Title: Engineering Education in Austria following the Bologna Declaration
1Engineering Education in Austria following the
Bologna Declaration
- by Kurt R. Richterprofessor emeritus, TU-Graz
- k.M. Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS)?
- IEEE Fellow
2Academic Degrees in Europe
Akademiingeniør Bachelor of Arts BEng BSc Civiling
eniør Civilingenjör Diplom-Ingenieur Diplom-Ingeni
eur ETH Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)? Diplomi-Insinöör
Doktor-Ingenieur Dottore in Ingegneria Engenheiro
Europa-Ingenieur Ingenieur (grad.)? Ingeniør Insin
ööri Ingénieur civil Ingénieur diplomé Ingénieur
Ingénieur technicien Master of Arts MEng MSc Oklev
eles mérnök Okleveles üzemmérnök Sivilingeniør Tek
nikfræðingur Teknikumingeniør Verkfræðingur
3Bologna Declaration
- Some objectives (deadline for completion in
2010) - - the adoption of a common framework of readable
and comparable degrees, also through the
implementation of the Diploma Supplement - - the introduction of undergraduate and
postgraduate levels in all countries, with first
degrees no shorter than 3 years and relevant to
the labour market - - ECTS-compatible credit systems also covering
lifelong learning activities - - a European dimension in quality assurance, with
comparable criteria and methods - - the elimination of remaining obstacles to the
free mobility of students (as well as trainees
and graduates) and teachers (as well as
researchers and higher education administrators).
4Engineers in Industry
5Engineering Education in Austria
6Development of Programmes
8Total and 1st year Students
9Engineering Students
12FH Programmes and Students
13Austrian Accreditation
- Public Universities
- programs, developed by the universities and
accepted by the Federal Ministry of Education - Private Universities
- Austrian Accreditation Council
- Institutional Accreditation, including the
accreditation of programs - Fachhochschulen
- Fachhochschul-Council (3 Austrian, 5
international)? - Accreditation of programs
- The EUR-ACE Project was established to propose a
framework for setting up a European system for
accreditation of engineering education at the
First Cycle and Second Cycle level (as defined
within the Bologna process). - Officially accepted by the European Commission.
- Kick-off meeting on 3 Sept 2004 in London
- to provide an European label to the graduates
of accredited programmes - to improve the quality of educational programs in
engineering - to facilitate trans-national recognition by the
label marking - to facilitate recognition by the competent
authorities, in accord with the EU Directives and
facilitate mutual recognition agreements
16EUR-ACE Project Management Structure