Automated Reasoning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Automated Reasoning


Actual relation b/t two intervals is a disjunction of primitive relations ... such vagueness can only be captured using disjunctions of basic relations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Automated Reasoning

Automated Reasoning
  • Reasoning with Natural Language
  • Lecture 5 02-05-05
  • David Ahn

Logical reasoning andnatural language
  • How can we use logic in reasoning with natural
  • As a representation language for information or
    knowledge extracted from language
  • As a way to represent and reason about linguistic
  • In this lecture
  • Reasoning logically about temporal information
    extracted from language (1)
  • Generating logical representations of the
    semantic content of natural language (1 and 2)

  • Reasoning with temporal annotations
  • Computational semantics, part I

Temporal reasoning Primitives
  • Primitive entities
  • Times
  • Points
  • Intervals
  • Events
  • Metric vs. qualitative information
  • Appropriate for natural language?
  • Metric information about times is expressible
  • But qualitative relationships b/t events and
    actions are grammaticalized (reflected in syntax
    and morphology)

Temporal reasoning Representations
  • There is a wide range of formalisms for reasoning
    about time
  • Tense logics
  • Temporal algebras
  • Event- and action-based languages (mostly
    designed for AI planning but also applied to
    natural language semantics)
  • Situation calculus can be cast as hybrid FOL
  • STRIPS can be cast as dynamic linear logic
  • Event calculus

Reasoning with temporal annotations
  • How can we reason with temporal information
    extracted from natural language?
  • TimeML
  • Guidelines for annotating all expressions
    referring to times and events in text
  • Mechanisms for annotating temporal relations
    between times and events
  • Relational annotation is underspecified
    annotators annotate what is salient to them
  • Good for machine learning, perhaps
  • But annotations are difficult to compare
  • And for applications, we want all the relations
    the text supports

Evaluating annotations
  • Annotations need do be compared semantically, not
  • The following annotations are equivalent

Evaluating annotations
  • But these two are not

Before she arrived John met the girl who won the
Before she arrived John met the girl who won the
Temporal closure
  • One approach to filling out the temporal
    relations in an annotation
  • Use an appropriate set of inference rules
  • To produce a maximal representation of the
    temporal information contained in that annotation
  • Such a representation is termed the temporal
    closure of that annotation
  • Temporal closure can be used
  • For comparison/evaluation of temporal annotation
  • To facilitate annotation thru mixed-initiative
  • To provide a full set of temporal relations for
    down-stream applications

Temporal closure
  • The identifiers for annotated event and time
    expressions form two sets, E and T, respectively
  • Temporal relations are binary relations between
    events and times, and so the denotation of each
    is a subset of (E?T) ? (E?T)
  • Relations are further specified either by via
    axioms or via a composition table which shows how
    they combine
  • Some rules concern only one relation, and follow
    logically from the formal properties of the
    relation. E.g., S(imultaneous) is an equivalence
    relation, while B(efore) is transitive also
  • (x,y) ? S ? (y,x) ? S
  • (x,y) ? B ? (y,z) ? B ? (y,z) ? B
  • Other inference rules capture interactions
    between relations that follow naturally from
    their intended meaning. Examples
  • (x,y) ? B ? (y,z) ? I ? (x,z) ? B
  • (x,y) ? I ? (y,z) ? S ? (x,z) ? I

Temporal closure
  • Let St denote the simultaneity pairs explicitly
    specified by an annotated text t, and likewise
    for Bt and It
  • These combine to give the overall temporal model
    of the text Mt ?St ,Bt ,It?
  • The inference rules can be applied to this model
    to generate the deductive closure Mt?
  • Two alternative annotations t and t are
    equivalent just in case the deductive closure of
    their models are equivalent i.e. Mt? Mt?

