Heat of reaction DH0R - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Heat of reaction DH0R


Heat of reaction DH0R. DH0R is positive exothermic. DH0R is negative endothermic ... DH0R is positive exothermic. DH0R is negative endothermic. Example: 2A 3B A2B3 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Heat of reaction DH0R

Heat of Reaction
  • Heat of reaction DH0R
  • DH0R is positive ? exothermic
  • DH0R is negative ? endothermic
  • Example 2A 3B ? A2B3
  • DH0R H0f(A2B3)-2H0f(A) 3H0f(B)

Entropy of reaction
  • Just as was done with enthalpies
  • Entropy of reaction S0R
  • When DS0R is positive ? entropy increases as a
    result of a change in state
  • When DS0R is negative ? entropy decreases as a
    result of a change in state

J. Willard Gibbs
  • Gibbs realized that for a reaction, a certain
    amount of energy goes to an increase in entropy
    of a system.
  • G H TS or DG0R DH0R TDS0R
  • Gibbs Free Energy (G) is a state variable,
    measured in KJ/mol or Cal/mol
  • Tabulated values of DG0R are in Appendix F3-F5

G is a measure of driving force
  • When DG0R is negative ? forward reaction has
    excess energy and will occur spontaneously
  • When DG0R is positive ? there is not enough
    energy in the forward direction, and the BACKWARD
    reaction will occur
  • When DG0R is ZERO ? reaction is AT equilibrium

Increasing energy with temp?
  • The added energy in a substance that occurs as
    temperature increases is stored in modes of
    motion in the substance
  • For any molecule modes are vibration,
    translation, and rotation
  • Solid ? bond vibrations
  • Gases ? translation
  • Liquid water complex function

Heat Capacity
  • When heat is added to a phase its temperature
    increases (No, really)
  • Not all materials behave the same though!
  • dqCVdT ? where CV is a constant (heat capacity
    for a particular material)
  • Or at constant P dqCpdT
  • Recall that dqpdH then dHCpdT
  • Relationship between CV and Cp

Where a and b are coefficients of isobaric
thermal expansion and isothermal compression,
Enthalpy at different temps
  • HOWEVER ? C isnt really constant.
  • C also varies with temperature, so to really
    describe enthalpy of formation at any
    temperature, we need to define C as a function of
  • Another empirical determination
  • Cpa(bx10-3)T(cx10-6)T2
  • Where this is a fit to experimental data and a,
    b, and c are from the fit line (non-linear)

Does water behave like this?
  • Water exists as liquid, solids, gas, and
    supercritical fluid (boundary between gas and
    liquid disappears where this happens is the
    critical point)
  • Cp is a complex function of
  • T and P (H-bond affinities),
  • does not ascribe to Maier-
  • Kelley forms

Volume Changes (Equation of State)
For Minerals
Volume is related to energy changes
Mineral volume changes as a function of T a,
coefficient of thermal expansion Mineral
volume changes as a function of P b, coefficient
of isothermal expansion
Volume Changes (Equation of State)
  • Gases and liquids undergo significant volume
    changes with T and P changes
  • Number of empirically based EOS solns..
  • For metamorphic environments
  • Redlich and Kwong equation
  • V-bar denotes a molar quantity, aRw and bRK are
  • EOS then equates energy (Helmholtz fee energy) to

  • Now, how does free energy change with T and P?
  • From DGDH-TDS

Phase Relations
  • Rule At equilibrium, reactants and products have
    the same Gibbs Energy
  • For 2 things at equilibrium, can investigate the
    P-T relationships ? different minerals change
    with T-P differently
  • For DGR DSRdT DVRdP, at equilibrium, DG0,

Clausius-Clapeyron equation
V Vº(1-bDP)
DSR change with T or P?
  • DV for solids stays nearly constant as P, T
    change, DV for liquids and gases DOES NOT
  • Solid-solid reactions linear ? S and V nearly
    constant, DS/DV constant ? slope in diagram
  • For metamorphic reactions involving liquids or
    gases, volume changes are significant, DV terms
    large and a function of T and P (and often
    complex functions) slope is not linear and can
    change sign (change slope to )

(No Transcript)
Example Diamond-graphite
  • To get C from graphite to diamond at 25ºC
    requires 1600 MPa of pressure, lets calculate
    what P it requires at 1000ºC

Phase diagram
  • Need to represent how mineral reactions at
    equilibrium vary with P and T

Gibbs Phase Rule
  • The number of variables which are required to
    describe the state of a system
  • pfc2 fc-p2
  • Where p of phases, c of components,
  • f degrees of freedom
  • The degrees of freedom correspond to the number
    of intensive variables that can be changed
    without changing the number of phases in the

Variance and f
  • fc-p2
  • Consider a one component (unary) diagram
  • If considering presence of 1 phase (the liquid,
    solid, OR gas) it is divariant
  • 2 phases univariant
  • 3 phases invariant

Heat of Reaction
  • Heat of reaction DH0R
  • DH0R is positive ? exothermic
  • DH0R is negative ? endothermic
  • Example 2A 3B ? A2B3
  • DH0R H0f(A2B3)-2H0f(A) 3H0f(B)

Entropy of reaction
  • Just as was done with enthalpies
  • Entropy of reaction S0R
  • When DS0R is positive ? entropy increases as a
    result of a change in state
  • When DS0R is negative ? entropy decreases as a
    result of a change in state

