Title: Building Modular ObjectOriented Systems with Reusable Collaborations
1Building Modular Object-Oriented Systems with
Reusable Collaborations
- Karl Lieberherr, David Lorenz and Mira Mezini
- (C) 2000 by the authors
- Presenter Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern
University, Boston and UBS AG, Zurich
(lieber_at_ccs.neu.edu) - David Lorenz, Northeastern University, Boston
(lorenz_at_ccs.neu.edu) - Mira Mezini, University of Siegen, Germany
- The material presented in this tutorial does not
represent an official UBS process.
4The Future of Software Engineering Editor A.
- Software Engineering a Roadmap by A. Finkelstein
and Jeff Kramer Key Research Pointers - We need to be able to build systems that are more
resilient or adaptive under change - We need to devise and support new structuring
schemes and methods for separating concerns in
software systems development.
5Same book Tables
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- 5.2 How can software be designed so that it can
easily be evolved - 5.3 More effective tools and methods for program
comprehension ... - Software Architecture
- 6.3 Software Architecture that adapt themselves
to their physical setting
6Same book Tables
- Object-oriented modeling
- 7.1 To identify appropriate language means for
modeling an aspect of a system
- Tangling and Crosscutting in Object-Oriented
Systems - Discussion of solution approaches Design
patterns, AspectJ, Hyper/J, Demeter - Problems with structuring software - function
versus object structuring - Reconciliation of both worlds Adaptive
Plug-and-Play Components (APPC) as the component
construct - APPC for generic higher-level collaborative
behavior - Tools
- Summary
8Part 1 Contents
- A quick introduction to collaborations
- Idea
- Program development view why adapters
- Crosscutting and tangling
- The goal
- Some related approaches
- Collaborations Booch, SAP
- Examples synchronization, counting, flying
- Definition of collaboration
9From Crista Lopes PhD thesis (NU/Xerox)
Instead of writing this
- How can we make enhancements (e.g., extension,
evolution and adaptation) easier? - Localize enhancements!
- But An enhancement might intrinsically influence
many methods or classes. The code needed for the
enhancement might be spread over a good fraction
of the program. - Solution Allow programmer to refer to many
points in execution of program in a localized
manner. Allow additional actions to be executed
at those points.
11Two things are important!
- Specify
- additional or modified actions.
- Actions come first!
- when to call those actions.
- Specification may cut across many methods.
Crosscutting comes second. - We use separate constructs to specify crosscuts
and actions on crosscuts.
12Program development view
- Start with simple program
- Get to the desired program by applying a sequence
of changes to the simple program - For example start with simple program P that can
print application objects and extend it with
behaviors B1, B2, Bn, and a synchronization
policy S and a distribution policy D and a
historization policy H.
13Program development view
Synthesis (adapters)
Separation of concerns
Desired System
Implementation model
Use Cases system issues
Collaborations (Role models)
14Program development view
- Final program 1 P B1 B2 Bn S D
H - Final program 2 P B1 B2 Bn S1 D1
H1 - Final program 3 P1 B1 B2 Bn S D
15Program development view
- We want the individual changes to be generic and
therefore they need to be instantiated. - Final program 1 P A1(B1) A2(B2)
An1(Bn) An2(S) An3(D) An4(H) - The A functions are adapters that adapt the
generic changes to the specific context.
16Discussion of adapters
- Adapters express the crosscutting.
- Do they add complexity? They add complexity but
they remove complexity elsewhere the
enhancements become decoupled and reusable.
17Constructs to use
- UML collaborations (adapted) for expressing
actions decoupled from adapters. New allow
rewriting of methods. - Composite adapters to express the crosscutting
that maps actions to execution points. May
contain arbitrary Java code to implement required
interface of collaboration with provided
- The collaboration-adapter language is also called
the APPC (Adaptive Plug-and-Play Component)
language based on terminology in our OOPSLA 98
paper - In a later paper we also used the term
aspectual component for APPC. No longer used.