Choices for temporal inference
  • What candidates are there for
  • Logics of temporal relations
  • Closure algorithms
  • At least the following
  • Interval algebra of Allen (1983)
  • Implementation of reduced algebra of Setzer
  • Point algebra of Villain and Kautz (1986)
  • Conceptual neighborhoods of Freksa (1992)
  • Implementation of Verhagen (2004)

Interval algebra Allen (1983)
  • Intervals (not points) are primitive temporal
  • 13 primitive relations b/t temporal entities
  • Actual relation b/t two intervals is a
    disjunction of primitive relations

Interval algebra Allen (1983)
  • Interval relations are transitive
  • If we know a and b are in relation R1 and b and c
    are in R2, then we can restrict the set of
    possible relations for a and c.
  • Given s(a, b) and o(b, c)
  • Infer lt(a, c) or m(a, c) or o(a, c)
  • Provided a 13 x 13 transitivity table specifying
    ways of composing temporal relations, i.e.,
    specifying what inferences are allowed in his
  • Provided a constraint propagation algorithm for
    computing the closure according to the
    composition algebra

Interval algebra Allen (1983)
  • A subset of the transitivity table for 3 (core)

Temporal constraint networks
  • Constraints Given intervals i and j, a temporal
    constraint (i, j) R (where R is a set of Allen
    relations) says that i and j are supposed to
    stand in one of the relations in R
  • e.g., (i, j) before, meets, overlaps
  • TCNs A temporal constraint network over a set of
    intervals I is a set of constraints involving
    intervals in I
  • Consistency A TCN over a set of intervals I is
    consistent iff we can map the left and right
    endpoints of each interval in I to a (real)
    number such that all constraints are satisfied
    (and no interval has length 0)

Computing closureNormalizing TCNs
  • We can normalize a given TCN
  • Add inverse constraints for (i, j) R, add (j,
    i) R-1
  • If there are two constraints (i, j) R1 and (i,
    j) R2, replace them with (i, j) R1 n R2
  • Add (i, i) equals for every i
  • Add full constraint (i, j) before, meets, ...
    if there is no other constraint for (i, j)
  • A normalized TCN containing an empty constraint
    is inconsistent

Computing closureConstraint propagation
  • Transitivity again Let tr(r1, r2) denote the
    entry in the transitivity table for the interval
    relations r1 and r2
  • e.g., tr(starts, overlaps) before, meets,
  • We generalize this to sets of relations
  • constraints(R1, R2) r r ?tr(r1, r2) r1 ?R1
    r2 ?R2
  • Constraint propagation Whenever we find (i, j)
    R1 and (j, k) R2 in a TCN, add (i, k)
    constraints(R1, R2)
  • To show that a given TCN is inconsistent, we
    apply constraint propagation, normalize, and look
    for an empty constraint
  • Constraint propagation and normalization are sound

Constraint propagation is incomplete
  • Constraint propagation is polynomial time, but
  • Constraint propagation is not completeit allows
    inconsistent networks, e.g.
  • (a, b) during, contains, (a, c)
    finishes, finished-by,
  • (a, d) met-by, started-by, (b, c)
    during, contains,
  • (b, d) overlapped-by, (c, d) met-by,
  • Establishing consistency in full interval algebra

Interval algebra and TimeML
  • TimeML TLINK relations based on Allens IA
  • overlaps and is_overlapped_by collapsed into
  • But, there is an important difference
  • Allen permits relations between intervals to be
    indefinite disjunctions of his 13 primitive
  • The relation b/t any 2 entities in a TimeML
    annotation must be a single, definite relation
    from the 12 primitive relations
  • TimeML relations not closed under composition

Reduced implementation (Setzer 2001)
  • Simple temporal closure algorithm for TimeML (and
    TimeML-like markup)
  • Takes 3 of the Allen relations (, lt, contains)
    as primitive
  • All TimeML relations are down-mapped on to these
  • No disjunctive relations are permitted
  • Axioms relating the temporal relations are given
    and include those captured by the following
    transitivity table
  • Note that the cell that was disjunctive for Allen
    is empty no conclusion may be drawn in this case

Point algebraVilain and Kautz (1986)
  • Address computational intractability of Allens
  • Define a point algebra (PA) for intervals as
  • Intervals represented by their endpoints
  • Intervals i, j expressed as (i-,i), (j-,j)
  • Relations between intervals expressed by
    conjunctions of relations lt, , gt holding between
    interval endpoints
  • i d j ? i- gt j- ilt j i- lt i
    j- lt j
  • Allens 13 basic relations may be encoded in PA
  • However, not all 213 disjunctive relations
  • Only 82, but they are closed under composition
  • Point algebra is sound, complete and tractable

