - Increased Worker Productivity
- Decreased Absenteeism
- Better (e.g. Corporate) Image/Profile
- Deferred Investments in Power Generation Lower
Cost/Risk, Opportunities to Use (e.g. Municipal)
Funds for other Purposes - Greater Opportunities for Using Renewable Energy
- Access to Economic/Market Incentives (Tax
Credits, Rebates, Low-Interest Loans and other
Financial Schemes) -
51Mauna Lani Resort, Hawaii, Rooftop PV System
(100 kW)
53Distributed Energy Systems
- Micro-Turbines
- Internal Combustion (IC, Reciprocating) Engines
- CHP-Systems
- Fuel-Cells
- Stirling-Engines
- Hybrid Systems
54Renewable Energy Technologies
- Hydroelectric Energy
- Solar Energy
- Solar Thermal
- Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
- Wind Energy
- Energy from Biomass
- Geothermal Energy
- Tidal Energy
- Wave Energy
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
55Renewable Energy
30 MW Kaheawa Wind Farm, Maui
- The Kaheawa Wind Power project is a commercial
scale renewable energy project. It includes the
development, design, engineering, construction,
and operations of a 30 MW renewable wind energy
facility. - Now in full operation, the project will provide
approximately 9 on average of the electricity
supply for Maui. -
- The Project is located above McGregor Point in
the West Maui mountains, in an area locally
referred to as Kaheawa Pastures. It consists of
20 wind turbines arranged in a single row, an
operations maintenance building, a
communications system, an electrical substation,
and an interconnection to Maui Electric Companys
transmission lines. An additional 40 MW plant
(Auwahi, 20 turbines) is currently planned for a
remote part of the Ulupalakua Ranch (20 000
acres) 1 st phase to be completed by 2008.
58From http//www.uneptie.org/pc/tourism/sust-touri
sm/env-3main.htm, as acessed 070615
- Water resources
- Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the
most critical natural resources. The tourism
industry generally overuses water resources for
hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal
use of water by tourists. This can result in
water shortages and degradation of water
supplies, as well as generating a greater volume
of waste water.
59Resource consumption in hotels Water
(Bohdanowicz, 2003)
60 61Water Conservation
Low-flow toilets use a maximum of 1.6 gallons of
water per flush compared with about 3.5 gallons
of water used by a standard toilet. Low-flow
shower heads use about 2½ gallons of water per
minute compared to between four and five gallons
per minute used by conventional heads. Low-flow
faucet aerators can cut the water usage of
faucets by as much as 40 from 4 gallons per
minute to 2½.
62Greywater Reuse
63Wetlands for wastewater- treatment?
64Resource consumption in hotels Energy, kWh/m2
(Bohdanowicz, 2003)
65How does tourism score? What are the carbon
emissions by tourism for every dollar earned?
How does this compare to other sectors of
66Resource consumption in hotels Waste
(Bohdanowicz, 2003)
67(No Transcript)
68Rethink, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse!
69Waste Minimization and Management
- Reduction
- Reuse
- Recycling
- Redesign, rethink (supply chain management)
- Waste-to-resource transformation
70Avoid hazardous zones
Choose locations that are sheltered from
hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and
other natural disasters.
71- Information technologies
- Communication technologies
- Etc.
72So, can technologies help?
73Technologies can help
- to decrease resource consumption per unit of
delivered services/goods - in generating environmental impacts and then
dealing with them - In disseminating relevant information and
knowledge - In facilitating the communication between
- stakeholders
- in processing vast amounts of information and
managing complex systems - in enhancing in multiple ways the quality of the
travel experience
74- But they cannot
- Exercise political will or leadership
- Define our value systems or generate our visions
- Go the extra voluntary mile
75From http//www.innovationtools.com/Quotes/Quotes
.asp?offset40, as acessed 070619
- "What's missing isn't the ideas it's the will
to execute them." - Seth Godin (2006)
76- We should draw on our power of innovation to do
something about that
77- The human desire and ability to travel and
savour the world across magically diminishing
boundaries needs to be responsibily harmonized
with the rapidly changing priorities of our
global village - which some of us roam,
- and all of us share.
78From http//www.illustration.moonfruit.com (via
as accessed 070619