19 Cross-cutting of aspects
better program
ordinary program
Basic classes structure
Aspect 1
Class A
Slice of functionality
Aspect 2
Class B
Slice of functionality
Aspect 3
Class C
20The goal Tangling control
- The goal is to separate program enhancements
(each enhancement in a single place) and minimize
dependencies between them (loose coupling) - less tangled code, more natural code, smaller
code - enhancements are easier to reason about, debug
and maintain - a large class of modifications in the definition
of one enhancement has a minimum impact on the
others - more reusable, can plug/unplug enhancements as
21Rough correspondences
22Example Write accesses AspectJ
class Point int _x 0 int _y 0 void
set(int x, int y) _x x _y y
void setX(int x) _x x void
setY(int y) _y y int getX()
return _x int getY() return
aspect ShowAccesses static before Point.set,
Point.setY System.out.println(W)
23AOP example with collaboration
class Point int _x 0 int _y 0 void
set(int x, int y) _x x _y y
void setX(int x) _x x void
setY(int y) _y y int getX()
return _x int getY() return
collaboration ShowWAccesses participant
Data-To-Access expect void writeOp()
replace void writeOp() System.out.println(W
) expected()
adapter AddShowWAccesses //connects appl,
ShowWAccesses ... Point is Data-To-Access
writeOp set ...
24Quote by Grady Booch, Aug. 30, 1999
- From the perspective of software architecture, we
have found that collaborations are the soul of an
architecture, meaning that they represent
significant design decisions that shape the
systems overall architecture. - We have been using collaborations to capture the
semantics of e-business ...
25SAP View of Components(www.sap.com/banking)
- Quote A Business Component represents the
functionality of a set of semantically related
Business Objects and their standard business
interfaces, the BAPIs (Business Application
Programmer Interfaces). - In UML those components are called
26Example 1 outline
- ReadersWriters pattern
- Have a data structure with read and write methods
that are used in a multi-threaded environment - Rule
- no reader and at most one writer or
- several readers and no writer
27Example 1 plan
- Describe synchronization pattern as a UML-style
(Unified Modeling Language) collaboration. - Describe instantiation of pattern using an
28Example 1 collaboration
- collaboration ReadersWriters
- protected int activeReaders_ 0 ...
- participant DataToProtect
- expect Object read(Object args)
- expect void write(Object args)
- replace Object read(Object args) // around
- beforeRead() Object r expected(args)
- afterRead() return r
- replace write(Object args) // around
- beforeWrite() expected(args)
- afterWrite()
29Example 1 collaboration
- protected boolean allowReader()
- return waitingWriters_ 0
- activeWriters_ 0
- protected boolean allowWriter()
- return activeReaders_ 0
- activeWriters_ 0
- protected synchronized void beforeRead()
- waitingReaders_
- while (!allowReader())
- try wait() catch (...)
- -- waitingReaders_ activeReaders_
30Example 1 adapter
- adapter ReadersWritersUse
- MyHashtable is ReadersWriters.DataToProtect
- with
- read clone(), get(Object),
- contains(Object), elements(), isEmpty(),
- ...
- write clear(), put(Object,Object),
- remove(Object), ... // remaining
methods -
31Example 1 discussion
- Simple case one class only. Typical case one
collaboration affects many classes. - One collaboration may affect program at many
different join points. Collaboration localizes
many changes cutting across one or several
classes. - Adapter describes the crosscutting.