Point algebraVilain and Kautz (1986)
  • Expressing the 3 core Allen relations in PA

Conceptual neighborhoodsFreksa (1992)
  • Freksa notes that in Allens approach
  • Easy to reason with complete, fine-grained
    knowledge of temporal relationships
  • Hard to reason with incomplete, coarse-grained
  • Since latter more common, consider developing a
    framework which reverses this
  • Evangelina watched the brick walls of the
    terrace across the park ignite in the evening
    sun, as Ben trudged wearily home beneath them.

  • In Allens framework, such vagueness can only be
    captured using disjunctions of basic relations
  • Freskas suggestion adopt uncertain relations
    (disjunctions of the basic Allen relations) as
    primitives and require more complex
    representation/reasoning for the precise cases
  • Like PA, events are represented by their
    beginnings and endings
  • But these beginnings and endings (semi-intervals)
    are not points, but intervals themselves
  • Like PA, these beginnings and endings may be
    related by lt,,gt

Semi-intervals andconceptual neighbors
Interval 1 (a, ?) Interval 2 (?, ?)
Adjoining relations are conceptual neighbors
Groups of conceptual neighbors
form conceptual neighborhoods
Conceptual neighbors
  • Definition Two relations between a pair of
    intervals are conceptual neighbours if they can
    be transformed into one another by continuous
    deformation (shortening, lengthening, moving) of
    the intervals, w/o passing through another
  • Definition A conceptual neighbourhood is any set
    of relations path-connected through the
    conceptual neighbour relation

Conceptual neighborhoods
  • Conceptual neighhourhoods provide a way of
    constructing complex disjunctions of relations
    that are likely to correspond to vague or
    uncertain knowledge about relational situations

Reasoning with conceptual neighborhoods
  • Freksa observes that all of the disjunctive
    relations occurring as a composition of two of
    the basic Allen relations form conceptual
  • A 29 x 29 composition table may be formed
    consisting of the 13 basic Allen relations plus
    all (16) of the conceptual neighbourhoods
    occurring in the cells of the Allen transitivity
  • This table has the properties that
  • It is closed under composition
  • The relations in it are a subset of the 82 in the
    point algebra
  • Thus, this particular conceptual neighbourhood
    algebra (CNA) inherits the tractability of the
    point algebra
  • Implications for TimeML
  • Adopting something CNA would allow the
    introduction of a mild form of disjunction which
    might be useful for annotating vague relations
  • An algorithm based on Freksas table would be
    more efficient that the original Allen procedure
    and is complete wrt the underlying algebra

Sputlink An implementation for TimeML (Verhagen
  • Sputlink A temporal closure system to support
    TimeML annotation and evaluation
  • Supports closure over all of the TimeML relations
  • Works with endpoint (semi-interval)
    representation of events and times
  • Temporal relations supported are the 29 relations
    proposed by Freksa
  • Basic Allen relations disjunctive relations
    found in the cells of the Allen transitivity
  • Complete and polynomial time
  • Embedded in a mixed-initiative temporal
    annotation environment that supports text
    segmented closure

  • Reasoning with temporal annotations
  • Computational semantics, part I

What iscomputational semantics?
  • Two fundamental questions
  • Semantic construction How can we automate the
    process of associating semantic representations
    with natural language expressions?
  • Inference How can we use semantic
    representations of natural language to automate
    the process of drawing inferences?
  • Key idea
  • Use the lambda calculus to build
  • Logical semantic representations

Why logic as semantic representation?
  • Logics have precise model-theoretic semantics (at
    least the ones we consider)
  • Translation of a NL sentence into a logical
    formula gives us a precise grasp on (part of) the
    meaning of the sentence
  • Logics also have inference procedures, often with
    computational implementations (again, at least
    the ones we consider)
  • Inference is vital for natural language

