Title: GAIN Recommendation and Referral Summary
1GAIN Recommendation and Referral Summary
- Downloading, Installing, Generating and Editing
- Dionna Christian
- Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL
- Presentation for SAMHSA Center for Substance
Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Adolescent Treatment
Grantee meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 23-25,
2004. The opinions are those of the author and do
not reflect official positions of the government
. Available on-line at www.chestnut.org/li/apss.
2What do I need?
- Microsoft Word 97 or higher
- Access 2000 or higher
3What do I need?
- ABS installed
- GAIN version 5.3 or higher installed
- ABS and GAIN license registered
- Staff IDs and Permissions set up
4Where do I get it?
- http//www.chestnut.org/LI/ABS/ABS
- Click on the ICP/G-RRS link
- When asked whether to Save or Open, choose Save
- Save the file where you are sure to remember its
5ICP/G-RRS InstallationExtracting the files
- Open the G-RRS Setup.zip file you downloaded
- WinZip will open, displaying a list of files
contained in the zip file
- Click the Extract button
6ICP/G-RRS InstallationExtracting the files
- Select where you would like the extracted files
- Select the All Files option
- Click the Extract button
- When extraction is complete, close WinZip
7Important Notice!
Before attempting to install the ICP/G-RRS, it is
CRITICAL that you are logged on to the computer
as a local administrator. If you are not, the pro
gram cannot register itself with your Windows
registry and the installation will fail.
8ICP/G-RRS InstallationRunning the Setup
- Run the ICP_G-RRS SetUp.EXE program by
- Finding the file using Windows Explorer
double-clicking on it
- Accessing the file through the Run command from
the Start menu
- Find the file using My Computer double-clicking
on it
9ICP/G-RRS InstallationRunning the Setup
- Read the licensing agreement and click the Yes
button to accept the agreement, which takes you
to this screen
- Select the directory where ABS is installed and
click the Install button
File path to ABS
10ICP/G-RRS InstallationFinishing Step One
- Click OK at the message confirming the
installation is complete.
- Click the close button
- Launch ABS while still logged on as a local
administrator (This will register the ICP/G-RRS
- This will finish the first step of the
11ICP/G-RRS InstallationCompleting the process
- Return to the location of the extracted files
- Windows Explorer
- The Run command
- My Computer
- Take a copy of the grrs.dot file
- on your keyboard
- Right-click with your mouse and choose copy
- Select the file and choose copy from the Edit
12ICP/G-RRS InstallationCompleting the process
- While still viewing a list of files, find your
ABS Server directory
- Open the Support folder within that directory
- Paste the file into the Support folder
- Right-click with your mouse and choose paste
- on your keyboard
- Choose paste from the Edit menu
- This file must be pasted into each instance of
ABS Server (Server version Local versions)
13The ICP/G-RRS program is now ready for use!
14Generating an ICP or G-RRS
- Log on to ABS and open the case you wish to run a
report on
- From the menu at the top of your screen, choose
AddIns, then ICP/G-RRS
- Verify the path to your Lookup Tables
- If the path is correct, click Yes
- If the path is incorrect, click No to change it
15Generating an ICP or G-RRS
- You should then see this screen
- Select which report you wish to generate
- Click the Run button
- Click OK to continue
16The ICP
- If you chose the ICP report, you will see a
calculation screen.
- When the calculations are finished, a box will
pop up saying Complete
- Click OK to open the report in Microsoft
- Sample ICP Report
17The G-RRS
- If you choose the G-RRS report, you will see this
- Here you can choose to show client name or
initials, and the name of the referring agency
- Once these choices are made, click Run
18The G-RRS
- After the calculations are complete, the report
will open in Microsoft Word, where you can save
and/or edit the file
- Sample G-RRS
19Customizing the G-RRS template
- Open Microsoft Word and select Open from the File
- Browse to the Support folder in your ABS Server
- Select to open the GRRS.dot file (Note Do not
try to open this file from Windows Explorer. That
will create a new document, NOT open the
20Customizing the G-RRS template
- From the menu, select Tools, and then Options
- On the View tab, put a checkmark in the box
labeled Bookmarks and then close the window
- Locate the section you wish to delete from the
G-RRS and highlight it. (The section should be
between to large brackets, )
21Customizing the G-RRS template
- From the menu, select Insert and then Bookmark
- The bookmark you highlighted will be highlighted
in the list
- Jot down the name of the bookmark
22Customizing the G-RRS template
- Close the Bookmark window and delete the selected
- You should be left with two square brackets, like
- Return to the Bookmark window (Insert, Bookmark)
- Find the Bookmark name you wrote down, select it,
click the Delete button, then close the window
- Make any spacing adjustments in your document and
then save it
23Where do I go for help?
- Your sites ABS Administrator
- Your sites APSS website
- Contact ABS Support
- ABSSupport_at_chestnut.org
- Dionna Christian (309) 820-3543 ext. 83400