32Collaboration-adapter language
- We find it to be very expressive for AOP in
general - see OOPSLA 98 paper (Mezini/Lieberherr) and
follow-on technical report with David Lorenz
33Example 2 synchronization
- collaboration BoundedDataStructure
- participant D
- expect void put (Object o)
- expect Object take()
- expect int used()
- expect int length()
- protected boolean fullfalse protected
boolean emptytrue - replace synchronized void put (Object o)
- while (full) try wait()
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- expected()
- if (used()1) notifyall()
- emptyfalse
- if (used()length()) fulltrue
34Example 2 continued
- replace synchronized Object take (Object o)
- while (empty) try wait()
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- Object r expected()
- if (used()length() - 1) notifyall()
- fullfalse
- if (used()0) emptytrue return r
- // end participant
- // end collaboration
35Example 2 Adapter 1 Use the coordinator with
basic Buffer
- adapter BoundedDataStructureToBuffer
- Buffer is BoundedDataStructure.D
- with // adaptation body in Java
- void put (Object o) in(o)
- Object take() return out()
- int used() return usedSlots
- int length() return array.length
36Example 2 Adapter 2 Use the coordinator with
basic BoundedStack
- adapter BoundedDataStructureToMyStack
- BoundedStack is BoundedDataStructure.D
- with
- void put (Object o) push(o)
- Object take() return pop()
- int used() return size()
- int length() return limit()
- Implement required interface in terms of provided
interface. - The adaptation bodies are written in terms of
three self variables The environment of the
participant, the base environment and the adapter
environment. - Adapters express the crosscutting.
38A simple multi-class collaboration
- Solve simple counting problems
- Define Count collaboration and use it twice
- Demonstrates concept of adaptive programming used
in Demeter. - Aaptive programming is good to express certain
kinds of crosscuts in a robust way - Example of a functional aspect
39Example 3 Count Collaboration
collaboration Counting participant
Source expect TraversalGraph getT()
// new TraversalGraph(classGraph, //
new Strategy(from Source to Target)) public
int count () // traversal/visitor weaving
getT().traverse(this, new Visitor() int r
public void before(Target host) r
public void start() r 0 ) //
ClassGraph classGraph new ClassGraph()
40Example 3 Count Collaboration
participant Target
Use in Bus simulation example Source --
BusRoute Target -- Person
41Use 1
Count all persons waiting at any bus stop on a
bus route
from BusRoute via BusStop to Person
42Use 2
count all persons waiting at any bus stop on a
bus route
from BusRoute via BusStop to Person
43Adapter 1
- adapter CountingForBusRoute1
- BusRoute is Counting.Source
- with
- TraversalGraph getT() return
- new TraversalGraph(classGraph1,
- new Strategy(from BusRoute via
BusStop to Person)) -
- Person is Counting.Target
- // ClassGraph classGraph new ClassGraph()
44Adapter 2
- adapter CountingForBusRoute2
- BusRoute is Counting.Source
- with
- TraversalGraph getT() return
- new TraversalGraph(classGraph2,
- new Strategy(from BusRoute via
BusStop to Person)) -
- Person is Counting.Target
- // ClassGraph classGraph new ClassGraph()
- Program (collaboration and adapter) adapts to
changing class graph - Collaborations work well both for non-functional
aspects (like synchronization) as well as
functional aspects (like counting)
46Summary of three examples
- Enhance sequential data structure with
readers/writers synchronization policy add new
data for collaboration activeReaders_, ... - Enhance sequential, bounded data structure with
mutual exclusion synchronization policy add new
data full, empty. - Enhance program with counting behavior
47A special case of collaborationsPersonalities
- Only one collaborator
- We will use APPCs but personalities make a
simple case very understandable
48Popular Functions
49Mapping Popular Functions
50Personality - Concept
- Encapsulate popular functions independent of any
specific class hierarchy - Not abstract classes
- Embody one, and only one role
- Not interfaces (a-la Java)
- More constrained
- Contain behavior implementation
51Personality - Architecture
52Personality - Components
- Provided interface
- popular functions go here
- Required interface
- functions to be implemented by personifying class
- Private functions
- no visibility either upstream or downstream
- Role-specific attributes
- to keep the roles state
- Constructor
- to initialize the role-specific attributes
53Personality - Definition Syntax
54Personality as a collaboration
collaboration Flying participant
FlyingThing expect void takeOff(),
expect void ascend(), public void fly (int x,
int y,int altitude) takeOff()
55Personality - Usage Syntax
56Usage expressed with adapter
adapter FlyingBat Bat is Flying.FlyingThing
with void takeOff()
void ascend()
- Based on feedback from teaching the material ...
