Title: Midterm review La Palma 2006
1Mid-term review - La Palma 2006 Vince Oliver ELTE
University of Budapest, Hungary
- Vince Oliver
- Born in Belgrade, Serbia, 1974
- Graduated on the University of Belgrade on the
- Department of Astrophysics in 1999
- Enrolled post-graduated studies in 1999 on the
University of Belgrade - on the same department
- Get employed in 1999 at the Astronomical
Observatory of Belgrade - (Joined the group Sun Steller
Spectro-photometry) - After military service (2000/2001) finished MSc
thesis in 2003 with - Temperature Sensitivity of the MnI 5394 A
photospheric spectral line - Joined MAGPOP group in November 2005
3Activities within MAGPOP
- Working on
- Improvement of photometric redshift estimation
supervised by - Csabai Istvan (ELTE, Hunagary)
- Recently, started to work on study of dust
properties and star light attenuation - within galaxies supervised by Dr Stephan
Charlot - (IAP, France, MPA, Germany)
4Photometric Redshift Estimation
- There are 2 kind of methods
- - Empirical
- - Template fitting
- Large deviations between zsp and zph are due to
- 1. Color/redshift, age, dust, morphology
degeneracy - 2. Lyman-break/Balmer-break degeneracy for
high z - 3. Errors in photometric measurements
- 4. Spectral template incompleteness
- We try to reduce the deviations reducing
degeneracies -
Results of using photo-parameter that best
correlates with morphology in Empirical method
for z estimation
Magnitudes are used in The Empirical Method
Instead of magnitudes, colors are used in the
Empirical Method
6Dust Attenuation
Physically, dust affects the evolution of the
galaxy and observationally it changes the
spectra. Generally, we are interested in
both - study of dust physical properties -
dust attenuation law (to be able to remove its
Some preliminary results attenuation curves in
the case of real (observed) and modeled spectra.
These are 10 attenuation curves For galaxies
with different age and recent starburst
8Activities within ELTE University
As a PhD student of the ELTE University, I am
required to attend Classes/Courses. There is fine
number of courses that I attended so far and
plan to attend. They might be classified into 3
groups Attended so far 1 Extragalactic
Astronomy I 2 Extragalactic Astronomy II 3
Recent Results in Study of Stars and Star
Formation 4 Basics of Astrostatistics 5 Advanced
Astrostatistic 6 Numerical Methods in Astronomy
I 7 Numerical Methods in Astronomy II
9Other Activities
Number of MAGPOP meeting are organized. In
2005/2006 have attend 2 so far 1. Toledo,
Spain 2. Padova, Italy (Usefull not only to
learn but to meet experienced researchers in the
same topic) Enable to attend conferences
1. IAU, La Palma (Opportunity to track new
results in ongoing topics) Summer-schools are
organized yearly with carefully chosen topics
1. Summer 2006, Budapest (Opportunity to learn
more and to work within workshops)