Why the lambda calculus?
  • We use the lambda calculus as a glue language
  • Connects natural language syntax to logical
    semantic represetations
  • The lambda calculus itself is well-understood
  • Has a logical interpretation
  • Is the foundation for functional programming
  • The lambda calculus is flexible
  • Experimenting with different semantic
    representation languages is straightforward

Semantic construction
  • Given a sentence of English, is there a
    systematic way of constructing its semantic
  • Lets start simple
  • Take first-order logic as semantic representation
  • Is there a systematic way of translating simple
    sentences like these into FOL
  • Vincent likes Mia
  • Every woman snorts
  • Every boxer loves a woman

Meaning flows from the lexicon
  • What is the appropriate representation for
    Vincent likes Mia?
  • like(vincent, mia)
  • Where does this come from?
  • Proper name Vincent introduces constant vincent
  • Proper name Mia introduces constant mia
  • Verb likes introduces constant like
  • Ultimately, meaning flows from the lexicon

What do other words contribute?
  • Meaning flows from lexicon is a simple slogan but
    raises nontrivial questions
  • Every woman snorts is represented as
  • ?x.(woman(x) ? snort(x))
  • What is the contribution of the determiner Every
  • The ??
  • The ??
  • Both together?
  • How can we make the contribution precise?

What does syntax contribute?
  • Why is the representation of Vincent likes Mia
    like(Vincent, Mia) and not like(Mia, Vincent)?
  • How do the pieces supplied by the lexicon get
    glued together in the right way?
  • Basic principle Syntactic structure should guide
    semantic construction

Syntactic structure guides semantic construction
S Vincent likes Mia like(Vincent, Mia)
NP Vincent Vincent
VP likes Mia like(?, Mia)
TV likes like(?, ?)
NP Mia Mia
  • Methodological principles in semantic
  • Meaning (representation) ultimately flows from
    the lexicon
  • Meanings (representations) are combined using
    syntactic information
  • Compositionality the meaning of the whole is a
    function of the meaning of the parts (Frege)
  • where the parts are the substructure given by
    the syntax

Tasks in semantic construction
  • Task 1 Specify a reasonable syntax for a
    fragment of natural language
  • Task 2 Specify semantic representations for the
    lexical items
  • Task 3 Specify the translation
    compositionallyspecify the translation of each
    expression in terms of translations of its parts

Task 1 Context-free grammar
  • s --gt np, vp.
  • np --gt pn.
  • np --gt det, noun.
  • pn --gt vincent.
  • pn --gt mia.
  • det --gt a.
  • det --gt every.
  • noun --gt woman.
  • noun --gt foot, massage.
  • vp --gt iv.
  • vp --gt tv, np.
  • iv --gt walks.
  • tv --gt loves.
  • tv --gt likes.
  • This grammar accepts sentences like
  • Vincent likes Mia
  • Every woman walks

DCGs parsing as deduction
  • Axiomatizing CFGs
  • Take nonterminals to be binary relations on
    positions in an expression
  • A position divides an expression into two
    subexpressions which concatenated together form
    the original expression
  • Every CFG rule
  • N0 ? V1 Vn
  • can be axiomatized as
  • V1(p0, p1) ? ? Vn(pn-1, p) ? N0(p0, p)
  • which is in Horn clause (or definite clause)
  • Thus, CFGs can be stated as Prolog
    programsDefinite Clause Grammars (DCGs)
  • In Prolog, an expression is represented as a list
    of words, and a position in an expression, as the
    sublist beginning at the position
  • Prolog allows DCGs to be written directly as a
    notational convenience

DCGs parsing as deduction
  • A first example of logical reasoning about
  • Prologs left-to-right, depth-first, backtracking
    proof procedure yields a top-down, depth-first,
    left-to-right parsing mechanism
  • DCGs also allow nonterminals to have extra
    arguments, which can be used to propagate
    information up the parse tree
  • Extra arguments correspond to features in
    Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG),
    where they are used for agreement and
    long-distance dependencies (in addition to
  • We will use extra arguments to pass around pieces
    of semantic representations

Building representations
  • Specify meanings of the lexical entries
  • Typically parts of formulas
  • Indicate where the information needed has to come
  • Using syntactic information
  • One idea use features
  • i.e., extra arguments in DCGs

DCG with semanticsLexical entries
  • noun(X, woman(X)) --gt woman.
  • pn(jules) --gt jules.
  • iv(Y, snort(Y)) --gt snorts.
  • tv(Y, Z, love(Y, Z)) --gt loves.
  • det(X, Restriction, Scope, exists(X,
    and(Restriction, Scope))) --gt a.
  • det(X, Restriction, Scope, forall(X,
    implies(Restriction, Scope))) --gt every.