58Factoring out similarities that cut across
dominant decomposition
Specific Behavior 1
Generic Behavior
Specific Behavior 2
AOP solution less redundancy, cheaper, requires
tool support
Traditional solution redundancy
59Handling of Multiple Structures
Specific Counting
Generic Counting
Specific Counting
AOP solution less redundancy, cheaper, requires
tool support
Traditional solution redundancy
60Example The Publisher-Subscriber Protocol
- Have two collaborating participants
- collaboration PublisherSubscriberProtocol
- participant Publisher
- expect void changeOp(Object args)
- protected Vector subscribers new
Vector() - public void attach(Subscriber subsc)
- subscribers.addElement(subsc)
- public void detach(Subscriber subsc)
- subscribers.removeElement(subsc)
- replace void changeOp()
- expected()
- for (int i 0 i lt subscribers.size()
i) - ((Subscriber)subscribers.elementAt(i)
). - newUpdate(this)
- participant Subscriber
- expect void subUpdate(Publisher publ)
- protected Publisher publ
- public void newUpdate(Publisher aPubl)
- publ aPubl
- subUpdate(publ)
63Classes for deployment
- Class Point
- void set()
- class InterestedInPointChange
- void public notifyChange()
- System.out.println("CHANGE ...")
64Deployment 1
- adapter PubSubConn1
- Point is Publisher with
- changeOp set
- InterestedInPointChange is Subscriber with
- void subUpdate(Publisher publ)
- notifyChange()
- System.out.println(on Point object "
- ((Point) publ).toString())
65Deployment 1
Red expected replaced
Blue from adapter
changeOp calls newUpdate attach(Subscriber) deta
subUpdate(Publisher) newUpdate(Publisher)
subUpdate(Publisher) notifyChange()
66Deployment 2
- connector PubSubConn2
- TicTacToe is Publisher with
- changeOp startGame, newPlayer, putMark,
- endGame
- BoardDisplay, StatusDisplay is Subscriber
with - void subUpdate(Publisher publ)
- setGame((Game) publ)
- repaint()
67End insertion
68What is a collaboration?
- any identifiable slice of functionality that
describes a meaningful service, involving, in
general, several concepts, - with well-defined required and provided
interfaces, - formulated for an ideal ontology - the required
interface - subject to deployment into several concrete
ontologies by 3rd parties (instantiation of
collaboration) - subject to composition by 3rd parties
- subject to refinement by 3rd parties
An ontology is, in simple terms, a collection of
concepts with relations among them plus
constraints on the relations.
69Collaboration deployment/composition
- Deployment is mapping idealized ontology to
concrete ontology - specified by adapters separately from components
- without mentioning irrelevant details of concrete
ontology in map to keep deployment flexible - non-intrusive, parallel, and dynamic deployment
- Composition is mapping the provided interface of
(lower-level) components to the required
interface of a (higher-level) component - deployment is a special case of composition,
where the lower level - component is a concrete ontology (no
required interface)
70Using the required interface
- Two basic possibilities
- using them unchanged as subroutines calling
functions in the required interface to build
functions in the provided interface - modifying the functions in the required
interface wrapping them with additional
functionality and putting them into the provided
71Similarity to hardware description languages
- Hardware components
- input/output signals
- instantiated with actual parameters
- connected by wires (statically)
- primitive building blocks are gates (or, not) and
memory elements
- Software components
- input/output methods
- instantiated with actual parameters
- connected by adapters (statically or dynamically)
- primitive building blocks are basic classes with
basic methods
72Building Modular Object-Oriented Systems with
Reusable CollaborationsPart 2
- Karl Lieberherr, David Lorenz and Mira Mezini
73Part 2 Contents
- Problems with software structuring
data/functions - Reconciling data/functions
- A closer look at collaborations with
ShowReadAccess example - Inheritance between collaborations and adapters
74Problems with Software Structuring
Software Data (Shapes)
Functions (Colors)
1st Generation Spaghetti-Code
2nd 3rd Generation functional decomposition
75Problems with Functional Decomposition
- Disadvantage Data spread around
- integration of new data types gt
- modification of several functions
- functions tangled due to use of shared
- data
- Difficult to localize changes !