J. Willard Gibbs
  • Gibbs realized that for a reaction, a certain
    amount of energy goes to an increase in entropy
    of a system.
  • G H TS or DG0R DH0R TDS0R
  • Gibbs Free Energy (G) is a state variable,
    measured in KJ/mol or Cal/mol
  • Tabulated values of DG0R are in Appendix F3-F5

G is a measure of driving force
  • When DG0R is negative ? forward reaction has
    excess energy and will occur spontaneously
  • When DG0R is positive ? there is not enough
    energy in the forward direction, and the BACKWARD
    reaction will occur
  • When DG0R is ZERO ? reaction is AT equilibrium

Free Energy Examples
  • H2O(l)-63.32 kcal/mol (NIST value
  • Fe2 ¼ O2 H ? Fe3 ½ H2O
  • -4120(-633200.5)--21870(39540.25)
  • -67440--19893-47547 cal/mol

Chemical Potential
  • Enthalpy (H), entropy (S), and Gibbs Free Energy
    (G) are molal (moles/kg) quantities
  • Chemical potential, m, is the Gibbs free energy
    per molal unit
  • In other words, the "chemical potential mi" is a
    measure of how much the free energy of a system
    changes (by dGi) if you add or remove a number
    dni particles of the particle species i while
    keeping the number of the other particles (and
    the temperature T and the pressure P) constant

  • Putting two components into the same system
    they mix and potentially interact
  • Mechanical mixture no chemical interaction
    where X is mole fraction of A, B
  • ms XAmA XBmB
  • Random mixture particles spontaneously (so m
    must go down) orient randomly
  • Dmmixms mmechanical mixing
  • Mixing ideal IF interaction of A-A A-B B-B ?
    if that is true then DHmix0, so DSmix must be gt0
    (because mmixlt0 (spontaneous mixing)
  • DSid mix -RSXilnXi

Rmolar gas constant Xmole fraction component i
Mixing, ideal systems
Mixing, real systems
  • When components interact with each other
    chemically and change the overall solution energy
  • Dmreg ?XAXB
  • Particularly this formulation is important in
    geochemistry for solid solutions of minerals,
    such as olivine (ex Fo50Fa50)

Law of Mass Action
  • Getting out of the standard state
  • Accounting for free energy of ions ? 1
  • mm0 RT ln P
  • Bear in mind the difference between the standard
    state G0 and m0 vs. the molar property G and m
    (not at standard state ? 25 C, 1 bar, a mole)

GP G0 RT(ln P ln P0)
GP G0 RT ln P
Equilibrium Constant
  • For a reaction of ideal gases, P becomes
  • for aA bB ? cC dD
  • Restate the equation as
  • DGR DG0R RT ln Q
  • AT equilibrium, DGR0, therefore
  • DG0R -RT ln Keq
  • where Keq is the equilibrium constant

Assessing equilibrium
  • If DGR DG0R RT ln Q, and at equilibrium DG0R
    0, then QK
  • Q ? reaction quotient, aka Ion Activity Product
    (IAP) is the product of all products over product
    of all reactants at any condition
  • K ? aka Keq, same calculation, but AT equilibrium

Saturation Index
  • When DGR0, then ln Q/Keq0, therefore QKeq.
  • For minerals dissolving in water
  • Saturation Index (SI) log Q/K or IAP/Keq
  • When SI0, mineral is at equilibrium, when SIlt0
    (i.e. negative), mineral is undersaturated

Calculating Keq
  • DG0R -RT ln Keq
  • Look up G0i for each component in data tables
    (such as Appendix B in your book)
  • Examples
  • CaCO3(calcite) 2 H ? Ca2 H2CO3(aq)
  • CaCO3(aragonite) 2 H ? Ca2 H2CO3(aq)
  • H2CO3(aq) ? H2O CO2(aq)
  • NaAlSiO4(nepheline) SiO2(quartz) ?

Application to ions in solution
  • Ions in solutions are obviously nonideal states!
  • Use activities (ai) to apply thermodynamics and
    law of mass action
  • ai gimi
  • The activity coefficient, gi, is found via some
    empirical foundations

Ion Activity Product
  • For reaction aA bB ? cC dD
  • For simple mineral dissolution, this is only the
    product of the products ? activity of a solid
    phase is equal to one
  • CaCO3 ? Ca2 CO32-
  • IAP Ca2CO32-

Solubility Product Constant
  • For mineral dissolution, the K is Ksp, the
    solubility product constant
  • Use it for a quick look at how soluble a mineral
    is, often presented as pK (table 10.1)
  • DG0R RT ln Ksp
  • Higher values ? more soluble
  • CaCO3(calcite) ? Ca2 CO32-
  • Fe3(PO4)28H2O ? 3 Fe2 2 PO43- 8 H2O

  • Activity, a, is the term which relates Gibbs Free
    Energy to chemical potential
  • mi-G0i RT ln ai
  • Why is there now a correction term you might ask
  • Has to do with how things mix together
  • Relates an ideal solution to a non-ideal solution

Activity II
  • For solids or liquid solutions
  • aiXigi
  • For gases
  • aiPigi fi
  • For aqueous solutions
  • aimigi

Ximole fraction of component i Pi partial
pressure of component i mi molal concentration
of component i
Activity Coefficients
  • Where do they come from??
  • We think of ideal as the standard state, but
    for dissolved ions, that is actually an
    infinitely dilute solution
  • Gases, minerals, and bulk liquids (H2O) are
    usually pretty close to 1 in waters
  • Dissolved molecules/ ions are have activity
    coefficients that change with concentration (ions
    are curved, molecules usually more linear
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