Title: CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development WGOMD
1CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development
Members G. Danabasoglu (co-chair) NCAR, USA H.
Drange (co-chair) U. Bergen, Norway H.
Banks Hadley C., Met Office, UK S.
Griffies GFDL, USA S. Marsland
CSIRO, Australia G. Madec LODYC,
France R. Greatbatch IFM, Germany H. Tsujino
MRI, Japan Emeritus C. Böning
IFM, Germany A. M. Treguier IFREMER, France R.
Gerdes AWI, Germany E. Chassignet
FSU, USA ICPO Contact Anna Pirani
The 8th WGOMD Panel Meeting, 30 April 01 May
2009, Exeter, UK
2Main WGOMD Activities
(I) Topical workshops facilitating collaboration,
communication, and education - 2004 Princeton
State of the Art in Ocean Climate Modelling
- 2005 Hobart State of the art in Southern
Ocean Modelling - 2007 Bergen Numerical
Methods for Ocean Models - 2009 Exeter
Ocean Mesoscale Eddies Representations,
Parameterizations and
- - 150 participants,
- 40 posters,
- 18 plenary talks,
- Special edition of Ocean Modelling in 2010,
- Report in CLIVAR Exchanges.
3Main WGOMD Activities
(II) Reports and White Papers - Griffies et
al. (2009) Sampling Physical Ocean Fields in
WCRP CMIP5 Simulations,
ICPO Publication Series 137,
WCRP Informal Report 3/2009
Recommendations from WGOMD on CMIP5 Ocean Model
Output - Hurrell et al. (2009) Decadal
Climate Prediction Opportunities and Challenges,
OceanObs 09 - Griffies et al. (2009)
Problems and Prospects in Large-Scale Ocean
Circulation Models,
CWP OceanObs 09 - Latif et al.
(2009) Dynamics of Decadal Climate
Variability and Implications for its Prediction,
CWP OceanObs 09 (III) WGOMD Repository for
Evaluating Ocean Simulations (REOS) (CMIP5)
reos/reos.php Web-based community tool for
evaluating ocean model simulations that
includes - Access to datasets and
analysis tools, - Metrics for
evaluating variability and processes proposed by
the CLIVAR basin panels,
- Comprehensive bibliography of papers on
datasets and model evaluation, - A
blog/wiki for input and comments from users on
data / methods / papers is
4Main WGOMD Activities
- Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE
I-III) - Benchmark simulations for global
ocean-ice models with detailed protocols, - facilitating solution comparisons from
different models. -
- The key goals of CORE are to provide a
workable and agreeable experimental design for
global ocean-ice models to be run for long-term
climate studies and to establish a framework
where the experimental design is flexible and
subject to refinement as the community gains
experience and provides feedback. - CORE version 2 surface forcing data sets are
available from the GFDL web site at
DATA SETS! - CORE-I Multi-century simulations with a repeat
annual cycle forcing, a.k.a. Normal Year Forcing
(NYF, Large and Yeager 2004, 2008) Griffies et
al., 2009 Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference
Experiments (COREs) Ocean Modelling, 26, 1-46.
5Main WGOMD Activities
- Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE
I-III) - CORE-II 1948-2006 interannually varying forcing
(IAF, Large and Yeager 2004, 2008). - CORE-II hindcast simulations provide a framework
both to evaluate ocean model performance and to
investigate mechanisms of ocean phenomena and
their variability from seasonal to decadal time
scales. - These simulations can be used to study the
attribution of recent ocean-climate events to
trends and natural variability, in conjunction
with the CMIP5. - In particular, CORE-II directly contributes to
- - evaluation, understanding, and
improvement of the ocean component in ESMs, - - investigation of mechanisms for
inter-annual to decadal variability, e.g., AMOC, - - evaluation of robustness of mechanisms
across models, - - providing initial conditions for
decadal predictability studies. - CORE-II complements ocean reanalysis from data
assimilation approaches, particularly for the
pre-ARGO period. - Planned/ongoing CORE-II analysis for the
Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. - Continued interaction with CLIVAR Basin Panels
and Working Groups. AOMIP has officially accepted
CORE-II as their forcing data set.
6Ocean Climate Model Development Meeting
Venue GFDL, Princeton, NJ, USA, 28-30 October
2009 Purpose Bring together ocean modelers who
focus on the climate scale simulation of the
global ice-ocean system to discuss results and
progress (related to CMIP5 simulations), exchange
ideas, and scope out future directions. Topics
include ocean climate model formulations,
analysis, SGS parameterizations, coupled
modeling, biases, etc.
Next WGOMD Workshop and Panel Meeting
Venue NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA Workshop Decadal
Climate Variability, Predictability, and
Prediction Understanding the Role of the Ocean,
20-22 September 2010. In collaboration with the
Decadal Variability Working Group, .. Panel
Meeting 23-24 September 2010.