Advantage easy integration of new functions
76Problems with Object Decomposition
- Disadvantage functions spread around
- integration of new functions gt
- modification of several objects
- objects tangled due to higher-level
- functions involving several classes
- Difficult to localize changes !
Advantage easy integration of new data
77Problems with Object Decomposition
high-level behavior scattered around the
implementation of several classes
78Problems with Object Decomposition
During implementation separate higher-level functi
ons are mixed together
During maintenance/evolution individual
collaborations need to be factored out of
the tangled code
79So what?
NO !
So, lets organize!! Lets have component
constructs that capture functions cross
cutting class boundaries !! Lets have APPC to
reconcile functions and objects
80Reconciling objects and functionsthe intuition
behind collaborations/adapters
Concrete application
85Weaved Code
87A closer look at collaborations
- A slice of high-level, system/application level
functionality. Slice not self-contained. - High-level three meanings
- multi-party functionality involving several
participants - one participant may be mapped to a set of
otherwise not structurally related classes - two neighboring participants may be mapped to
classes that are far apart (many intermediate
- Publisher-subscriber protocol it applies in
general to multiple sets of classes in different
places in a system's object structure. - Logging execution behavior
- Synchronization
89Informal collaboration descriptionShowReadAccess
- For any data type in an application, say
DataToAccess, any read access operation, AnyType
readOp() defined for DataToAccess, and any
invocation of this operation on an instance of
DataToAccess called, dataInstance, display Read
access on ltstring representation of
90Example of a collaboration for ShowReadAccess
- collaboration ShowReadAccess
- participant DataToAccess
- expect Object readOp()
- replace Object readOp()
- System.out.println("Read access on "
- this.toString())
- return expected() // this calls the
- // expected version of readOp()
91Concrete class graph in Java
- class Point
- private int x 0
- private int y 0
- void set(int x,int y) this.x xthis.y
y - void setX(int x) this.x x
- void setY(int y) this.y y
- int getX() return this.x
- int getY() return this.y
- class Line ...
- class Rectangle ...
- adapter ShowReadAccessConn1
- Point is ShowReadAccess.DataToAccess
- with readOp get
- adapter ShowReadAccessConn3
- Point, Line, Rectangle
- is ShowReadAccess.DataToAccess
- with readOp get
93Inheritance between components
- collaboration ShowReadWriteAccess extends
ShowReadAccess - participant DataToAccess
- expect void writeOp(Object args)
- replace void writeOp(Object args)
- System.out.println(
- "Write access on "
- this.toString())
- expected(args)
94Inheritance between adapters
- adapter ShowReadWriteAccessConn2 extends
ShowReadAccessConn3 - Point,Line,Rectangle
- is DataToAccess with
- writeOp set
95Collaborations have flavor of classes
- Common
- Have local data and function members
- One collaboration can inherit from another
collaboration - Different
- collaboration/adapter separation. Adaptation code
is a part of the instantiation of the
96What are collaborations?
- Collaborations are language constructs that
capture behaviour involving several classes
(cross-cuts class boundaries) - the programmer uses classes to implement the
primary data (object) structure - the programmer uses collaborations to implement
higher-level behavior cross-cutting the primary
structure in a modular way
97What are collaborations?
- Collaborations have provided and required
interfaces - The required interface consists of an ideal class
graph (Participant Graph, PG) to enable defining
one aspect of the system with limited knowledge
about the object model and/or other aspects
defined by other collaborations - Collaborations can be deployed into PGs or
concrete class graphs and/or composed/refined by
3rd parties (reuse) by mapping interfaces via
explicit adapters.
98Collaborations (APPC)
minimal assumptions on application structure
Participant Graph
required interfaces
Behavior Definition
add new functionality enhance the required
provided everything declared public
written to the PG similar to an OO
program is written to a concrete class graph
99Collaboration Definition
- A set of participants forming a graph called the
participant graph (represented, e.g., by a UML
class diagram). Participant - formal argument to be mapped
- required function members (keyword expect)
- reimplementations (keyword replace)
- local data and function members
100Definition (continued)
- Local classes visibility collaboration
- Collaboration-level data and function members.