DCG with semanticsProduction rules
  • s(Sem) --gt np(X,SemVP,Sem), vp(X,SemVP).
  • vp(X,Sem) --gt tv(X,Y,SemTV), np(Y,SemTV,Sem).
  • vp(X,Sem) --gt iv(X,Sem).
  • np(X,Scope,Sm) --gt det(X,Restr,Scope,Sm),
  • np(SemPN,Sem,Sem) --gt pn(SemPN).

Every woman snorts
  • ?- s(Sem, every,woman,snorts,).
  • (7) s(Sem, every,woman,snorts, )
  • (8) np(X, Sc, Sem, every,woman,snorts, _G1)
  • (9) det(X, Re, Sc, Sem, every,woman,snorts,
  • (9) det(X, Re, Sc, forall(X, implies(Re, Sc)),
    every,woman,snorts, woman,snorts)
  • (9) noun(X, Re, woman,snorts, _G3)
  • (9) noun(X, woman(X), woman,snorts, snorts)
  • (8) np(X, Sc, forall(X, implies(woman(X), Sc)),
    every,woman,snorts, snorts)
  • (8) vp(X, Sc, snorts, )
  • (9) iv(X, Sc, snorts, )
  • (9) iv(X, snort(X), snorts, )
  • (8) vp(X, snort(X), snorts, )
  • (7) s(forall(X, implies(woman(X), snort(X))),
    every, woman, snorts, )
  • Sem forall(_G353, implies(woman(_G353),

How does it work?
  • Explicitly marking missing information provides
    good control
  • Much of the work done by rules, which rely on
    Prologs treatment of variables
  • Something is missing a more disciplined approach
    to missing information could reduce (or
    eliminate) rule-specific combination methods
  • The lambda calculus provides this discipline

The lambda calculus
  • The lambda calculus introduces a ? operator that
    binds variables
  • ?-bound variables are placeholders for missing
  • Functional application placing a lambda
    expression in front of another expression (its
    argument) is an instruction to substitute the
    argument for the ?-bound variables
  • ß-conversion the operation that carries out the
  • a-conversion renames variables apart
  • The lambda calculus is a glue language, with the
    dedicated task of gluing together items needed to
    build semantic representations

The lambda operator
  • The lambda operator marks missing information by
    binding variables
  • A simple lambda expression
  • ?
  • The prefix ?x binds the occurrence of x in man(x)
  • This expression can be read as
  • I am a 1-place predicate man, and I am looking
    for a term to fill my argument slot.

Functional application
  • We will (non-standardly) use _at_ as an operator to
    indicate functional application
  • Continuing our simple example
  • ? _at_ vincent
  • ? is called the functor
  • vincent is called the argument
  • This expression can be read as
  • Fill each placeholder in the functor by an
    occurrence of the argument vincent

  • The required substitution is performed by
  • From
  • ? _at_ vincent
  • ß-conversion produces
  • man(vincent)
  • Basically, ß-conversion involves throwing away
    the ?x and substituting the argument for all
    occurrences of x that were in the scope of ?x

Lambda-abstraction over predicates
  • Since our representation of Every woman snorts
  • ?x.(woman(x)?snort(x))
  • Our representation of Every woman is
  • ?Q.?x.(woman(x)? Q(x))
  • And our representation of Every is
  • ?P.?Q.?x.(P(x)? Q(x))

Every boxer growls
  • Step 1 Assign lambda expressions to the basic
    lexical items
  • boxer ?y.boxer(y)
  • growls ?x.growl(x)
  • every ?P.?Q.?x.(P(x)? Q(x))

Comparison to initial approach
  • In the first attempt, every was represented by
  • det(X, Restriction, Scope, forall(X,
    implies(Restriction, Scope))
  • Substituting P and Q for Restriction and Scope
  • det(X, P, Q, forall(X, implies(P, Q))
  • This is clearly analogous to
  • ?P.?Q.?x.(P(x)? Q(x))
  • Whats the big deal?

