Title: Implementation of the Economic Recovery Act
11301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20004
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2Funding for Highways, Roads, Bridges, and Transit
Implementation of the Economic Recovery Act
- Highlight transportation provisions of American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Resources available to help you from the
Transportation 4 America Coalition
4Overview of Legislation
- Signed into law on Tuesday, February 17, 2009
- Includes 27.5 billion in funding for federal
surface transportation dollars directed to state
and local government projects - Fund projects that are "shovel-ready" and can
contribute to immediate job creation
5Implementation Status
- Agencies releasing guidance
- Transportation Investment Generating Economic
Recovery (TIGER) team created at Department of
Transportation - TIGER composed of officials from across the
Department to oversee implementation of economic
recovery funds - TIGER to develop reporting standards to
accurately track the money as it is being spent
and ensure that all accountability requirements
are being met - Funding beginning to flow to transportation
projects across the country
6States, Cities in Tug-of-War Over Stimulus
Funds - The Wall Street Journal
Portsmouth City Council will talk stimulus,
state funds and hiring freeze - Seacoast
Money Stimulates Debate in States Over Plan's
Goals - The Washington Post
NJ Assembly holds hearings on stimulus money -
New York Newsday
Local company hiring thanks to stimulus -
Tampa, FL
Stimulus funds could boost highway projects -
The Miami Herald
Stimulus Funds Attract City, County
Officials - Wall Street Journal
Public Transit Ridership Rises To Highest Level
in 52 Years The Washington Post
Stimulus paying for local projects -The Daily
Bloomberg Slams Paterson Over Stimulus Money -
New York Times
U.S., state to keep watch on stimulus money
The Boston Herald
Milwaukee County bus system to get one-third of
stimulus transportation funds - New Richmond
Transportation Stimulus to fund 14 projects
The Daily Item, Sunsbury, PA
- No funds may be used for any casino or other
gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf
course or swimming pool. - American iron and steel
- Prevailing wage under Davis Bacon for all workers
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- NEPA reviews to be completed on an expeditious
basis - The shortest existing applicable process under
the NEPA shall be utilized - Governors must certify within 45 days that the
state will request and use funds provided - The state legislature can also adopt a concurrent
resolution to certify funds - Allows distribution to local governments either
by formula or at the states discretion
9Accountability and Transparency
- Governors, mayors or others making funding
decisions must certify investments have been
fully vetted and are appropriate uses of taxpayer
dollars - Grantees must submit quarterly reports detailing
the use of funds - Newly created Recovery Accountability and
Transparency Board will conduct and coordinate
oversight of covered funds to prevent waste,
fraud and abuse - Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency
Recovery Board to conduct spending oversight and
prevent waste, fraud and abuse will submit
flash reports - Board shall make recommendations to agencies on
measure to prevent fraud, waste and abuse
10Surface Transportation Program
- Law provides a total of 27.5 billion for formula
grants for surface transportation projects - The Surface Transportation Program allows funds
to be used for highway, bridge, transit, rail and
port infrastructure - Based on allowed uses for transportation funds in
current transportation law, SAFETEA-LU
11Suballocation to Local Governments
- 30 percent of state allocation goes to
metropolitan planning organizations in areas
200,000 population and above - Congress has given State Highway Agencies
(SHAs) the authority to prioritize and select
projects (in consultation with their MPO partners
if projects are located in an MPO area) - - Federal Highway Administration
12Project Selection
- Preference in project selection is given to
activities that can be started and completed
quickly and at least 50 percent of the funds for
activities that can be started within 120 days. - Non Federal-aid funded projects may be converted
to economic recovery funded projects if the
projects meet and have documented compliance with
all Federal-aid requirements - Priority given to projects that can be completed
in 3 years and are located in economically
distressed areas as defined under the Public
Works and Economic Development Act - Funds may be used for up to 100 percent of total
cost of a project - At the discretion of the recipient to fund a
portion themselves
- 120 day time clock begins when funds are
obligated when agreement is reached between the
state and FHWA - State DOTs have 120 days to use the funds or lose
them to other States except suballocated funds
for metropolitan areas - States can petition DOT for a one-year extension
- Funds made available for obligation until
9/30/2010 unless otherwise stated
14Transportation Enhancements
- 3 percent of state allocation setaside for
Transportation Enhancements - Can be used for transportation related activities
such as - pedestrian and bicycle facilities and paths
- acquisition of scenic easements, scenic or
historic sites, and other transportation related
activities - More at http//www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/te/
15Transportation Enhancements
- Each state DOT has a TE coordinator who reviews
applications - Best chance of receiving TE funds will likely be
those that have already been submitted through
the regular application process and have been
postponed or rejected for lack of funding - Each state's allocation process varies
- Unlike TE funds in SAFETEA-LU, the federal
government does not require a match for TE funds
in Recovery Act - However, states may still require a match to
spend recovery funds
- www.recovery.gov
- DOT page
- http//www.fhwa.dot.gov/economicrecovery/
- http//www.fta.dot.gov/index_9118.html
- Building Americas Future
- http//www.investininfrastructure.org/stimulus
- National Association of Regional Councils
- http//narc.org/news/218/292.html
- Association of Metropolitan Planning
Organizations - http//www.ampo.org/
- American Public Transit Administration
- www.apta.com
17Visit http//www.investininfrastructure.org/stim
181301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20004
www.nlc.org www.nlctv.org
19High Speed Passenger Rail
- 8 billion for high-speed rail corridors and
intercity passenger rail service. Funds are
allocated by DOT between the Capital Assistance
to States program and a new High Speed Passenger
Rail program. - Projects do not have to be in a state rail plan
and there is a 100 federal share. - DOT will submit a strategic funding plan within
60 days and issue interim guidance covering grant
terms, conditions and procedures within 120 days.
- 1.3 billion for AMTRAK
- Funds remain available until September 30, 2010
- 450 million set aside for capital security
grants - 845 million set aside for repair, rehabilitation
and upgrades - Awarded within 30 days of enactment
- Projects completed within 2 years of enactment
- 6,9 billion for transit capital
- 80 allocated by FTA urbanized formula, 10 is
FTA rural, and 10 is FTA growing states and
high-density formula. - Includes 100,000,000 for discretionary grants to
public transit agencies for capital investments
that will assist in reducing the energy
consumption or greenhouse gas emissions of their
public transit agencies. - Transit agencies have 180 days to use the funds
or lose them to other States, but they can
petition DOT for a one year extension. - 750 million for Rail Modernization and Repair
- Funds also have 180 day use-it or lose-it
provisions. - 750 million for New Starts and Small Starts
projects that are already in construction or are
nearly ready to begin construction. - Priority for projects already under construction
or able to obligate within 150 days. The funds
are available through Sept. 30, 2012.
22Supplemental Discretionary Grants
- 1.5 billion for projects with national,
metropolitan, or regional significance - Continues intermodal focus, noting interstate and
bridge maintenance and repair, freight and
passenger rail, intermodal ports, and new
starts/small starts are specifically eligible - Changes funding eligibility to include transit
agencies directly - Projects that require less than a 100 Federal
share are prioritized - DOT selection criteria will be published within
90 days projects nominated within 180 days and
the winners selected within 1 year - Projects must be complete within 3 years
231301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20004
www.nlc.org www.nlctv.org