There is a single copy of each global data member
for each deployment
101Deployment/Composition of Collaborations
- Specified by adapters separately from
collaborations - Adapters use
- regular-expressions to express sets of method
names and class names and interface names - code where simple method name mapping is not
enough - graphs and regular expression-like constructs for
mapping graphs
102Deploying/Composing APPCs
participant-to-class name map
Participant Graph
required/provided adapters
link-to-paths map
Behavior Definition
APPC Compiler (CG-to-PG compatability?)
executable Java code
103Building Modular Object-Oriented Systems with
Reusable CollaborationsPart 3
- Karl Lieberherr, David Lorenz and Mira Mezini
104Part 3 Contents
- Connection to Law of Demeter
- Design issues with collaborations
- Application in EJB and XML
- Focus on adapters
- use of traversal strategies
- XPath (XML) and traversal strategies
- UML and collaborations
- Tools AP Library, DJ, Demeter/Java
- Summary
105Connection to Law of Demeter
- Law of Demeter and knowledge about structural
object model.
106Participant Graph Where Have We Seen That
Before ?
- Quote
- Avoid traversing multiple links or methods. A
method should have limited knowledge of an object
model. A method must be able to traverse links to
obtain its neighbors and must be able to call
operations on them, but it should not traverse a
second link from the neighbor to a third class.
Rumbaugh and the Law of Demeter (LoD)
107Adaptive Following LoD
- are not accidentally friends
- other classes exist for other reasons
- participant graph makes some
- far away classes into friends
aFrom S to A bFrom S to B cFrom S via X
to C
108Design issues
- What goes into collaborations and what goes into
adapters? - Depends on reuse of collaboration C.
- Consider n reuses of the same collaboration
A1(C), A2(C), ,An(C) - The goal is to put enough information into
collaboration C so that in the adapters there is
minimal repetition.
109Application to business modelling Analysis,
Design, Implementation
- Motivation
- How to eliminate redundancy from business
processes and how to systematically translate
them to implementations. - Technical problem/ Research question
- How to express processes in terms of
collaborations and adapters. How to add
implementation details using collaborations and
adapters. - The approach
- Develop an ideal business model for each business
process and describe process in that model. Use
(cross-cutting) adapters to instantiate processes
several times in big UML class graph. - Unanswered questions
- Interactions between processes (composition), Can
implementation be constructed using
collaborations and adapters?
110Aspect-oriented design
- Requires good abstraction skills.
- Find abstractions that
- can be reused (in a crosscutting manner) several
times so that the different reuses contain
minimal redundancy - can be adapted easily and robustly to the
changing contexts
111Program development view
Synthesis (adapters)
Separation of concerns
Desired System
Implementation model
Use Cases system issues
Collaborations (Role models)
112Are adapters really needed?
- No, see AspectJ.
- But limits reusability.
113An application in Java technology
- Separation of concerns an important issue in
Enterprise Java Beans. - Later also discuss XML application
114Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and collaborations
and adapters
- EJB a hot Java component technology from SUN/IBM
- Collaborations and adapters a conceptual tool
for the design of enterprise Java beans (and
other components)
115Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
- Addresses aspectual decomposition.
- An enterprise Bean provider usually does not
program transactions, concurrency, security,
distribution, persistence and other services into
the enterprise Beans. - An enterprise Bean provider relies on an EJB
container provider for these services.
- Beans
- Containers to manage and adapt the beans.
Intercept messages sent to beans and can execute
additional code. Similar to reimplementation of
required interface in collaboration.
117Collaborations for EJB design/implementation
- Use collaborations to model transactions,
concurrency, security, distribution and other
system level issues. Translate collaborations and
adapters to deployment descriptors (manually, or
by tool).
118Example Use APPC for EJB persistence
- As an example we consider how persistence is
handled by EJB containers. The deployment
descriptor of a bean contains an instance
variable ContainerManagedFields defining the
instance variables that need to be read or
written. This will be used to generate the
database access code automatically and protects
the bean from database specific code.