The big deal Reasoning about semantic
  • We are no longer considering the process of
    combining expressions simply as a programming
  • We have isolated a representational format
    (lambda calculus) that lets us deal with missing
    information once and for allimportant data
  • We have isolated the key ideas needed to work
    with these represenations
  • functional application, ß-conversion,
  • Another example of reasoning about language
  • The lambda calculus provides a logical
    representation of the dependencies involved in
    semantic construction
  • The lambda calculus has simple inference

Every boxer growls
  • Step 2 Associate the NP node with the
    application of the DET representation (functor)
    to the NOUN representation (argument)

  • Applications are instructions to carry out
  • Performing the required substitution yields
  • every boxer ?Q.?x(?y.boxer(y)_at_x ? Q_at_x)
  • This contains a subexpression of the form
  • Another instruction to carry out ß-conversion
  • Performing the required substituion yields
  • every boxer ?Q.?x(boxer(x) ? Q_at_x)

Every boxer growls
S every boxer growls ?x(boxer(x) ? growl(x))
NP every boxer ?P.?Q.?x(P_at_x ? Q_at_x)_at_?y.boxer(y)
VP growls ?x.growl(x)
DET every ?P.?Q.?x(P_at_x ? Q_at_x)
Noun boxer ?y.boxer(y)
A moment of reflection
  • In two important respects, our approach to
    semantic construction is getting simpler
  • The process of combining two representations is
    now uniform (functional application)
  • Most of the real work of semantic analysis is
    done in the lexicon
  • This is a sign that we are doing something right
  • But lets look more carefully

Proper names
  • Quantifying NPs can clearly be considered
  • But what about NPs like Vincent?
  • Vincent ?P.P _at_ vincent
  • Mia ?P.P _at_ mia
  • These representations can be used as functors
  • This is the most basic example of type-raising

Vincent loves Mia
NP Vincent loves Mia love(vincent, mia)
NP Vincent ?P.P_at_vincent
VP loves Mia ?, mia)
TV loves ?y.?, y)
NP Mia ?P.P_at_mia
Is ß-conversion always safe?
  • The representations
  • ?x.?y.bloogle(x, y)
  • and
  • ?z.?w.bloogle(z, w)
  • are intended to have the same meaning. The x,
    y, z, w are just placeholders they have no
    intrinsic meaning
  • Mostly, things work out fine
  • If we apply either expression first to fee and
    then to boo, we get, after ß-conversion, the same
  • bloogle(fee, boo)

But not always
  • Things can go wrong if we apply a lambda
    expression to a variable that occurs bound in the
  • For example, if we take the application
  • ?x.?y.bloogle(x, y) _at_ w
  • we get ?y.bloogle(w, y), which is what we want
  • But, if we take the application
  • ?z.?w.bloogle(z, w) _at_ w
  • we get ?w.bloogle(w, w), which is not at all
    what we want
  • The variable w has become accidentally bound

  • a-conversion is the process of renaming bound
  • For example, we obtain
  • ?x.?y.bloogle(x, y)
  • from
  • ?z.?w.bloogle(z, w)
  • by a-conversion by replacing z by x and z by w
  • When working with the lambda calculus, we always
    a-convert before carrying out ß-conversion
  • All bound variables in the functor are renamed to
    be different from those in the argument

The three tasks revisited
  • Task 1 Specify a reasonable syntax for a
    fragment of natural language. We can do this
    using DCGs
  • Task 2 Specify semantic representations for
    lexical items using the lambda calculus
  • Task 3 Specify the translation of an item R with
    parts F and A in terms of functional application
  • Specify which part is the functor (say F)
  • Specify which part is the argument (say A)
  • Use ß-conversion (w/a-conversion) to compute F_at_A

Looking aheadMore computational semantics
  • Quantifier scope ambiguity and underspecified
  • Another example of using logic to reason about
  • Inference for pragmatics using semantic
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