119Collaboration Persistence
- collaboration Persistence PerMem p
- participant Source
- expect Target targets
- expect void writeOp()
- // for all targets writeOp
- participant Target
- expect void writeOp()
- replace void writeOp()
- // write to persistent memory p
- expected()
- adapter PersistenceConn1
- ClassGraph g // from Company to
- Company is Persistence.Source
- Nodes(g) is Persistence.Target
- with writeOp write
- // must be the same writeOp for both
- // Source and Target
121Generate deployment descriptor
- Adapter contains information about
ContainerManagedFields - Adapter localizes information it is not spread
through several classes
122AOP idea in XML
- Java server page contains
- XML description (concern structure of info.)
- Java code (concern how to compute info.)
- XSL description (concern how to display
information) - Three integrated concerns Structure, Retrieval,
123Focus on adapters
- Adapters map generic behavior to concrete
behavior. It would be helpful if they could be
made robust to structural changes - If the participant graph of a collaboration needs
to be embedded into a complex application class
graph, the adapter might be brittle with respect
to changes in the class graph.
124Earlier viewgraph Adapter 2
- adapter CountingForBusRoute2
- BusRoute is Counting.Source
- with
- TraversalGraph getT() return
- new TraversalGraph(classGraph2,
- new Strategy(from BusRoute via
BusStop to Person)) -
- Person is Counting.Target
- // ClassGraph classGraph new ClassGraph()
125Traversal Strategies
- Specification and Efficient Implementation
- (Graph Theory of OOP/OOD)
126What they can do
- Define subgraphs succinctly
- Define path sets succinctly
- Applications
- define cross-cutting functions
- writing adaptive programs
- marshaling objects
- storing objects persistently
- etc.
127Applications of Traversal Strategies
- Defining mapping from high-level graph to a
low-level graph without committing to all details
of low-level graph in definition of mapping.
Low-level graph is parameter to definition of
mapping. - Exploit structure of low-level graph in
definition of mapping.
128S is a traversal strategy for G
A s
129Other applications of traversal strategies
- Specify mapping between graphs (adapters)
- Advantage mapping does not have to refer to
details of lower level graph ? robustness - Specify traversals through graphs
- Specification does not have to refer to details
of traversed graph ? robustness - Specify function compositions
- without referring to detail of API ? robustness
130Other applications of traversal strategies
- Specify range of generic operations such as
comparing, copying, printing, etc. - without referring to details of class graph ?
robustness. Used in Demeter/Java. Used in
distributed computing marshalling, D, AspectJ
library (Xerox PARC)
131Traversal strategy definitionembedded, positive
- Given a graph G, a strategy graph S of G is any
connected subgraph of the transitive closure of
G. - The transitive closure of G(V,E) is the graph
G(V,E), where E(v,w) there is a path from
vertex v to vertex w in G.
132S is a strategy for G
A s
- Seems strange define a strategy for a graph but
strategy is independent of graph. - Many very different graphs can have the same
strategy. - Better A graph G is an instance of a graph S, if
S is a connected subgraph of the transitive
closure of G. (call G concrete graph, S
abstract graph).
134Discussion important is concept of
- A graph G is an instance of a graph S, if S is a
connected subgraph of the transitive closure of
G. (call G concrete graph, S abstract graph). - A graph S is an abstraction of graph G iff G is
an instance of S.
135Improved definition
- Want a stronger form of instance called
refinement. Based on experience. - Concept of graph refinement A graph G is a
refinement of a graph S, if S is a connected
subgraph of the pure transitive closure of G with
respect to the node set of S.
136Pure transitive closure
- The pure transitive closure of G(V,E) with
respect to a subset W of V is the graph
G(V,E), where E(i,j) there is a W-pure
path from vertex i to vertex j in G. - A W-pure path from i to j is a path where i and j
are in W and none of the inner points of the path
are in W.
137G1 compatible G2
Compatible connectivity of G2 is in G1
138G1 strong refinement G2
refinement connectivity of G2 is in pure form in
G1 and G1 contains no new connections in terms
of nodes of G2
139G1 refinement G2
refinement connectivity of G2 is in pure form in
G1 Allows extra connectivity.
140XPath navigation language of XML
- A subset of the traversal strategies navigation
language (for adaptive navigation) is contained
in Xpath - Can write robust XML code using same techniques
as in Demeter - //Chapter//Paragraph from Root via Chapter to
141Xpath capabilities for emulating traversal
- The main way is by using //Target so the
topology of the Class Graph can have the freedom
to change while we are still able to get to the
Target - used //Target1//Target2 to emulate Demeter's
"via". - one can use //not Target1//Target2 to emulate
Demeter's "bypass" - (for all these the source is the selected
142Xpath capabilities for emulating traversal
- by using combinations of one or both ways within
a path description ex //Node1/Node2//Target will
emulate a Demeter "via -gtNode1,,Node2" (via
- Is both more powerful and less powerful than
traversal strategy language - Traversal strategy language is more powerful
because a traversal specification can be an
arbitrary graph - Xpath is more powerful because it can express
conditional traversals
144Collaborations in UML 1.1
- UML A collaboration consists of a set of
ClassifierRoles and AssociationRoles. A
ClassifierRole specifies one participant of a
collaboration. A collaboration may be presented
at two levels specification-level and instance-
level. - APPC A collaboration consists of a set of
participants and a participant graph. We use same
terminology for specification and instance level.
- Correspondences participant graphnodes
ClassifierRoles, participant graphedges
145Collaborations in UML 1.1
- UML Each participant specifies the required set
of features a conforming instance must have. The
collaboration also states which associations must
exist between participants. - APPC Each participant has a required interface.
The participant graph is part of the required
interface. - Correspondences Both separate behavior from
structure. Both use the UML class diagram
notation to specify the associations between
participants. ClassifierRole names start with a
146Collaborations in UML 1.1
- The term of classifier role and classifier is
strange. Why not use participant role and
participant? - The base classifier must have a subset of the
features required by the classifier role. With
APPC we are more flexible we have an adapter
that allows to implement the required features.
The base classifier must only provide enough
ingredients to implement the required
147Collaborations in UML 1.1
- UML A collaboration may also reference needed
for expressing structural requirements such as
generalizations between the classifiers - APPC All structural requirements are
represented by the participant graph.
148Collaborations in UML 1.1
- UML An interaction specifies the communication
between a set of interacting instances performing
a specific task. Not sufficient to generate code. - APPC Interactions are specified using Java code
or Interaction Schemata, an improved form of
interaction diagrams (see TOOLS 99 paper by
Sangal, Farrel, Lieberherr, Lorenz).
149Tools available from Demeter Group
- AP Library very good implementation of traversal
strategies based on automata theory for
important kind of crosscutting - DJ For expressing visitor-style collaborations
using only Java - No tool yet that supports all features of
collaborations and adapters presented here
150Tool Demeter/Java how can XML use OO/AOP?
Schema (similar to an XML schema) Object
descriptions (e.g., XML documents)
Demeter produces Java classes with basic
capabilities to process descriptions parser,
various kind of visitor classes for printing,
copying, comparing, etc. Java objects
e.g., produced by the parser from object
Behavior (Java with support for traversal/visitor
programming) Synchronization descriptions
(COOL) Remote invocation/data transfer
descriptions (RIDL)
151Some Related Work
- Other groups (see Demeter home page)
- Xerox PARC influential AOP paper applies AOP to
other areas than OO. AspectJ tool. - IBM Watson Research Lab. Subject-Oriented
Programming. Multidimensional separation of
concerns. Hyper/J tool. - University of Twente (Netherlands) Composition
Filters - etc.
152Summary of tutorial
- Collaborations (an improved form of UML
collaborations or role modeling collaborations)
are suitable for expressing object-oriented
systems in a more modular way following the ideas
of aspect-oriented programming. - Traversal strategies are convenient to express
common crosscutting robustly.
- More information www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter